The folding fan that was hit by Gu Nan's cigarette made a crisp sound and quickly deviated from its original position. The pulling force caused "Li Yi" to stagger, his body tilted, and he hit the table, causing the belt to overturn. A table with dishes.

"Li Yi" didn't know whether he was shocked or couldn't believe that she took action as soon as she said it. She lay on the table in the soup and water and didn't move for a long time.

Xuan Yu was also a little dumbfounded. Seeing her sister across from her put down the handkerchief that was blocking the vegetable soup with an expressionless expression, the corner of her mouth twitched.

His sister is really getting more and more aggressive.

Although I would take action when encountering a traitor in the past, I have never been caught off guard like this!

If Xuantian was a violent tigress before, then Xuantian now is a ferocious tyrannosaurus!
terrible! !
Xuan Yu huddled in his chair and shivered, giving this ignorant disciple a sympathetic look as he insisted on teasing his sister.

One minute later, "Li Yi", whose face was covered with vegetable soup, slowly stood up, his emotions clearly visible in his lowered eyes.

Just when Xuanyu's whole body tensed up to prepare for the opponent's counterattack, "Li Yi" let out bursts of low laughter.

"Did you beat him stupid, or let's run away." Xuanyu whispered.

This person is not easy to get along with at first glance. What if you rely on them and make them lose money!
The other party's laughter was deep and sharp, giving people a sense of encountering a female ghost in the deep mountains and forests, which made Xuanyu feel goosebumps all over his body.

Gu Nanyan glanced at the man thoughtfully.

"It's okay, just beat him again if he's stupid. This is called fighting fire with fire."

Xuanyu: "..."

He silently gave Gu Nanyan a thumbs up to express his admiration.

His sister's brain is getting more and more strange.

He felt a little sorry for this man.

"Li Yi" seemed not to have heard the conversation between the two, and wiped his face and said: "As expected of Lord Xuantian."

"Li Yi" elegantly picked up the handkerchief on the table and wiped the soup from his body.

He said softly to Gu Nanyan, "You can defeat me with just one move. Honghuang admires him."

"No, I didn't defeat you." Gu Nanyan retorted.

"I just knocked you down."

Hong Huang: "..."

"Haha, no matter what, you are indeed as powerful as the rumors say, Hong admires you."

"It's just that Hong has an unknown life. I wonder how you saw through my disguise?"

"Hong considers himself to be a top-notch disguiser, with almost no flaws in his appearance. Even acquaintances can't see through it, but you saw through it at a glance..."

"Because you are too obscene."

Before Honghuang could say yes, Gu Nanyan interrupted him.

"Li Yi would never be so hypocritical to please me. His movements are graceful and naturally unpretentious, let alone teasing women, and you..." Gu Nanyan curled her lips in disgust.

"Except for the fact that your appearance is almost the same as his, you have nothing in common with him. Your behavior is even more annoying. Your whole body is filled with a vulgar aura, which makes people tired."

Gu Nanyan pointed at his face: "This face of yours must be fake. To be honest, you don't deserve this face."

Although this man named Hong Huang had the same face as Li Yi and was extremely handsome, she didn't like him at all. He had all the things that disgusted her, so much so that when she looked at this familiar handsome face, she actually didn't like him at all. A feeling of disgust also arose.

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan paused and looked at Honghuang's face thoughtfully again.

She always thought that she would marry Li Yi because of his unparalleled handsome face, but it turned out that wasn't the case?
It turns out that even if they have the same face but different cores, can she be so disgusted?

Gu Nanyan was silent, lowering his head and pinching his fingertips in thought.

Hong Huang was even more silent than her.

Is he full of food? He asked her such a question even though he knew how difficult the other party was to get along with. Isn't he scolding her?

Honghuang's expression was a bit ugly. He raised his hand and waved in front of his face. "Li Yi"'s appearance split into mosaics and then disappeared, revealing his true appearance.Hong Huang was not bad looking, but in Gu Nanyan's opinion, his appearance was not very pleasing.

He has an awl face, a hooked nose, slightly raised eyebrows, a narrow forehead, and white skin. He looks like a person who stays in a dark place all day without seeing the sun all year round.

The most uncomfortable thing was his eyes.

Only the whites of the eyes!
The two pupils in the middle of the whites of his eyes were growing larger and smaller depending on Hong Huang's emotions, and they looked very scary.

Xuanyu almost jumped up from his chair when he saw his true appearance. He turned back to look at Gu Nanyan, still looking straight into Honghuang's eyes calmly.

Just when he was lamenting how calm his sister was, he heard her faintly say: "Where did you buy the colored contact lenses? They look pretty good."

Xuanyu: "..."

Hong Huang: "..."

Honghuang expressed surprise that Gu Nanyan didn't look at him strangely.

He was silent for a long time, then twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Innate."

Gu Nanyan: "Then you are lucky to have such powerful eyes."

If you pull it out, it will definitely scare a group of people. If you put it on the scene, the enemy will be defeated steadily without even touching it.

Unlike her, she has to do it with real swords and guns.

Gu Nanyan looked away enviously, called the waiter to pour a glass of water and took a sip.

"Speaking of which, why is the boss of Zhouhuang Company trying so hard to get close to me?"

Honghuang remained silent, looking at Gu Nanyan with complicated eyes.

He didn't answer her question, but asked: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

He reacted as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

Xuantian is very powerful, and his extraordinary martial arts skills are unmatched. He is the only master in the world who can fight with bare hands without relying on mechas, and his strength is not weaker than that of mechas.

There is a strange energy in her body, which is comparable to the spiritual energy in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is completely different.

It makes everyone fear and retreat when they see it.

Some people have privately studied the source of energy in Xuantian's body, but in the end found nothing. They can only conclude that she has a unique cultivation method that can obtain a kind of energy that they have not discovered yet.

With such mysterious and powerful energy, naturally everyone wants to possess it, including him.

But so far, no one has been able to ask Xuantian about the source of the energy in her body.

As for torture to extract confessions...

It's simply impossible, because no one can beat her, let alone capture her alive.

So such a strong man should be fearless, so how could he be afraid of him.

He just has a pair of eyes that are different from ordinary people.

Hong Huang chuckled.

"Lord Xuantian, I have long admired you. I am Honghuang, the manager of Zhouhuang. Please give me some advice when we meet for the first time."

Honghuang's attitude obviously improved a lot, his sinister expression faded away, and he was replaced by a somewhat sincere smile.

He said as he held out his hand for a handshake.

Gu Nanyan didn't move.

"There's no need for advice. You and I are enemies, and we don't have a deep friendship. I don't intend to have any friendship with you."

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