The farmer has a mall

Chapter 988 Acquisition of Shares

The headquarters of Tianxuan Space-Time Resources Management Bureau is located in the center of City B. The office building is a Z-shaped staggered three-story flat floor above ground.

The first floor is the reception room and restaurant, while the second floor is the office area.

As for the third floor, it is a private space and is the residence of the two siblings, Xuantian and Xuanyu. Unless they give permission, even the company's top executives cannot enter.

"Xuan Tian, ​​do you really not remember me?"

A round-faced young man was sitting in the living room on the third floor, nervously asking Gu Nanyan.

"Think about it again, the three of us have grown up wearing crotchless pants together."

Gu Nanyan glanced at him and said nothing, then turned to look at Xuanyu.

"your friend?"

Xuanyu: "...Well, I'm actually your friend too."

It's just that my brain is a little hard to use, and I'm stupid and mentally retarded.

Gu Nanyan hehe.

"Sorry, I don't know."

What friend would mention to an elegant lady that she wears crotchless pants?

Pure and innocent!

She doesn’t have a friend with such an impressive IQ!

"His name is Gao Xing. He is the son of a shareholder of our company. He is a supervisor in Tianxuan. You can call him senior supervisor."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan's eyes became dangerous, and his eyes wandered between the coffee table in front of him and the round-faced young man, Xuanyu's alarm bell immediately sounded, and he quickly introduced his origins to Gu Nanyan to prevent her from accidentally slapping Gao Xing to death.

This is not ancient times, people are really beaten to death...

Then her sister can only follow the pure prison style from now on.

Furthermore, Gao Gao and them were just kidding, and his father was a shareholder of the company.

If you break it, you will have to pay for it!

He and his sister don't have much savings.

"Um, hello, General Manager." Gu Nanyan greeted casually.

Happy: "'s the senior manager, thank you."

Gao Xing couldn't help but corrected.

Although the general manager's position is higher than that of the supervisor, the word "general manager" came out of Xuan Tian's mouth...

He always felt cool somewhere.

"Okay, good executive."

Gu Nanyan yawned and responded nonchalantly.


Forget it, now is not the time to worry about this.

Gao Gao ignored the disgust in Gu Nanyan's eyes and moved closer to her.

Lowering his voice, he said: "Director Feng went to my house last night and talked with my father in the study for an hour, saying that he wanted to acquire 20.00% of the shares of the Gao family."

Gao Xing held out two fingers mysteriously: "Buy it at double the market price!"

Gu Nanyan glanced at him sideways: "Did your father sell it to her?"

Happy: "...No."

This sounds so awkward. "How can buying and selling shares be so simple? At least half of the shareholders must agree. That's not the point." Gao Xing said.

"The point is that my dad heard that Fengyi went to another major shareholder yesterday. I don't know who it is, but the other party has agreed to sell the shares."

Xuanyu was angry when he heard this: "Song Weiming is clearly trying to control Tianxuan. He used to know how to act secretly, but now he doesn't even cover it up!"

"Sister, we must not let him succeed!" Xuan Yu said to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the scenery in the distance.

Compared with the ancient times when mountains and rivers were green, when you look from here, you can only see towering steel buildings and vehicles that shuttle rapidly in the sky.

Gives a cold feeling.

"So you came here today to tell me that your father wants to sell his shares?"

Tianxuan is one of the largest companies in the world. Its stock price is high, and the double price on the market is enough to make people excited.

"How is it possible? With the friendship between our two families, how could my father betray you..."

Gao Gao hesitated and said, "He asked me to tell you that if you don't agree, he will not agree to sell the shares."

The double price is indeed very exciting, even if his family has a lot of money, he will inevitably hesitate.

After all, no one thinks the family has too much money.

It would be fine if Xuantian never came back. His father was just a shareholder and had already taken a back seat in the early years. Whether the shares were kept or sold in his hands was just the difference between earning interest and collecting money in advance. .

What's more, if the other party only purchases 20.00%, or double the price, who will not be tempted?
But now that Xuantian is back, the war between Manager Song and her, even if the Gao family protects themselves and does not want to be involved, the sale of shares must be approved by Xuantian, otherwise the Xuan family will be offended.

Gao Xing pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking like he was waiting for Gu Nanyan's decision.

Xuan Yu frowned, "Feng Yi belongs to Song Weiming. If she wants to acquire shares, she must be helping Song Weiming. Song Weiming is a small manager. How can this matter be approved by half of the shareholders? Let's not talk about it. How did he get so much money? "

Xuan Yu looked at his sister, "Sister, you hold more than 40.00% of the company's shares. It is almost impossible for him to surpass you. The price is so high that the gain outweighs the loss. What on earth is Song Weiming doing?"

This is also what puzzles Xuanyu the most.

Apart from his sister, he holds the most shares, but only 20.00%.

Not to mention the Gao family, 15.00% is too much.

Excluding his and his sister's shares, the remaining shareholders combined hold less than 40.00%. If you acquire 40.00% of this 20.00%, you will never become the largest shareholder no matter how you calculate it.

As a small shareholder, sometimes you don’t even have a say.

So why is Song Weiming so happy?
Gu Nanyan looked at Xuan Yu as if he were a fool.

"Who is the first recipient when the shares are transferred?"

Xuan Yu was stunned: "According to regulations, if someone wants to transfer the shares in their hands, priority must be given to the company's directors... But even if Song Weiming holds the shares and becomes a director, the decision-making power is still in your hands."

Chairman Tianxuan has the highest decision-making power, and the chairman must be the person who holds the most shares, or the person who represents the most shareholders.

Song Weiming would never think that his sister would give up the position of chairman to him.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him sideways, looking at the unsatisfactory son of the family.

"What if I die? What if besides you, the remaining directors who hold more shares than you recommend Song Weiming?"

"Then it won't be his turn. If you die, your inheritance will be mine. Then I will have 60.00% of the shares. Who can recommend Manager Song over me?"

Gu Nanyan: "...Who said that if I die, the shares will definitely be yours?"

By the way, is this guy coveting her property?
Why do you talk about inheritance so smoothly?
"Even if you inherit the company's shares and I'm already dead, wouldn't it be easy to kill you again?"

This kind of thing is not uncommon. It sounds incredible, but in the hands of powerful people, killing a person is as easy as crushing an ant.

What's more, Xuan Yu was a second-generation ancestor who was just waiting for death. Without Xuantian's protection, it would be too easy to kill him.

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