Chapter 985

When Xuan Yu came home from get off work, he opened the door and saw a familiar figure standing in front of the French window.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Gu Nanyan slowly turned around. There was no trace of happiness or anger on his face, and he looked at Xuan Yu unabashedly.

Just like in the video, Xuan Yu was wearing a white suit, still had messy hair, fair skin and deep facial features. He stared at Gu Nanyan with bright eyes, like a puppy that only saw a toy.

"Sister!" Xuanyu was filled with surprise. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with his slender legs and threw a series of questions at Gu Nanyan.

"Sister, when did you come back? Why didn't you tell me in advance? I thought it would take a while for you to come back."

"I've been lying in this body for so long. Sister, do you feel any discomfort? If so, please tell me immediately."

"Sister, do you want something to eat? You're starving after not eating for so long. Can I take you to the company cafeteria?"

"Or we can go out to eat. Sister, do you want Chinese food, Western food, or Japanese food... Japanese food? Forget it. I have been doing nothing for so many years in my childhood. The creatures in their place have mutated hundreds of years ago, and even the people have become inhuman. It looks like a human ghost but not like a ghost, so don’t let it ruin your stomach…”

Xuanyu was very noisy. He had been circling around Gu Nanyan since he entered the door. He kept talking and Gu Nanyan couldn't get in a single word.

"To shut up."

It's so noisy, the old man is obsessed with it, isn't he?

Xuanyu nodded obediently: "Okay, then let me know what you want to eat."

After saying that, he stood aside without saying a word, with a pair of evil eyes still wandering around Gu Nanyan's body.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

There is definitely something wrong with this kid.

Gu Nanyan had a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Let me ask you something..."

Xuanyu: "Yeah! You ask!"

Gu Nanyan: "...Why did you put my body in the toilet cubicle?"

Gu Nanyan took a deep breath and kept mentally building herself up, so that she didn't hit Xuanyu's face with a punch.

It is said that this is his biological brother. He must speak well and convince others with reason, but must not do anything. If he is beaten, he will have to spend money to see a doctor...

Gu Nanyan clenched her fists and kept brainwashing herself.

But what to do if you are angry?
Other people's bosses have returned to their aura and drove up to [-] meters. Not to mention that the motorcade must at least lay out a red carpet, right?
Fortunately for her, she came out of a giant coffin-like compartment with an inexplicable smell. When she opened the door, she found the toilet.

She even wondered if she was mentally disturbed. This was a moment that she never wanted to recall in her life!

Xuanyu was completely unaware that Gu Nanyan's anger had reached the critical level. In his mind, he was imagining the expressions of Song Weiming and others when they saw his sister.

Must be pretty exciting!
"Of course it's because it's safe there. Who would go looking for someone in the toilet?"

Xuanyu was quite proud. He approached Gu Nanyan and said mysteriously: "I have already thought about it. The compartment where you woke up is sealed. Even if there is a crazy person who goes to the toilet to find you, it is impossible. found."


"Because I have someone connect the cubicle to the toilet. As long as I press the button before others find you, you can be flushed out. I guarantee that no one will find you!"

"I'm smart!" Xuan Yu looked at her sister eagerly, as if begging for praise.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan gritted his teeth.

"You...say it again, where do you rush me out?"

"The flush toilet...what's the noise? Sister, why are your fists so hard..."


The news of Xuantian's return spread throughout Tianxuan in less than half a day.

Some people are excited, as if they have seen the light of day, while some people are indifferent, thinking that even if Xuantian can't come back, it doesn't matter, the worst is to find another job.There are still some people, such as Song Weiming and others, who are uneasy.

Song Weiming urgently convened a meeting with several subordinates who were sincere to him.

However, before the meeting started, everyone's buttocks were pressed against the chairs when Gu Nanyan arrived.

Behind him was Xuan Yu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Hi, what a coincidence, everyone is here haha...hiss." Xuan Yu greeted everyone with a playful smile.

He wanted to show off a contemptuous smile like the bully next to her after the king's return, but unexpectedly the wound on the corner of his mouth was pulled, and the pain made him twist his face.

However, this twist made everyone feel terrified.

Song Weiming felt that this was the shock Xuantian gave them. His younger brother could beat him like a dog, let alone outsiders like them.

And Xuanyu’s smile...

Obviously he has no good intentions!
How ferocious, how ferocious, even scarier than the mutants in the land of my childhood!
The two siblings have always been at odds with each other. They fight all day long, but whenever something goes wrong, they always get together and talk to each other. I'm afraid this time will be no exception.

Looking beyond the appearance to see the essence, from Xuanyu's attitude, it can be predicted that Xuantian will definitely not be well-intentioned when he comes back this time.

This is to get rid of him!
Song Weiming's expression became more solemn, and his sitting posture became much straighter.

"Haha, why didn't you tell us in advance that Lord Xuantian was coming back so that we could go and greet you?"

Song Weiming's attitude was warm and a little flattering if you looked carefully, which was completely different from when he faced Xuanyu.

"Well, there's no need to greet you. I always keep a low profile."

Gu Nanyan was wearing a black robe with a Chinese tunic collar. The corners of the robe were embroidered with a white crane spreading its wings with silver thread. Her long hair was tied up high, and her aura was in full swing.

At the same time, he secretly wiped away some cold sweat.

Fortunately these people didn't go to greet her.

Otherwise, if they see her crawling out of the toilet, all her dignity and dignity will be lost.

She glared at Xuan Yu fiercely and walked to Song Weiming who was sitting in the front seat with a sullen expression.

"Manager Song, you are fine."

"Haha, Master Xuantian is fine."

Song Weiming's tone was relaxed, but his fingers were tightly digging into the armrests of the chair. Anyone who knew him well could see how nervous he was at this moment.

Gu Nanyan smiled and said nothing, just staring at him straightly.

After more than ten breaths, he was still looking at Song Weiming.

Song Weiming couldn't hold back his anger, and cold sweat fell drop by drop.

His current mood was like hot water pouring oil on oil, crackling with torment. Seeing Gu Nanyan just staring at him and smiling without saying a word, as if thinking about how to deal with him, Song Weiming's mind was racing with countermeasures.

"Haha, Master Xuantian, do you need Song's help for something?"

Song Weiming moved her butt back and glanced at Xuan Yu's colorful face behind her. She felt very uneasy. She always felt that Xuan Tian's fist would hit her face in the next moment...

Gu Nanyan bent down slightly. She was a little over 1.7 meters tall in this world. Facing Song Weiming, who was sitting at about the same height, she felt condescending.

"It's nothing serious." Gu Nanyan's smile became brighter.

"I just want you to give in."

She pointed to the chair under Song Weiming.

Song Weiming: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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