The farmer has a mall

Chapter 978 Yun Xi gets married

No matter how thick-skinned Gu Nanyan was, he blushed at this moment.

She turned her head away uncomfortably, and the place where Li Yi's fingers touched was hot.

She rubbed her reddish cheeks and muttered, "Just eat, don't touch anything."

Li Yi didn't care about her complaining tone. Instead, he felt that she was a bit cute at the moment and couldn't help but chuckle.

Gu Nanyan was embarrassed and glared at him fiercely.

Li Yi hurriedly suppressed his smile and put a fried meatball in her bowl with great desire for survival.

"It's all my fault. I didn't eat or sleep. It's because I lost my temper."

He admitted his mistake sincerely, and his eyes were full of seriousness, which made Gu Nanyan speechless.

"By the way, I have asked Long Er to track the person who sent the message in the direction of Mingshan City. I think there will be news back in a few days. Do you have any thoughts on this matter?"

Li Yi stopped when he saw it was good, tasted the fish in the bowl carefully, and talked about business by the way.

Gu Nanyan nodded: "I probably know who the other party is going for. Before entering the palace today, Nan Mei has already taken people away. I will tell you in detail when the news is confirmed."

She doesn't need so many people to protect her when she lives in the palace, not to mention that she has Yun Xi by her side, so Nan Mei and the others have been training at the secret guard camp recently.

She sent the news early in the morning and Nan Mei set off.

"Okay, if you need help or ask for information, just go to Long Yi directly."

It was a matter of Gu Nanyan's fiefdom, so Li Yi couldn't interfere too much and could only provide help when she needed it.

But he felt that with his daughter-in-law's abilities, he might not need to do anything.

Li Yi wanted to sigh. His wife was so smart and capable, but she had to solve everything by herself, which made him seem a little incompetent.

But he didn't think it was bad, in fact he felt quite proud.

Such a powerful wife, his!

There is only one in the world, and others can't marry if they want to.

Under Gu Nanyan's crazy look, Li Yi curled his lips the whole time and finished two large bowls of rice complacently.

They are really two big bowls, the top ones.

And then... I accumulated food.

It was late at night and he couldn't just sleep like this, so he took Gu Nanyan and walked with him in the garden for more than an hour. Gu Nanyan's fists became hard after walking around before he went back to the house to wash up and rest.


On the day of Long Yi and Yun Xi's wedding, Prince Sheng's palace was filled with joy and was decorated with red silk and red lanterns.

At the entrance of the mansion, the gift-giving servants of each family formed a long queue, blocking the entrance of the alley.

It stands to reason that as two people, the wedding shouldn't be so grand.

But Gu Nanyan thought that with Yun Xi following her and doing the servant's work as a secret guard, it was unjustifiable not to give her a grand wedding.

Furthermore, she also wanted to let Long Yi know how much she valued Yun Xi, so as to prevent Yun Xi from being bullied at her husband's house.

Only then did they discuss with Li Yi to hold the wedding banquet at Prince Sheng's Mansion.

Her worries were unnecessary.

Long Yi knew that she valued Yun Xi, and before the engagement, the prince who turned his elbow in had already warned him solemnly.

He said that if Yunxi was wronged by him, even if the concubine killed him, he would not be able to stop her.

In fact, there is no need for the prince to warn him. If one day he really feels wronged by Yun Xi, he will have to give himself two slaps even if the princess doesn't say anything.

The wedding banquet was held in a lively manner, and although the people who stayed to eat were all butlers and low-ranking officials who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to build relationships, the news that Gu Nanyan valued Yun Xi spread throughout the mansions.

From today on, even if she no longer works by Gu Nanyan's side, no one would dare to look down on her.

Of course, Yun Xi said that she never wanted to leave her master's side unless she died!
Regarding this wedding, before Yun Xi had time to be moved, she was dazed by the next surprise.The day before the wedding, Gu Nanyan sent someone to pick up Yunchu in a steam car.

At her wedding, she was blessed by the only relative she had ever seen. Even though Yunxi had a coffin-like face, she couldn't hold back, and her tears fell to the ground like broken beads...

Then he left the dumbfounded groom, turned his feet in front of all the guests, and threw himself into Gu Nanyan's arms.

Long Yi:? ? ?
Gu Nanyan: "..."

Li Yi:! ! !

"Master, I am afraid that I will never be able to repay your kindness in this lifetime." Yun Xi choked with sobs.

She usually abides by the dignity of master and servant, but now she doesn't care so much. She tightly hugs Gu Nanyan's waist and buries her face on her shoulder. Tears streaked across her delicate makeup and fell on Gu Nanyan. .

Her clothes were all wet.

Gu Nanyan patted her shoulder, stared at Long Yi's resentful eyes, and said amusedly: "Who told you to pay it back? Besides, I didn't do anything..."

"To you, these are nothing, but slaves never dare to expect extravagantly, master..."

Yun Xi let go of her and sniffed.

"From now on, I will be a slave to you. I will go to the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire without blinking an eye!"

In fact, even without this surprise, she would still do her best for her master, but she didn't know how to express her feelings at the moment and just wanted to tell Gu Nanyan what she thought.

Seeing her red eyes, Gu Nanyan softened her heart, took the red hipa in her hand, and wiped away her tears.

He teased: "That can't be done. From today on, you are not only the person next to me, but also Long Yi's wife. If I let you go to the sword mountain and the sea of ​​​​fire, Long Yi will not fight with me?"

"He dares!" Yun Xi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and turned to look at Long Yi, who looked like he was about to eat someone.

"If he dares to be disrespectful to the master, even if I die and become a ghost, I will have to climb up to find him to settle the score!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It doesn't have to be that serious...

Why don't you let him go if you have such deep hatred and hatred?

Seeing the corners of Long Yi's mouth pulled down, looking heartbroken, Gu Nanyan felt that she should smooth things over and save this marriage that was already in jeopardy before it even started.

She quickly comforted Yun Xi and said, "He really doesn't dare. I can kill him with one finger. You have no need to worry."

Everyone: "..."

The audience was silent and silent.

Long Yi: "..."

Ha ha.

This place is very well rounded, but I still don’t want it in the future.

Although he knew that he really couldn't beat the princess.

But don't say it!

Long Yi deeply felt that if the princess continued to talk, he would probably be disliked by his wife, so he quickly sent a signal to Li Yi asking for help.

Li Yi had long been unhappy with Yun Xi's embrace of his wife and wouldn't let go. He strode up to Gu Nanyan and held them both in his arms.

He whispered in Gu Nanyan's ear: "You and I may make everyone present too cautious here, why don't we go back first, and let Yun Xi come to serve you early tomorrow morning."

Gu Nanyan also noticed that the guests' eyes were on him and Li Yi, and they were a little overwhelmed, so he agreed: "Okay... But there is no need to be so anxious to get Yun Xi back. Let's give them a few more days off."

After all, we are newlyweds, so it would be a bit inhumane not to give someone a day off for the wedding.

Li Yi naturally relied on her in everything, holding her hand and leaving the scene under the glare of everyone's eyes.

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