The farmer has a mall

Chapter 982 You Are Too Ugly

"Sister, Manager Song is calling you. You should remember that your name is Xuan Tian." Xuan Yu said with ill intentions.

It doesn't matter whether he remembers it or not, he mainly serves as a reminder.

Gu Nanyan frowned and tilted his head to think.

"I can't remember clearly... So which elder of the Xuan family are you? What's wrong with me?" she asked Song Weiming.

Song Weiming was startled, "No, it's okay, I just suddenly thought of you..."

Facing Gu Nanyan's eyes that seemed to penetrate the screen, he subconsciously straightened his body.

"It's nothing, why are you yelling? You're sick!"

Forget it if this is just a pretty boy. He looks like Mr. Xu, who is almost as old as him. He talks about what a little girl is doing and calls her Xiaotian so close.

She had reason to suspect that this ugly monster had ill intentions towards her!

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes at him across the screen. For some reason, she didn't have the slightest fondness for the middle-aged man in front of her.

She tried to recall, and there seemed to be such a person in her memory, but he could not recall the relationship between this person and herself.

Song Weiming: "..."

Why did this ancestor look down on him? He didn't do anything!

"You haven't said it yet, which elder of the Xuan family are you?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

Song Weiming's brain was working very fast, wondering if there was any deeper meaning to Gu Nanyan's words, but Song Weiming didn't respond.

Feng Yi next to him saw this and pulled him, and then he reacted.

"I'm not from the Xuan family, but Song Weiming, the general manager of Tianxuan. You can call me Manager Song."

Even though Song Weiming knew that Xuantian, who was once omnipotent, was in another time and space and had lost most of his memory, the fear still made him tense up.

Gu Nanyan was silent, and then asked Xuan Yu who was watching the show.

"What position do I hold in your position? Is it as good as a general manager?"

"Of course you are better than the general manager. You are the boss here. Even I am lower than you."

After saying that, he looked at Song Weiming provocatively. Seeing that his face was extremely ugly, the villain in his heart pinched his waist and laughed wildly.

The grievances and embarrassment caused by Song Weiming seemed to disappear at this moment.

"Since he is not from the Xuan family and his position is lower than mine, why do you call me Xiaotian?" Gu Nanyan asked confused.

"Is that what everyone calls it?"

"How is that possible? Everyone calls you Lord Xuantian."

"It's just that Manager Song has always been informal and has no distinction between superiority and inferiority. He doesn't understand the height of his eyebrows... He doesn't take you seriously, so he just calls you by your name."

Xuanyu spared no effort to apply eye drops to Song Weiming, and finally gave Gu Nanyan a look that made you understand.

Song Weiming became anxious upon hearing this.

"Xuan Yu, don't talk nonsense. When did I stop taking Lord Xuantian seriously!"

Damn it, he shouldn't have taken advantage of it in the first place, he should have killed this kid first before talking about anything else!
As a result, he was left with eye drops in front of him.

Killing intent flashed in Song Weiming's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

We can't keep this kid any longer, he's too troublesome!
"Then why do you call my sister by her name? Everyone calls her Master Xuantian, except you!"

Xuanyu, who was in high spirits, didn't realize that the other party had any ill intentions towards him. Like a Chihuahua who relied on his power, he pointed at Song Weiming's nose and questioned him.

Since his sister has taken the initiative to show up, she must be willing to come back.

He is so scared!
"I just want to express my closeness to Lord Xuantian!"

"Who wants to get close to you!"

"Who wants to get close to you!"

The two siblings said in unison.

Although the two people looked nothing alike, the expressions of disgust on their faces were exactly the same.

Gu Nanyan: "I'm already married, so just give up." She knew it!

This old man really had ill intentions towards her, who was he talking to with such a shy face!

While Song Weiming was petrifying, Gu Nanyan finished his attack: "Besides, you are too ugly and don't fit my taste... I think the woman next to you is quite nice, so don't miss me."

Feng Yi: "..."

Song Weiming: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Xuanyu: "...Sister, he probably doesn't mean that."

No matter how fast Xuanyu's mind turned, he never expected that his sister's brain circuitry was so strange now.

Although the Xuan family's ancestors were as beautiful as flowers, he must be sure and certain that Song Weiming had absolutely no such thoughts towards his sister.

He was simply seeking the power in his sister's hands.

Gu Nanyan stretched out his right hand and shook his fingers from side to side. He looked like Song Weiming, whose face turned the color of pig liver and whose breath was uneven.

He said to Xuan Yu with a deep look on his face: "You don't understand."

"He just has bad intentions towards me, and I feel it."

Her intuition is very sensitive and she can never make a mistake!
Xuanyu: "..."

Okay, as long as you are happy solo.

And from another aspect, Song Weiming had evil intentions.

Xuanyu looked at Gu Nanyan with a complicated expression.

He didn't know whether to lament her sensitive senses or complain that she thought too much.

"Haha, Lord Xuantian is really good at joking. It's rare for you to show up. Let's get back to the topic." Feng Yi made an awkward save.

She was really afraid that if she continued speaking, the man next to her would rush into the screen and fight against her.

"Xuanyu said a few days ago that you were coming back. I wonder if this is true or not?"

She glanced at the screen, and there were two fur dumplings, one big and one small, squatting next to Gu Nanyan.

The small one is just a customer service 888 made by the company in the image of the main system.

The big one is Chaos, the company's main system.

In the past, when Lord Xuantian was around, Chaos often followed her, and its appearance was familiar to people in the company.

This is why no one questioned the identity of the person opposite the screen from the beginning.

Although Chaos is the main system, it is so powerful that it has always looked down on humans. No one except Master Xuantian can make it sit there obediently and not act like a monster.

Feng Yi's words came out, and everyone also reacted.

The reason why they followed Manager Song's orders and came to persecute Xuan Yu was for the benefit of the company.

If they had the choice, they wouldn't want to cooperate with a shady intermediary.

It would be best if Lord Xuantian could come back and take control of the overall situation.

In fact, there is no need for her to come back, as long as the main system can resume normal operation.

Everyone's eyes turned to the main system that was plucking 888's hair on the screen, their eyes full of anticipation.

"Well, there's something I forgot to tell you."

Xuan Yu saw everyone's thoughts, coughed lightly and said with a little guilt: "The main system tried to repair the company network before, but it failed for unknown reasons, and now it can't control it."

In fact, the reason why he didn't say it before was not because he forgot, but because he didn't dare to say it.

Employees in the company thought that this incident could be solved as long as the main system intervened, and they still held a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If he informed the implementation, it would probably cause panic.

Especially under Song Weiming's instigation, I don't know what trouble will happen.

Although Xuan Yu is just doing nothing all day long, he has a deep understanding of himself. He knows that once the company gets into trouble, he cannot fix it, so he keeps it hidden from everyone.

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