The farmer has a mall

Chapter 989 Giving up on Tianxuan

"You mean that old guy Song Weiming wants to kill both of us?"

Xuanyu immediately exploded.

"I'll go, he's too cruel."

"Manager Song has always been straightforward and decisive in doing things. He can remove the stumbling blocks that hinder his future without bribery. Isn't that what happened to the previous manager?" Gao Xing said with a sigh on his face.

"In my opinion, he may have colluded with that party a long time ago, and the money for acquiring the shares was also given by that party."

Gao Gao looked at Gu Nanyan and said, "You should make plans early, don't let others take the blame for everything."

"Xing Gao is right, sister. Since Song Weiming wants to get shares to enter the board of directors, we might as well buy the shares first. If we can't enter the board of directors, we won't be able to implement any plans the other party has."

Gu Nanyan did not respond, but asked Gao Gao: "Is your father very interested in the price Song Weiming offered?"

Gaoxing nodded: "I am indeed very moved, but again, as long as you don't agree..."

"Then sell it to him."

Before Gao Gao could say yes, Gu Nanyan interrupted him.

"Song Weiming can buy as much as he wants, and ask your dad to do a favor."

Gu Nanyan looked at Gao Xing, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"I have no objection to asking your father to tell those families who are interested in selling their shares."

Gao Xing was stunned when he heard this.

"In this case, Song Weiming may receive more shares than budgeted... Are you sure?"

"Well, I'm sure, the more, the merrier."

Seeing that the worry on Gao Xing's face didn't look fake, Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment and reminded: "A friendly reminder to your dad, it's OK to sell the shares, but it's best to sign the transfer contract after you get the real money, otherwise you will lose everything. Don’t come to me crying.”

Gu Nanyan bared her teeth at him: "There's no point in crying."


After Gao Xing left with confusion, Xuan Yu approached Gu Nanyan who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window watching Jing'er.

He asked cautiously: "Do you have any plans?"

He didn't believe that his sister, who was determined to retaliate, and whose eyes were smaller than the nose of a needle, would help Song Weiming.

Gu Nanyan hummed lightly and nodded slowly.

"There is no plan, you are overthinking."

Xuanyu: "...Why are you nodding your head if you don't have any plans? Uh-huh?"

Do you think he is stupid?

Gu Nanyan turned her head slightly to look at him.

"I have cervical spondylosis that makes my throat uncomfortable. I can't clear my throat!"

Xuanyu: "..."

Sometimes he really wanted to slap the back of his sister's head and see what structure inside made his sister so crazy and rogue!
"Anyway, no matter what you want to do, if you need to tell me, I will do whatever it takes for your brother to go through fire and water." Xuanyu said solemnly.

The corner of Gu Nan's cigarette mouth twitched.


Xuanyu: "Okay!"


The Gao family is located in a remote countryside. They moved here since the Gao family's father, Gao Shen, took a back seat.

In Gao Shen's words, the poor air quality in the city center is not suitable for elderly care. Although the countryside is a bit remote, it is very quiet and is most suitable for a worldly expert like him to live.

Although he is so happy, he still doesn't see how his father looks like an outsider.

"Master Xuantian really agrees with the Gao family selling their shares?"

Gao Shen... Gao Shen narrowed his eyes inexplicably.

"Are you sure you heard that right?" Gao Xing looked at his father's pretty face, which looked a few years older than him, and rolled his eyes indifferently.

"I'm not your age yet, and my hearing is very good. How could I hear it wrong?"

Hearing that his son was mocking him, Gao Shen sneered and touched his smooth face with his fingers.

He said with a bit of pride: "Having good hearing is of no use, having no brains is of no use. You are just jealous of your father and my youth and beauty."

Gao Gao heard the words and sneered: "What's the use of having a pretty face? It can't be used as food. Besides, no one likes your old face."

He is almost 50 years old and he dresses up all day long and flirts with little girls everywhere he goes out. He is too embarrassed to go out with her!
Gao Shen was unconvinced after hearing this.

"I think your mother was so shocked when she saw me that she wanted to marry me. If it weren't for your father, where would my face come from?"

"So what? In the end, my mother still divorced you."

"That's because she feels she's not good enough for me."

Gao Shen looked very excited when he mentioned his ex-wife.

He had a heart attack when he remembered that when he was in the company, that woman had been hanging around in front of him with different young men all day long.

If it weren't for that woman, would he be able to move to such a remote place to retire?
The angry little guy's face turned red.

Happy to be silent.

Xu was really afraid that he would get angry, so he didn't mention the damn thing again.

"I'm sure I heard it right. Xuantian did agree to you selling the shares. She must have some plan and asked me to remind you to collect the money first before signing the contract."

The procedures for transferring shares are cumbersome. Buyers usually pay a certain deposit first and then pay the balance after the procedures are completed.

Since Xuantian had warned him, he must have expected that something would go wrong in the middle.

Gao Shen also became serious after hearing this.

Xuantian has been a successful person since he was a child, otherwise he would not be able to develop Tianxuan to such a large scale today.

He asked his son to go to Xuantian to tell Fengyi about buying shares. Firstly, it was for the sake of the relationship between the two families. Secondly, it was also to test whether Xuantian had other plans.

"Since Xuan Tian has agreed, I will contact Feng Yi tomorrow." Gao Shen said cheerfully.

Although he didn't know what Xuan Tian was going to do, he had a hunch that the old boy Song Weiming was going to be tricked.


Feng Yi quickly received Gao Shen's message.

She told Song Weiming, who was still lying in bed pretending to be sick, that Gao Shen had agreed to transfer the shares and was willing to sell them more.

"What do you think about this?" Song Weiming frowned, half-leaning on the bedside to think.

"The Gao family and the Xuan family have been friends for decades. They refused to transfer their shares two days ago. Why did they suddenly agree?"

Song Weiming was very puzzled.

Not only the Gao family, but shareholders who have good relations with Gao and Xuan have contacted him in the past two days, saying that they are willing to sell their shares, as long as they pay first and then sign the contract.

Although the conditions were harsh, Song Weiming didn't think these people were trying to steal his money.

"I heard that Xuantian had spoken and asked them to sell their shares at will." Feng Yi said.

"Xuan Tian wants to take action on this matter?"

"How is it possible? Share transfers are subject to legal procedures. No matter how crazy Xuan Tian is, he will not break the law."

Xuantian's bottom line on this matter is well known.

"Then what does she mean? Not only did she not stop us, but she also facilitated the acquisition."

Song Weiming looked solemn: "Xuan Tian is not a fool."

"Who knows." Feng Yi shrugged.

"Maybe you want to give up on Tianxuan?"

"After all, Tianxuan's current situation is not good. Xuantian has experienced such a big thing and lost his memory. Maybe he doesn't want to continue running Tianxuan."

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