Chapter 54 Do You Have No Conscience
In a small airtight house, the players were tied together collectively.The honest and honest face of the village head was gloomy: "Who are you? I sent people to the county to check. This year, the people who helped the poor didn't show up at all. What are you doing in our village pretending to be people helping the poor?"

Lu Renjia also said fiercely beside him: "Yes, if you tell me the truth, you can still save your life."

Gao Xiaofeng looked at Lu Renjia who was not tied up with them: "Village Chief, before answering your question, I just wanted to ask him why he wasn't tied up!!! It's not fair!"

The village head looked at the person and dog standing next to him, and asked in confusion, "Why haven't you been tied up?"

Lu Renjia: "It's tied."

The village head said speechlessly: "You are still standing after being tied up?"

Lu Renjia: "I'm untied. You didn't stipulate that I couldn't untie it? Although I wanted to pretend to be tied up, did you pay me for cooperation?"

Village head: "..." he shouted behind him, "I'm tying him up, this time, tie him up a bit more firmly, and the dog's mouth is also tied up."

Two dark and strong men behind him stepped forward and were about to grab Lu Renjia's hand.As a result, who knew that as soon as they pulled hard, Lu Renjia's arm leaked a crack, and then his body quickly deflated like a punctured balloon.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and the villagers backed away in horror: "Monster, monster!!!!" After speaking, they all ran out.

The players couldn't retreat, but the shock on their faces was no less than that of the villagers. They looked at Lu Renjia and said, "!!!!" What the hell is this? Could it be that a monster has been mixed in among them?
The shrunken Lu Renjia lay on the ground and said, "After almost passing through the last world, I felt that my spiritual power had picked up and was able to gather. Otherwise, I would have missed a lot of golden light. But it's also because there is no Dao Jinguang in it, the body is much more fragile, and I dare not split the fork casually."

Goudan pawed at Lu Renjia who was a piece of paper: "Brother Lu!!" He hurriedly covered the place where Lu Renjia was leaking air with his paw, and then blew in with his mouth: "Huh—Brother Lu, hold on!" !!call--"

It's a pity that Goudan's vital capacity is too low, and it took him a long time to blow up Lu Renjia to the thickness of a book.Then he gave up resolutely: "Brother Lu, why don't you insist on it, I'll blow it for a long time, and you won't be bloated?"

Gao Qingqing looked at Lu Renjia with a look of panic on her face: "What are you?"

Lu Renjia sat up vigorously with her leaky body.Then he looked at Gao Qingqing and said, "I want to say that I am your father, do you believe it?"

Gao Qingqing: "..."

Wuming looked at Lu Renjia, and suddenly said: "Scattering beans into soldiers, ancient mystical art."

Lu Renjia turned her head and looked at Wuming: "If you say you can get along with him, I will allow you to call me big brother."

No name: "······",

Gao Xiaofeng asked in a low voice: "Then you are still human?"

Lu Renjia rolled her eyes ruthlessly: "Who can leak air? Of course, except sex dolls?"

Gao Xiaofeng: "..."

After the villagers left and returned, everyone held a torch in their hands and shouted: "Burn the black monster, burn the black monster!!!"

Lu Renjia looked at Wuming, who was all black, and said in shock, "Master Wuming, they are going to burn you to death."

No name: "..."

Goudan whispered from the side: "Brother, they made it sound like it was you."

Lu Renjia immediately denied, "I'm so handsome, it's impossible for me to be a monster!"

Goudan: "..." You can never wake up a narcissist.

Gao Qingqing looked at Lu Renjia and said, "You will only cause us to die together if you are here."

Lu Renjia thought about it: "You're right." He controlled the paper figurine's body and walked to Gao Qingqing's side: "So in order not to implicate you all in death together, I plan to kill you personally, so that you won't be implicated."

Gao Qingqing: "..."

Just when Gao Qingqing realized that Lu Renjia might not be joking, she smiled stiffly and said, "We came in together anyway. You let us go, and we can help you deal with the villagers outside."

Lu Renjia had a paper figurine-specific smile on her face: "No need, I can kill them all myself. If they are really good people, they might still be a little troublesome, but if I kill them, Heaven will give me merit."

Suddenly, somewhere in the room there was the sound of something being knocked over.Lu Renjia's neck slowly twisted, and then he saw a woman in a white dress coming out of the darkness.

Lu Renjia was not surprised when she saw the woman: "What a coincidence, we meet again, have you eaten?"

Chen Dandan: "..." Is it time to say hello now? "I can help you not to be burned to death by my father. As long as you hold me hostage later and use me as a threat, you will be fine. When the time comes I will take you away from the path, and you will be able to leave here. You must believe me."

Lin Ping frowned and said, "But didn't you give us medicine before?"

Chen Dandan explained: "I gave you drugs because I didn't want you to be involved in the sacrifice. I did it to save you. I know that my father and brothers will find excuses to charge you with unwarranted charges at night, and then say that you are oppressed." You went to confess your mistakes to the mountain god, in fact, to dedicate you to the mountain god. Just like those tourists before.

I know that you will not believe me when I tell you, because when I told those tourists before, they thought I was joking.That's why I want to make you dizzy, and I'm sneaking out.I know a path that none of them know, and it will surely allow you all to escape smoothly.Hijack me out, before they burn you. "

Lu Renjia nodded hastily: "Okay, village chief, I understand."

As soon as Lu Renjia's words came out, Chen Dandan was immediately stunned.

Gao Xiaofeng corrected: "He is the daughter, not the village head."

Lu Renjia shook her head at Gao Xiaofeng: "Gao Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to be a pervert who likes old men. Wow, facing your surprisingly heavy taste. Respect blessings, lock it, I swallowed the key and dragged it into the cesspit I want to fish for myself."

Faced with Lu Renjia's life attack, Gao Xiaofeng was very puzzled: "No, isn't she the village chief's beautiful little daughter? Am I right?"

Lu Renjia was disgusted: "If you don't want your eyes, I can help you poke your eyes. Facing this old face like dried orange peel, you can actually say the word beautiful. Your eyes are blurred ?”

Gao Xiaofeng: "..."

At this moment, Chen Dandan's voice suddenly changed into a familiar voice: "Why, am I pretending not to be?"

Lu Renjia said in amazement: "You have more wrinkles on your face than the petals of your chrysanthemum. How did you say such a thing so confidently? Do you have no conscience when you lick your old face and say such a thing? Yes. , won't you run away from home in shame and anger?"

village head:"······"

(End of this chapter)

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