On the third day after Xuantian returned, Xuanyu took her to get familiar with Tianxuan Building.

The entire Tianxuan staff was extremely curious about her return, so much so that everyone followed her wherever she went.

"This is the main control room, and the person in charge is Feng Yi... Over there is the information transceiver department, which is responsible for contacting customer service in various time and space... The human resources department is responsible for dispatching employees and external customer service... This is where you used to work..." Xuan Yu introduces each area of ​​the company one by one.

Gu Nanyan walked into a white office area and looked at the office with the same color scheme as the entire Tianxuan and only one desk and chair. Gu Nanyan was silent for a long time.

Tianxuan's decoration style is quite individual.

It was exactly the same as the ward where mental patients were kept in her memory, the only difference was that there was an extra table and chair...

Gu Nanyan was sitting in her exclusive ward... no, in the office. She was surprised to find that there was a floor-to-ceiling glass opposite the table, giving a panoramic view of the entire second floor office area.

But she clearly remembered that when viewed from the outside, it looked like a wall.

Gee, this technology...

Gu Nanyan was about to sigh.

I heard a robotic and somewhat flattering child's voice coming from my ears.

[Coffee melon seed mineral water, master, what would you like to drink? Little C will serve you wholeheartedly. 】

There was a slight vibration under the feet, and a gap opened in the originally smooth white floor, and a square metal box crawled out from inside - the kind with legs and feet...

Gu Nanyan: "..."


Frightened by the sudden appearance of Little C, Gu Nanyan asked Xuanyu with trembling lips and pretended to be calm.

"Your exclusive butler..."

Xuanyu lowered his head and looked at the little C who was crawling out with his hands and feet.

It's obviously a square metal box, but it's wearing a black wig and a white skirt...or a white tablecloth.

The square face made of metal showed a strenuous expression at the right time...

I just don’t know if it’s because of the poor expression management, but it looks a bit ferocious.

Xuan Yu wiped his face with difficulty and struggled to squeeze out two words: "Female."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Were her tastes so different before?

What if this doesn't scare someone to death at night?
Looking at the surrounding mental hospital-style decoration... Well, it doesn't seem strange to have such a weird "housekeeper".

The strange thing is just Xuantian himself!


"There will be a regular meeting in the afternoon. Song Weiming will probably finalize the cooperation with them. Do you want to attend?"

Xuan Yu walked to the opposite side of Gu Nanyan, opened his communication terminal, swiped twice in front of his eyes, and a meeting notice appeared in front of Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan glanced casually.

"No," she said simply, "Just let them discuss it themselves."

Anyway, no matter what the content of the meeting is, it will not affect her next plan.

After three days of getting along, Xuanyu has obviously figured out what kind of temperament his current sister has.

He was not surprised when he heard this and took back the terminal display.

Then Xuanyu, who was empty behind him, suddenly bent his legs slightly, as if he wanted to sit down.

Just when Gu Nanyan thought he was about to fall over, a chair appeared out of thin air behind Xuanyu.

"I'm glad to hear the news that the Gao family has sold nearly 40.00% of its shares. Other small shareholders have also sold off their shares. I calculated that Song Weiming's shareholding is close to 18.00%."

Knowing that his sister agreed to the Gao family's resale of shares, the small shareholders no longer had any scruples and basically sold out all their shares. After all, it was not easy to find someone as generous as Song Weiming to take advantage of him.

"It is certain that he will become a member of the board of directors. It is estimated that the board of directors will convene to announce the matter soon. Sister, what are your plans?" Although he knew that his sister would not let Song Weiming act like a monster for no reason, Xuan Yu still felt uneasy.

What made him even more uneasy was that since his sister returned, there had been no movement there. Song Weiming was the only one working hard in the company, which made him feel nervous that a storm was coming.

"Do you really think those shares are in Song Weiming's hands?" Gu Nanyan squinted his eyes, put his hands on the armrests of the chair, and spoke in a waning tone.

"I'm afraid it was transferred to his sponsor early in the morning. Even if the board of directors is held, Song Weiming will not be sitting there."

Xuanyu frowned. The financial sponsor his sister mentioned was naturally the person who provided funds to purchase shares from Chang Song Weiming, but...

"Isn't it too risky for them to do this? There are still many people in the company who don't agree with the cooperation plan. What if they object?"

"The deal is done, so what if we object?"

Gu Nanyan straightened up and tapped his index finger on the edge of the table.

"It's useless to object to the shares that others bought with real money."

"Then we are not very passive?" Xuanyu frowned.

"Well, it's quite passive." Gu Nanyan said calmly.

"But your sister and I are the best at turning passivity into active challenge, otherwise it would be boring."

It's not in line with her character to ask her to come all the way back without charging any travel expenses.

And a simple fatal blow would have wasted her trip.

"Don't worry about all this. Anyway, you won't suffer in the end. That shouldn't be what you have to consider now." Gu Nanyan looked solemn.

Xuanyu became nervous when he saw this, "What else is going on?"

He straightened his back and sat upright: "Sister, just ask me, as long as I can do it, I will try my best."

His sister is in control of the overall situation, so it's okay for him, a little guy, to run an errand.

Gu Nanyan patted Xuan Yu's shoulder appreciatively.

"Take me out to eat something delicious. The food in the cafeteria is terrible."

Xuanyu: "..."


I don't know if it is because of nuclear contamination, but the taste of the ingredients used in Tianxuan canteen is simply indescribable, and it feels like chewing raw plastic shells.

It makes people doubt their life.

Xuanyu, who was also doubtful about life, took his sister to a high-end restaurant not far from Tianxuan in depression.

This was the place where the two siblings often came before his sister's accident.

It is the only restaurant that purchases pollution-free ingredients.

Of course, the prices of the meals are also impressive.

After all, the pollution-free food here is filtered through extremely cumbersome and expensive methods, and the contaminated water is treated before being used to water vegetables and feed livestock.

The reason why he and his sister are so poor is because almost all of their savings are spent here.

Xuan Yu ordered three dishes and one soup according to his sister's previous habit.

Under Gu Nanyan's gaze of "Why are you so stingy?", he sat at the window and calmly waited for the food to be served.

However, after the food was served, Gu Nanyan felt a faint tendency to explode when looking at the few fist-sized dishes.

Gu Nanyan clenched her fist and pointed at the small soup bowl on the table.

He said angrily: "Is this the three dishes and one soup you mentioned?"

I can swallow even the bowl in one bite, who am I looking down on!

(End of this chapter)

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