The farmer has a mall

Chapter 983 Dispute

Chapter 983 Dispute
"How can you hide something like this?"

Song Weiming finally recovered from the embarrassment and said dissatisfied: "When Tianxuan's life and death were at stake, all of us were working sleeplessly to find ways to solve the problem. At this time, you actually concealed such an important matter. What about us before?" Your efforts will be in vain!"

"Yes, this is your fault, boss..." Feng Yi agreed.

As she spoke, she paused, covered her lips with her fingers painted with red nail polish, and glanced at Gu Nanyan with a seductive look.

She smiled softly and apologized, "That's wrong. I should call you Second Boss."

When Xuantian disappeared, the company was leaderless and had no choice but to temporarily let Xuanyu take charge of the company's affairs, but the replacement was never a formal one.

Feng Yi sneered, "Although you were ordered to take over the company at a critical moment, you do not have the final say on matters related to the company's survival. You need to discuss the decision with our manager Song. You are violating the rules."

"Yes, this matter is indeed the fault of the second boss. Not only did we become more passive, but we also wasted a lot of time in the wrong direction." One of the supervisors said dissatisfied.

"If you put it this way, it is even more imperative to cooperate with them. The company is currently in a state of paralysis. If it continues to be delayed, the situation will probably be even worse."

"There is no need to delay any longer. The current situation is bad enough. We have sent thousands of customer service personnel, but they are all unreachable. If we had cooperated with them earlier to connect their main system, Maybe the company can already operate normally.”

"I dare not say that, the people over there are not good birds. The other party is so proactive in this cooperation, maybe there is another purpose."

"That would be better than now. Aren't we all sitting together waiting to die? Anyway, I support cooperation with both hands!"

"I agree too..."

"How about waiting a little longer...Didn't the second boss say that Lord Xuantian will come back?"

"What will happen if she comes back in this situation? It's something that even the main system can't solve..."

The supervisor who said this glanced at Gu Nanyan, and the rest of his words were stuck in his throat out of fear.

He just looked obviously impatient.

Several supervisors talked and accused Xuan Yu.

Xuanyu didn't take it seriously, and said with an even more disdainful expression than them: "If I had told you earlier, you would have figured out a way to solve it? Tsk!"

"You have already made up your mind to ask for help there. If you tell me sooner or later, the result will be the same. In this case, why should I tell you so that you can sell the company as soon as possible?"

"The words of the second boss are too unpleasant. What a selling company... If you have the ability, you can come up with a solution. As long as it is feasible, we will immediately refuse to cooperate there!" Song Weiming said scornfully.

In his eyes, this Xuan Yu was the ineffective child that every family had. In the past, when Xuantian was here, he did not do his job all day long, so he did not take him seriously at all.

Song Weiming squinted at Gu Nanyan on the screen.

Now that Xuantian is not here, he doesn't take Xuanyu seriously anymore.

"This is not simple. Things will be solved naturally when my sister comes back."

Xuanyu held his head high and asked Gu Nanyan expectantly: "Sister, am I right?"

His sister is so powerful, she must have a way!
Gu Nanyan sighed imperceptibly when she met Shang Xuanyu's trusting eyes.

This guy has single-handedly offended the entire company's management.

I guess it gave Xuantian a lot of headaches in the past.

"The main system is ready to open the gate of time and space. You are also ready. The solution... I will think about it when I arrive."

She didn't know much about that time and space, and the few memories she had were scattered. It would be too difficult for her to give a solution now.

She looked in the direction of Song Weiming and said in a solemn tone: "Xuan Yu told me that the partners you talk about are not good people. I don't know to what extent you have discussed cooperation with the people over there, but since you call me Sir , I guess you can still listen to my suggestions, right?"

Song Weiming hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly when he saw Gu Nanyan looking at him without blinking.

"It's natural."

"That's good. I hope to temporarily stop meeting with you until I understand the situation on your side. Is it possible?" "This is not difficult, but if you can't find a solution by then..." Song Weiming pondered.

"Then just cooperate with them as you said."

Gu Nanyan's tone was calm. Her method of dealing with problems was very simple. She didn't bother others to help her solve things herself.

If you can't solve it yourself, you must take the initiative even if you need to cooperate with the other party.

Song Weiming didn't expect her to agree so readily, and was stunned for a while before she could respond.

"This...since Lord Xuantian has said so, we naturally have no reason to object."

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction.

She heard Xuan Yu say that she was very powerful in the opposite time and space, and those who had been disobedient were subdued by her with one punch.

I just don’t know if there are any sequelae from leaving the body empty for so long.

If you can still jump and punch in all directions... then don't blame her for being rude.

She was pressed for time, but she didn't have much time to stay on the opposite side to clean up the mess. If it didn't work, she could just subdue the shady intermediary and let him serve Tianxuan.

This is also a way of cooperation.


Before hanging up the communication, Gu Nanyan pointed at Feng Yi with a curious expression and asked Xuan Yu: "Who is this 'nujia'?"

Xuan Yu: "...Company director, what's wrong?"

Xuan Yu glanced at Feng Yi, who was posing, and asked doubtfully: "But do you remember something about her?"

These people were the ones who had the most contact with her sister, and Feng Yi was the most unique among them.

It's not certain what her sister will think of when she sees her.

Feng Yi also looked over after hearing this. After being surprised, she calmly gave Gu Nanyan a wink.

"Your Excellency, you still remember the slave family?"

She twisted her hips and came to the screen, placing her charming face close to Gu Nanyan's.

"The slave family is really flattered."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It wasn't necessary, she actually didn't think of anything.

just feel...

Gu Nanyan leaned towards Xuanyu with her mouth half-covered and asked him in a low voice.

"Has this woman ever fucked a madam before?"

The behavior of the girls opposite her ghost house in Anyang Kingdom was inexplicably similar...

The corner of Xuan Yu's mouth twitched, he looked at Feng Yi, who had a dark face, and said with a suppressed smile: "Maybe... you brought her back from other time and space, and she has been staying in the company since then. No one knows her past."

Speaking of which, Feng Yi was quite good when he first came here. Although he had a bit of a windy air, he was down-to-earth and capable, not at all like he is now.

Not to mention betraying his sister while she was away and turning to Song Weiming's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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