The farmer has a mall

Chapter 984 short circuit

Gu Nanyan just said casually, not showing much interest in Feng Yi's life experience, and instead asked about her physical body in Xuantian.

"Don't worry. When you fell into the turbulence of time and space, I had to use all my strength to pull your body back. Although your consciousness was separated from the main body...but that's not important."

Xuanyu said proudly: "The important thing is that I will store your body in a very hidden place, so no one can find it!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

My consciousness is the key point, so what are you so proud of, you loser?
"Where did you hide my body?" Gu Nanyan was curious.

Xuanyu smiled mysteriously.

"In a private space, you will never imagine..."


"A bunch of trash, Xuantian is coming back and she hasn't found her body yet, what use are you!"

Song Weiming paced back and forth in the office impatiently.

Thinking of Xuan Tian's inexplicable smile before the call was hung up, Song Weiming felt his scalp numb.

That woman has never tolerated disdain in her eyes. If she came back, everything would be over.

"Are you sure you have searched every corner of the company? There is nothing missing?"

Feng Yi was sitting on the sofa admiring her slender fingers. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes inappropriately.

"Not just the company, I even searched Xuanyu's residence. He knows where he hid Xuantian."

Speaking of this, Feng Yi was still a little depressed. She was an expert at finding things. She even dug out Xuan Yu's private money hidden in every corner, but she couldn't find Xuan Tian.

Of course, she didn't look except for one place.

She didn't think Xuanyu would hide his sister there, otherwise he would be the first to die when Xuantian came back.

Feng Yi sighed, stood up and walked to the anxious Song Weiming, her soft body clinging to him like a snake.

"Don't worry, what will change even if Xuantian comes back?"

"It's not like you don't know the company's situation. Unless someone takes action, the current situation is that we can only give up all the customer service and resources and build a new system. But the losses to the company will be huge. Xiao, can Xuan Tian take on this responsibility?"

Feng Yi smiled charmingly, wrapped her two white arms around Song Weiming's neck, and whispered into his ear.

"She can't bear it. Even if she is the largest shareholder of the company, she will inevitably be questioned. When the time comes, you just need to take the opportunity to persuade other shareholders to side with you. Will the power of the company be easy to come by?"

Song Weiming frowned: "What if she agrees to cooperate with you over there? She will be the one taking the lead."

"Isn't that better? Everything is going according to plan. The relationship between Lord Xuantian and the guy over there is not very good. It's not certain who will take the lead."

Feng Yi hung all the weight of her body on Song Weiming's neck, swaying from side to side, making Song Weiming's heart skip a beat.

Feeling the body temperature of the woman in his arms through the thin clothes, Song Weiming's throat tightened, and he subconsciously lowered his head to kiss the red lips that were so close.

However, Fengyi flashed, smiled coquettishly and retreated to the sofa to sit down.

"No, don't forget the conditions you promised me."

Feng Yi's eyes turned sharp: "Leave Xuantian to me, and I will give myself to you when the matter is done. We agreed."

The heat in his arms disappeared, Song Weiming's eyes darkened, he leaned on his work with lowered eyes and tugged on his tie.

It was quiet inside.

"Haha, I got it. I won't forget it. When the company is in my hands, Xuantian will be at your disposal." Song Weiming said with a half-smile but not a smile.

"But I'm curious as to why Xuantian offended you. I haven't heard you mention it for so long. But I heard that she saved you in your world."

Song Weiming walked to the bar on the other side, made two cups of coffee, took a sip and handed the other cup to Feng Yi.

Seeing Feng Yi drinking it without any precaution, Song Weiming's expression improved.

"Xuan Tian did save me." Feng Yi took a sip of coffee and seemed to think it tasted good, so she took two more sips.

"But she also abandoned me, that woman..." Feng Yi leaned on the back of the sofa, her tone of voice sounded calm, and her careful licking sounded like she was gritting her teeth.

"I won't let her go easily this time!"


Gu Nanyan woke up in a dark place, opened his eyes and sneezed. "Which little goblin misses me and still talks about me even though time and space has passed. The resentment is so great."

She rubbed the tip of her itchy nose and tried to get up, but her body felt extremely stiff and she couldn't move at all.

When she turned her eyes, she realized that there were many instruments that she had never seen before. The messy lines on the instruments were connected to her body like tentacles.

Gu Nanyan's heart skipped a beat.

"Have I been harmed by someone else? Why can't I move?"

The Chaos Beast that just jumped out of the Gate of Time and Space: "..."

I almost broke the jade hoof of this beast.

"I beg you to use your brain that has never turned around in your life. You have been lying in bed for two years!"

"Isn't it normal for muscles to become rigid? Are you suffering from paranoia?" Chaos Beast complained, patting the dust on its fur.

To be honest, the current image of the female devil is quite pleasant.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan couldn't move, Chaos Beast took out an old camera at the right moment and recorded her current predicament.

Gu Nanyan was speechless by the Chaos Beast. After being silent for a few seconds, he became angry and stared at the Chaos Beast who was recording the video.

"Just wait for me. The miserable situation I'm in now will be your fate in the future. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

The bitch is very brave, and he can still understand her. How awesome!
The Chaos Beast calmly put away the camera and ignored the threat in her words.

"The recording is almost done, you can get up."

Gu Nanyan moved her only moving eye.

"Why do you get up? Stand up straight!"

Those who didn’t know better thought I was trying to deceive my body!

The Chaos Beast was silent and glanced at the instruments around Gu Nanyan.

Suddenly enlightened, he slapped his forehead.

"I forgot to turn off the life support system." It said, jumping up to the position above Gu Nanyan's head, and poked at an instrument for a long time.

"This thing can inject you with nutrient solution regularly. There is another drug in the nutrient solution that will lower your metabolism and make you as calm and peaceful as if you are sleeping."

The corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched.

"Shut up if you don't know how to speak. I haven't yet..."

Before she could finish her words, a surge of electricity ran from the top of her head to her toes.

Gu Nanyan's body trembled violently.

The Chaos Beast was startled when he saw this, "Shit shovel, you, you, you...are you okay!"

Gu Nanyan was still trembling, as if he was in the late stages of Parkinson's disease.

The Chaos Beast was at a loss. It glanced at the life-support device above her head, gritted its teeth, flew up and kicked her over.

The instrument fell to the ground with a sound, and the display light dimmed.

Gu Nanyan exhaled a breath of turbid air and lay there with a dark face.

Her limbs seemed to be more numb...

"What a broken instrument." Gu Nanyan gritted his teeth.

The guy from Xuan Yu picked up scraps from some garbage dump.

It's too unreliable!
Gu Nanyan was thinking about tearing the Xuanyu into pieces after going out.

The Chaos Beast suddenly poked his head out and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I haven't operated these things for a long time. I'm a little rusty at work, so I short-circuited everything."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I know you will always be the same loser you were when we first met!

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