The farmer has a mall

Chapter 981 Song Weiming Manager Song

Another time and space, Tianxuan Time and Space Resource Management Bureau.

Xuan Yu sat impatiently in the pure white conference room, watching the several supervisors sitting opposite frowning.

"Didn't I tell you that I have to think about cooperating with you over there? I won't be bothered by it all day long!" He wiped his hair anxiously.

Since his sister promised to consider coming back to help last time, there has been no movement in the main system, and this time even the contact information has been hidden, which makes Xuanyu extremely depressed.

What made him even more depressed was that some of these people were already in contact with their rivals openly and for legitimate reasons. They said they were for the sake of the company, and he couldn't stop them even if he wanted to.

Xuanyu's gloomy gaze fell on the man sitting opposite him on the sofa.

"Manager Song is also here to persuade me to cooperate there?"

The man is about 50 to [-] years old. His hair is half white. He wears gold-rimmed glasses and gray casual clothes. He is slightly stout.

There was a woman next to him hugging his arm. The woman had a big wave of hair, red lips, and a modified cheongsam with slits that almost reached her waist.

This woman is Feng Yi who often finds trouble with Xuanyu.

The man is her best friend and the person with the most power in the company besides him and his sister - the company manager Song Weiming.

The man felt his gaze, smiled elegantly at him, and raised his hand to push up the frame of his glasses.

"I just came over to take a look and hear what you think." He said cheerfully.

Then he looked at the supervisors who had their heads lowered and said kindly: "Young people are all begging me, so it's hard for me to ignore them, right?"

Xuan Yu sneered: "You have to take care of the junior's mischief. If something happens to the company, you have nothing to worry about."

"Oh, how can you say this is nonsense? If something happens to the company, everyone is anxious, so they get together to brainstorm. Besides, when Xiaotian was here, he repeatedly emphasized that our senior management should treat employees well and actively listen to the opinions of young people. I This is also the implementation of Xiaotian’s management principles.”

Song Weiming smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, but his eyes hidden behind his gold-rimmed glasses flashed from time to time.

When he mentioned the word "Xiaotian", his eyes narrowed almost invisible.

The sarcasm on Xuanyu's lips became more and more obvious when he heard this.

"If nothing else, Manager Song has become a lot more courageous recently."

"Xiaotian? I hope you will dare to call my sister this when she comes back."

His sister was notoriously unpredictable, and as his younger brother, he was afraid of her, and even the supervisors in the company didn't dare to let go of anything when they saw her.

Naturally, this includes the man named Song in front of him.

As long as her sister stood in front of this person, he would be as honest as a quail.

His words made Song Weiming's smiling face unable to hold on any longer, and his face became visibly gloomy.

Seeing him deflated, Xuan Yu's gloomy heart suddenly became clear, and he glanced at the restless people with a bit of pride.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. I have recorded everything you did today. When my sister comes back..."

"Everyone is just worried about the future of the company. We are afraid that you, the second shareholder, can't manage the company well and damage the company's interests. That's why we came here to advise you. Even if Master Xuantian comes back, he will only praise them for thinking about the company. "

Feng Yi, who had been silent all this time, sneered when he saw this: "You make it sound like we are harming the company."

"Yes, we are also doing it for the company's good. Boss, you may have misunderstood us." The supervisors agreed one after another.

"Cooperating with that side is the only way at the moment. We heard that the main system has lost contact again. You can't suppress it at all, unless Lord Xuantian comes back..."

"Master Xuantian is in other time and space, and he can only come back through the main system. But judging from the current situation, everything is a conspiracy of the main system. How can it bring Master Xuantian back willingly?"

"That's right, and we can't just solve the problem if Master Xuantian is not around..."

"You know how to use Master Xuantian's name to pressure others. If you are not satisfied, you should think of a way to help the company get through this difficulty!"

Obviously, Xuanyu's recent passive sabotage has caused a backlash from everyone, expressing their dissatisfaction.Xuanyu wanted to refute, wanted to say that his sister would definitely come back, and asked these people to wait for a few more days.

But the main system lost contact again...

He can't say, "My sister has promised to consider it, and she will take the initiative to contact me when she thinks about it, but the time is uncertain."

If these words were said, the resistance of the people present would probably be even more serious.

Xuanyu was extremely irritable. How long had her sister been gone and these people couldn't wait to rebel?
There were constant accusations from the other side, but Song Weiming looked at his jokes leisurely like a good old man.

Xuan Yu was so angry that he almost flipped the table over.
Just when he couldn't help but burst out, there was a sudden mechanical sound among the noisy voices.

"When your ancestor calls, brat, pick it up quickly. When your ancestor calls, brat, pick it up quickly..."

Xuanyu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The corner of Xuan Yu's mouth twitched and he subconsciously looked at the communication device on his wrist.

Sure enough, it showed Gu Nanyan's profile photo with a face-offending face.

Xuanyu: ...The main system is playing tricks on him. Not to mention changing the ringtone for him, even the avatar is so... fresh and refined.

I just don’t know if her sister knows.

Although he complained in his heart that the main system was not a good person, he was still very happy to receive the call from his sister.

Song Weiming, who was opposite him, frowned and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Xiaoyu, who is looking for you? If there is something urgent, why don't you answer first?"

The smile at the corner of Song Weiming's mouth was a little stiff.

Although Xuanyu is not as courageous as his sister, he is still a difficult master. If someone offends him, he will hold a grudge for the rest of his life and will not give up until he takes revenge.

I'm afraid that's the only person who dares to claim to be his ancestor.

Thinking of Xuan Tian's cold face that looked like it crawled out of a hole in the ice, Song Weiming's eyelids jumped and the hand on his side clenched unconsciously.

It was hard not to be noticed by Feng Yi who was next to him.

Feng Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, smiling sarcastically and confused.

This is the human heart. Even though you know you are not a good person, you still cautiously test yourself and try to get something that does not belong to you.

In the end, it was all in vain.

Xuan Yu, who received the call from Gu Nanyan, felt relieved all over and looked at Song Weiming's face like a palette with gloating.

Then, under the intense gaze of the other party, he swiped the call interface into the air, and then pressed the connect button.

Following his movements, Gu Nanyan's photo posted on her face was replaced by her own... face in front of the screen.

Seeing that the video was connected, Xuan Yu turned around and raised his voice to Song Weiming: "Who else could it be? Of course it's the Xiaotian you mentioned."

Song Weiming: "..."

Although the appearance of the person on the screen was different from before, he didn't know why. The moment the video was connected, he suddenly felt a chill running from the soles of his feet to the back of his head, and his whole body froze.

"Who is Xiaotian?" The person opposite asked.

Song Weiming: "..."

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