"Keep staring," Gu Nanyan said.

Although they don't know the purpose of those people, but they don't hesitate to take risks and rob prisoners, Sun Chengding still has his use value.

It's just that they don't know which force is behind them.

If she had followed her previous temperament, no matter who was behind him, she would have brought her 40-meter broadsword to the opponent's lair.

But today is different from the past, she is a person of status now, and it would be inappropriate to do what she did before.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is now self-cultivating and rehabilitated, she is no longer what she used to be!
Definitely not because of laziness!

Gu Nanyan nestled in the chair, lazily raised his eyelids, and waved Long San back.

Long San took the task and left happily.

The concubine said that this is his chance to redeem his crimes. After this mission is over, the merits and demerits will be equalized, and the prince will spare him the guilt of losing the Mo Ling.

This time it was just monitoring a few people, it was much safer than those missions of beating and killing, Long San felt that he had taken a big advantage.

"Go and ask the prince to come over." Gu Nanyan instructed Yun Xi.

Yun Xi was about to back down when she drooped her head, as usual, she was obedient and obedient.

"By the way, how are you thinking about the matter with Long Yi?" Gu Nanyan asked suddenly.

Originally, I wanted to ask her a few days ago, but by chance, the matter of the Wu family was exposed.

Yun Xi was startled, she didn't expect Gu Nanyan to mention this matter.

"Slaves are everything but up to the master." She lowered her head and said with a calm expression on her face, if it wasn't for the fact that Gu Nanyan's sweep made her ears turn red, she would have acted as if she didn't care at all.

Gu Nanyan was amused in her heart, and thought of teasing her.

Deliberately sternly pondered for a moment: "Since you listen to Ben Gong for everything, then Ben Gong will give you a reference."

She cleared her throat.

"Although Long Yi is not weak in martial arts, he is unsatisfactory as a husband. He is dull, boring, and does not want to make progress. He has been a secret guard for more than ten years and has not seen any achievements, let alone his wealth is not half that of yours."

She said that these were purely teasing Yun Xi, Long Yi was indeed a bit dull, and probably he would never be able to get rid of his identity as a secret guard in this life.

However, according to her observation, this person is kind and righteous, and his character is excellent, even if he is a little poor, it doesn't matter, Yunxi married him just for relying on.

Besides, with her around, they couldn't live in poverty.

Gu Nanyan was joking, but Yunxi listened to her words.

She frowned and thought about her words seriously, and nodded in agreement.

"It's still the master who is thoughtful, and the slaves never thought of this before."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It seems that I said the wrong thing.

Seeing Yunxi's serious expression, Gu Nanyan's heart skipped a beat.

She shouldn't be able to beat mandarin ducks with a stick.


One minute of silence for Long Yi.

"But this kind of thing doesn't just look at the superficial things. If you like him, his future and wealth don't necessarily have to be better than yours."

Gu Nanyan felt a little sorry for Long Yi, and tried to save him.

She really didn't expect this girl to be so obedient, she would believe whatever she said.

"The concubine is right. It doesn't matter if he is inferior to me. It's just convenient for me to handle him."

Yun Xi took it for granted when she heard the words, and automatically commented on Gu Nanyan's words.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Girl, can we stand firm?

Let me tell you that it will be easy for you to get divorced in the future.

"And his body, I heard that his waist is not very good."

She paused, and for some unknown reason, she gave Long Yi another wave of eye drops.

Yun Xi: "..."

Yun Xi recalled the boxes of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan she had given back at the beginning, and the rumors about Long Yi's bad waist spread throughout the house because of this.

And it was her master who gave Long Yi Liuwei Dihuang Pills.

At this moment, she couldn't understand that Gu Nanyan was teasing her.

"Princess, my servant sees that you are living too leisurely, why don't you give birth to a little master with the prince earlier, so as to save you from always making fun of us servants."

Yun Xi backhanded Yijun, and gave her a white look angrily.


When Li Yi heard Yunxi say that his wife was calling, he immediately dropped what he was doing and ran over.

Gu Nanyan first discussed Yun Xi and Long Yi's marriage with him.

"I think these two people are very interesting to each other, why not let them settle down while there is still time recently."

One month later, she was going to go to war, and she didn't want Yunxi to follow her across the mountains and across the sea, and Li Yi also wanted to keep Long Yi in the mansion.

Just taking advantage of this time to allow the two to spend more time together, it should be considered as a wedding leave for them.

Maybe when she and Li Yi come back from Yangguo, both of them will have children, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.

Li Yi nodded, looking at the sparkle in her eyes.

"Everything is up to you, it's just that time is tight, I'm afraid I will wrong your girl."

As for Long Yi, being able to marry a daughter-in-law is a high incense, there is no grievance or grievance.

Gu Nanyan also felt that the time was a bit rushed, but there was nothing he could do about it. I don't know how long it would take until they returned from the expedition.

"Then let Long Yi prepare more dowry gifts."

Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea, and met Li Yi's eyes while talking.

"For our side, Yunxi prepares a dowry herself, and I also prepared some for her, not many, just six shops and two Zhuangzi."

"What about you, how much dowry do you plan to give?" she asked.

Now that they have decided to get them married, it's time to discuss the dowry.

Neither of them had elders around, so they could only take care of her as the master.

Yun Xi has been with her for so long, she will definitely not lose her dowry.

Li Yi was silent. He knew that his daughter-in-law valued Yun Xi, so he would definitely add some to her dowry, but he never expected her to be so generous.

In fact, he also planned to give Long Yi three shops as a gift for his wedding.

It stands to reason that this number is already quite a lot, after all he has more than one subordinate, Long Yi, who always wants a bowl of water to be flat, and whoever gets married in the future will be given three shops.

But my daughter-in-law is so generous, she sold six shops, and Zhuangzi.

This comparison, it seems that he is a bit too picky as a male master.

"According to the specifications you gave, let's double it here."

Anyway, he is the most trusted person around him, so give more than others, as for being fair to other subordinates...

Li Yi felt that it depended on whether they could live up to their expectations.

If he wants to live up to his expectations, he will not be stingy about finding a backstage master who is as tough and generous as Yun Xi.

If you don't live up to it...

Then don't blame him for being petty.

Who told Yun Xi to have a lot of dowry!

But this Long Yi is really costly to raise, so I need to assign him some work in the future.

Gu Nanyan expressed his satisfaction, and then told him about the Wuming Temple.

"I've asked Long San to keep an eye on them. Recently, they have been inspected strictly inside and outside the city. I'm not afraid that they will run away for a while. I plan to see what they do next. It's best to catch them all at once, so as not to leave trouble."

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