Gu Nanyan's words did not make Honghuang feel embarrassed.

He knew this person carefully before coming here and knew how difficult she was to get along with.

In addition, he had just been humiliated from the inside out by her, so he wouldn't be surprised if she said any ugly words.

Xuanyu really jumped up from his chair this time.

"Are you from Zhouhuang?"

His face was not very good, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the other person.

When his sister revealed this person's identity, he felt that the word "Zhou Huang" sounded familiar to him, but he just didn't remember it for a while.

It wasn't until he gave his name and the word "Honghuang" flashed through his mind that he remembered who this person was.

Song Weiming showed him a contract some time ago, and the signature on it was Honghuang.

This person is the head of the black agency!

What the hell!

Thousands of horses are galloping in Xuanyu's heart.

This man was too courageous. Before his sister came to teach him a lesson, he came to her first.

And still in this way.

It's not that he has never seen Li Yi's appearance before. After all, he is his brother-in-law. He is also curious about what kind of person he is.

So when he was in Jianan Kingdom, when the main system slipped out to play, he asked 888 to send him a photo of Li Yi.

She is indeed quite good-looking, and it is in line with his sister's usual aesthetics.

He always thought that his sister would get married in that time and space because she coveted her beauty.

But today it doesn’t look like it.

His sister was not merciless in her attack on Honghuang just now, and she showed no mercy at all. How could she be like the person who coveted this face?

Xuan Yu glanced at the vegetable soup on the man opposite him and frowned.

"What are you talking about? What do you want to do by following us here?"

Even though his sister was right next to him, he was still wary of this person.

Hong Huang smiled faintly.

"You misunderstood, I was not following you."

"This is what ghosts believe." Xuan Yu curled his lips.

"Don't tell me it's a coincidence. This place is far away from Zhouhuang. Why are you coming here if you have nothing to do?"

I must have known somewhere that they were coming, so I set up camp in advance.

Honghuang pointed behind him: "This is my shop."

Xuanyu: "..."

Xuanyu was surprised. This restaurant has been open for seven or eight years. It is located in a prosperous area and the consumption is unimaginable by ordinary people.

The people who can eat here are the top people in this world, and they can't open it without some means.

Unexpectedly, the boss turned out to be the head of Xiaohei Agency.

It's no wonder that Zhouhuang can grow from a small black workshop to its current scale in a few years. It turns out that there is such a black shop providing funds!
Thinking that his wallet was dwindling day by day, and all the money he "hard-earned" had been given to the guy in front of him, Xuan Yu felt panicked in his heart.

He and his sister are die-hard supporters of the restaurant, and they are also responsible for the development of the black agency!

Xuanyu was so depressed that he secretly said that he would never eat here again.

He subconsciously went to look at Nan Yan, but saw that she was staring at Honghuang with burning eyes.

Honghuang did not dodge Gu Nanyan's direct gaze and looked at him with a faint smile.

Just when he thought she was going to say something praising, he saw Gu Nanyan suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the messy table.

He said with a serious look: "Our food was spilled."

Then he pointed at Honghuang and said, "You knocked it over."

Hong Huang: "..."

Honghuang didn't realize what she meant. Xuanyu, who had followed Gu Nanyan in mischief since childhood, immediately understood.His eyes lit up.

"Yes, I can testify that if you knock it over, you have to pay for it!"

Xuanyu's voice was high-pitched, and he looked at the soup and water on the table without even a leaf on it, his expression remained unchanged and his heart did not beat.

The corner of Honghuang's mouth twitched.

"If I remember correctly, it seems that Lord Xuantian made the move first. You can't blame me."

"Why don't I blame you? Who asked you to come here to make trouble? You even disguised yourself as my brother-in-law and teased my sister."

"If you don't come, my sister won't be angry. If she doesn't get angry, she won't make a move. If you don't make a move, you won't knock over the dishes. Do you think this is true?"

Xuanyu held his head high and "reasoned".

It was his sister who had to say something or not. Although she didn't say much, she got to the point in every sentence.

The money they spent before will never come back, but now of course they can cheat a little bit.

As for why the other party overturned the dishes...

That doesn't matter.

Seeing the same "I'm right with me" expressions on the siblings' faces, Honghuang fell silent again.

He didn't feel bad about the food.

Inviting Xuan Tian to dinner was something he wished for, just so he could establish some friendship with her.

But treating guests and being cheated are two different things!

"It's an honor for me, Lord Xuantian, to come to our restaurant. I admire your reputation so much that I take the liberty of disturbing you. I really shouldn't disturb your enjoyment."

Honghuang Recycling summoned the waiter and gave Gu Nanyan a graceful smile.

"I will be the host today. You can order whatever you want. Consider it an apology."

After saying that, he glanced at the waiter, who hurriedly opened the bracelet on his wrist, and menus appeared in front of Gu Nanyan's eyes.

Gu Nanyan shook his head and said seriously: "No need, just serve the dishes according to the dishes on the table. I am not the kind of person who is greedy for petty gains."

"Hong knows that Lord Xuantian is just and generous, but since he wants to make amends, he cannot leave you without enough to eat."

He glanced at the small dishes on the table and obviously knew that this amount of food was not enough for one person, let alone two people.

It's just that people who come here to eat don't expect to be full. They just want to taste the food. Three dishes and one soup for two people is already good. After all, the cost is too high and the price is not low.

Seeing his persistence, Gu Nanyan frowned in embarrassment.

After a while, he sighed: "In that case, let's add another meat dish."

"Would it be too little to add one more?" Xuanyu asked anxiously.

"At least give him some trouble."

What a great opportunity to regain blood, his sister was so stupid.

Xuanyu blinked at Gu Nanyan desperately, hoping that his sister would understand what he meant.


"It's quite a lot. It's not easy for people to make some money, so we can't go too far."

"Then are you sure that the four dishes and one soup can satisfy both of us? Boss Hong said he would let you eat before leaving, so don't let him down."

Xuan Yu continued to fight, not understanding why Gu Nanyan's conscience suddenly found out.

She wasn't like this in the past.

The enemy is always dealt with like a violent storm.

Gu Nanyan ignored his hint and turned to talk to Honghuang in a negotiating tone: "Xuanyu has a big appetite. He really can't get enough of these. How about you change the dishes to bigger ones?"

"Okay, I'll ask the kitchen to change it to ordinary plates for you."

Honghuang seemed very happy that Gu Nanyan accepted his overture, and immediately ordered the waiter to prepare it in the kitchen.

The waiter was a girl in her 20s. Seeing that her boss valued the siblings so much, she hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

He had just taken two steps when he heard Gu Nanyan speak again.

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