The farmer has a mall

Chapter 977 You are so nice

"Princess, is the little prince in our mother's womb really all right?" Nanny Jin asked anxiously.

The emperor's heir is the foundation of the women in the palace. After so many years, the empress finally got into the eyes of the emperor. From now on, she will rely on this child to be his favorite, so don't be surprised.

Nanny Jin was so worried that she wanted Gu Nanyan to give her master another pulse, but she hesitated when she thought of Concubine Yan's repulsive appearance just now.

"It's not a big problem so far."

Gu Nanyan flicked his sleeves, and took a deep look at Concubine Yan.

"But it's not necessarily the case after another toss. No matter what the reason is, children should not be the means to achieve your goals."

She turned around and left as she said, and paused when she reached the door.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, although the efficacy of the medicinal smell will be halved, if you continue to use it, something will happen to the fetus within three days, and it will not be as simple as a premature birth."

Gu Nanyan turned her head to look at Concubine Yan's eyes, and said lightly, "If you still want a healthy child, I suggest you get rid of that thing as soon as possible."

Yan Fei's face instantly turned pale when she heard this, the corner of her mouth trembled unconsciously, and her fingers nervously clenched the quilt.

Jin Momo was confused by what she heard, and seeing Gu Nanyan walking away, she wanted to ask Concubine Yan if she knew what she meant.

As a result, she looked stimulated.

"Your Majesty, you..." Nanny Jin's career in the harem for so many years was not in vain. Seeing her like this, she knew that she must know something. .

She walked to the side of the bed and squatted down in disbelief, looking at Concubine Yan's sallow face with a complicated expression.

"What are you talking about...but that thing last night?"

Concubine Yan pursed her lips and remained silent, a guilty conscience flashed in her eyes.

Nanny Jin still didn't understand, if it wasn't for her status, she would have pointed at her nose and scolded her for being stupid.

"Didn't this old slave tell you that you can't listen to that person for everything? Your current emperor is favored and pregnant with a prince. Even without his help, you won't be much worse. Why bother? The emperor knows..."

Murdering the emperor's heir is a serious crime against the Nine Clan, even if she is the child's biological mother.

Aunt Jin sighed repeatedly and stamped her feet anxiously.

What worries her most now is Gu Nanyan's side.

Seeing her look like that, she obviously guessed something, otherwise she wouldn't have left such inexplicable words.

If she went to the emperor to sue the empress, let alone pampering her in the future, she might be cast into the cold palace after the child was born.

Concubine Yan was also a little scared at this time. Thinking of Gu Nanyan's words before leaving, she hurriedly took out a sachet from under the pillow, struggled for a long time, and finally handed it to Grandma Jin together with the letter she put together.

"Take it out and burn it, remember to go far away, and be careful not to be discovered..."


Yun Xi hid on the tile roof under the cover of night, and her eyes fell on the bundle in the arms of Grandma Jin who was sneaking to the kitchen.

"Master, do you need a servant to grab the burden?" Yun Xi asked Gu Nanyan who was beside her.

Gu Nanyan squatted there with her head tilted to eat melon seeds, thinking about something for a long while without saying a word.

It wasn't until Grandma Jin left and returned to Concubine Yan's bedroom that she held the melon seeds and waved her hand.

"No need, so as not to startle the snake."

Concubine Yan and Mingshan City, the destination of another letter, do have one thing in common.

She probably knew what the people in the Wuming Temple were doing.

After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, he continued to crack sunflower seeds, the crackling sound was very clear at night.

Yun Xi lowered her head, watching the melon seed shells all over the floor slipping down the eaves, and was silent.

By chance, a group of patrolling Imperial Guards came up. I don't know if they were really blind or pretending to be deaf. No one raised their head to look at them. They sauntered away with the crunch of melon seed peels.

The footsteps were extremely panicked.

Yun Xi: "..."

"Then let's go out of the palace, the prince is still waiting for you to eat."

Don't embarrass these forbidden soldiers here, if they arrest you, it's not because they didn't arrest you, but you are sorry for the salary.The commander of the imperial army even looked at you several times.

Gu Nanyan's eyes followed the ranks of the Imperial Guards, and he nodded politely, constantly chewing melon seeds on his lips.

"Okay, I'll leave after I finish eating this handful of melon seeds."

Yun Xi: "..."

The commander of the imperial army who had just walked to their feet: "..."

Fortunately, I was just eating melon seeds and didn't ask him for a cup of tea to rinse my mouth before leaving.

Yun Xi coaxed Gu Nanyan back to the house with great difficulty, and when she entered, she saw Li Yi waiting for her to eat.

This is Li Yi's habit. As long as he is in the house, he will definitely wait for her to have a meal with him.

Just now I had eaten a lot of melon seeds in the palace, and I ate some pastries in the car on the way back. Gu Nanyan was actually not very hungry.

When he heard Li Yi ordering his servants to bring the food to heat up, he still sat down at the dining table.

Li Yi is a very attentive man. As long as he is around, the food will always include meat and vegetables, unlike Gu Nanyan who only eats meat when he eats alone.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan didn't like green vegetables, he ordered the kitchen to chop vegetables into fine powder, mix them into meat in different ways, or make vegetable meatballs, or make vegetable porridge. Let Gu Nanyan take a few mouthfuls.

It's that his parents don't bother to take care of the children.

"In the future, when I come back late, you can eat first, and you don't have to wait for me to come back every time."

Gu Nanyan's tone was gentle, and he couldn't bear to hear Li Yi's stomach growl.

"I'm willing to wait for you." Li Yi let out a chuckle from his throat.

He said jokingly: "The princess is beautiful and delicious, but I can't eat without you."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, this guy knew how to tease her, he was making rapid progress.

I think back when she took his hand for the first time, I don't know whose face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Oh, you treat me like a meal?" She purposely put on a straight face and looked angry.

Li Yi didn't feel any fear, but nodded in affirmation.

"Indeed, the king has no choice but to live with you now, and I'm afraid I will not be able to live without you, so for the sake of this king's life, let the princess be wronged to stay with me in this life and the next."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Did I tease you like this?

She cleared her throat, pretending to be calm and said, "Maybe you will get tired of eating one day..."

"Will not."

Li Yixiao's foxy eyes narrowed to a slit, full of amusement.

"My king is timid, I am afraid that you will send me to accompany Eunuch Zhao."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Although she did say that if Li Yi dared to gossip outside, she would destroy him...

But he even knew what he said when he beat up Li Mi, it seems that the people who were placed in the palace were quite capable.

If she didn't know his character, she would have suspected that this guy had been watching her all the time.

"It's good to know that you are afraid."

Gu Nanyan hummed and gave him a piece of fish. In a rare act of kindness, she helped him pick out the fish bones.

Li Yi looked at the fish in the bowl, and the corners of his smiling mouth almost reached behind his ears.

He ate up the fish in the bowl first, then looked up at Gu Nanyan's fair face.

Stretch out slender fingers to pin the broken hair from her temples behind her ears.

"Yanyan, you are so kind."

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