The person in front of him suddenly raised his head.

Caught off guard, she met those eyes as dark as ink. Ruhuahua's heart felt like she was hit by something, and she looked away in panic.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhong Liting screwed on the lid of the ointment box, stood up and cleaned his hands. He glanced at her hair, picked up a strand and twisted it between his fingers, "Why don't you wring it dry? I'll have a headache later."

"I didn't think about anything..."

Zhong Liting glanced at her panicked eyes and brushed her half-wet hair, "I don't know, I thought you were thinking of something bad."

Being stared at by Zhong Liting, Ruhuahua swallowed her saliva lightly and said, "Well... you look good in this dress."

The brocade robe Zhongli Ting was wearing was a bit loose, lazy and casual. He rarely wore such clothes, but now he suddenly changed it, making people couldn't help but look at it more.

Zhong Liting lowered his head and looked at the eye-catching large-sleeved clothes on his body, "...then you have quite a unique vision."

"It doesn't mean anything else, I just think this color is bright, this color..." Eager to find an excuse, she said without thinking, "It looks like wedding clothes..."

What the hell is she talking about... As soon as the words left her mouth, Ruhuahua raised her hands to cover her face, "Hey, no."

Zhongli Ting's unspoken voice suddenly stopped in his throat, and after a while, a muffled laugh broke out in his chest.

He smiled, his peach blossom eyes curved, his lips raised, but his voice lowered, low and unclear, "Wedding turns out you were thinking just now..."

The tips of Ruhuahua's ears burned. She raised her hands to cover her ears, and the uncontrollable laughter still penetrated her ears from between her fingers. Ruhuahua was silent for a few seconds, and finally couldn't help but get up and glared at him in shame.

Zhongli Ting was about to speak when he suddenly heard a slight movement from outside.

Yaoxiang walked in slowly with a tray, "Sir, the ginger soup you asked for is ready, but do you want to use it now?"

Zhongli Ting waved and took over the glass bowl containing the ginger soup, "Come on, the temperature is just right now."

Brown sugar is added to the ginger soup, which is pungent and slightly sweet, and the taste smells a little weird.

"Is it for me?" Ruhuahua tilted her head, couldn't help but laugh, and pointed at her throat, as if she had some Shangfang sword, "If you hadn't told me earlier, the doctor told me to avoid eating it."

When Zhongli Ting heard this, his hand holding the medicine paused slightly, "It's because I didn't think carefully, and I should listen to the doctor. This soup..."

Seeing that he was about to hand it back, Ru Huahua didn't wait for anyone to finish, so she pushed the bowl in his hand and took it back, waving her hand to let the fragrance of the medicine subside, "Hey, I'm not the only one who fell into the water. It's righteous when I watch others drink." Zheng Ciyan, why do you push it out when it's your turn?"

"I didn't think much about it." Zhongli Ting smiled helplessly and followed her to drink the ginger soup.

Ruhuahua looked at his depressed expression, and with a bit of schadenfreude, she approached him and asked, "Have you finished drinking? Is it spicy?"

Zhongliting turned the bowl upside down, "Are you so curious?"

Ru Huahua saw through his intention from the slowed down tone and put her palm against his forehead, "If you're not curious, don't come over."

Zhong Liting laughed out loud, held her hand and kissed her before he stopped, "Stop making trouble, I have to go out. It's not shameful to stay in there for a long time."

"Oh," Ruhuahua lowered her voice, regretting that she had just blocked his way. After thinking for a long time, she finally uttered a sentence, "...Where's my cat? I miss it a little after not seeing it for so long. Ask someone to bring it to me later."

"No." Zhongli Ting said.

Ruhuahua looked up at him in confusion.

Zhong Liting fiddled with her hair and lowered his eyes: "Wait for you to pick it up yourself."

"Are you leaving bait for me?" "Then you take the bait?"

Ru Huahua hugged his neck and pressed down, gently kissing his chin, "Then my brother can be used as bait."

Zhong Liting paused slightly, and then he slowly stood up. He stretched his shoulders and stood up, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, but you are better... Don't dare to make a fuss, my hair is almost dry, rest." Bar."

Ruhuahua opened her eyes, grabbed the edge of the quilt covering her mouth and nose, and looked directly at Zhongliting, "Just leaving?"

Zhongli Ting pushed the broken hair that fell on her face behind her ears, "It will take a while, I have something to talk to your elder brother."

"...Oh, then go brother has a bad temper. You can be patient. Well, you don't have to be too patient. Just write it down and tell me."

"I know, don't worry."

"go Go."

Zhongliting got up and walked out.

Hua Yichao stood leaning against the screen, looking like he might go in and arrest someone at any time.

The two looked at each other, and Hua Yichao snorted slightly, turned away from Zhong Liting's face, walked back to his seat and sat down without saying a word.

Zhongli Ting was not surprised by this old enemy's reaction. He smiled to himself and walked over.

Before he could speak, a voice suddenly came from outside into the hall, "Oh, my dear grandson——"

Before anyone arrived, the sound came.

Zhongli Ting paused subconsciously.

This voice sounded like that of an old woman. If his guess is correct, he should be the biggest ancestor of the Hua family. Everything in the inner courtyard of the Hua family must be approved by this ancestor.

Zhongliting looked at himself from bottom to top and found that he was quite decent.

In the room, Ruhuahua was just a little sleepy. Not long after she closed her eyes, the remaining consciousness clearly captured these words, and she suddenly woke up three points.

She heard the old lady's voice well. Who alerted the old lady again?

The sound of footsteps came, and through the screen, Ru Huahua could vaguely hear the old lady grabbing Hua Yixi and asking questions with concern. Hua Yixi covered it up with a few words, and cleverly brought the topic to her.

Ruhuahua: "..."

Afraid that the old lady would be worried, Ruhuahua immediately cheered up and sat upright.

The next moment, the old lady who was supported by Hua Yixi walked around the screen and walked in. "She's fine. She's still alive. Grandma, don't get angry."

Ruhuahua lifted the quilt, "Grandma..."

"Don't get up, lie down, lie down quickly." The old lady stopped Ruhuahua from getting up, and sat next to her. Sometimes she touched her hands, sometimes she squeezed her face, "It's so pitiful. You have suffered a lot and your expressions are getting worse each time. How about it? What did the doctor say?" As he said this, he looked at the maid who came to serve him.

Yaoxiang hurriedly replied softly, "Back to the old lady, the doctor said that the girl is fine. She just needs to rest and take care of herself."

After hearing this, the old lady felt relieved and said, "So did you. Let's forget it in the past. Now that the war is going on outside, don't run out all the time. As a girl, if you meet some desperadoes again, it will be too late to regret. So. It seems to me that it’s time to find someone to take care of you. You’ve reached the age of discussing marriage, so calm down and let Achao find more good men for you to choose from..."

Unexpectedly, the old lady suddenly mentioned this. Ruhuahua couldn't hold back the smile on her face, and said with discomfort, "Grandma, why do you suddenly say this..."

Suddenly there was some movement outside. (End of chapter)

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