"Grandma, there are still guests outside. We should discuss these matters in private." Hua Yixi explained to the old lady in a low voice.

"Guest?" The old lady looked over and said, "Go out and have a look."

She was so preoccupied that she didn't notice that there were guests coming to the door. Since they were all in the front hall, it was natural to meet them in order not to lose their courtesy.

The old lady let Hua Yixi support her and walked out from behind the screen. When she raised her eyes, her eyes lit up.

Under the warm and heavy lights, the crimson suit first came into view, but it was not Ah Chao, but a handsome young man. His wide robe and big sleeves could not hide his slender and straight figure.

As if he noticed someone coming out, he took a step forward, bowed his hands, and said with a smile, "I've met the old lady."

"Good boy." After coming back to her senses, the old lady helped the person up. He looked like a young man, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before. After thinking about it, he turned his head and looked at Hua Yixi beside him, "Which family does this belong to? I'm so old, I can't remember. "

"Grandma has indeed never seen her before. He is Zhongrong's General Wei." Afraid that the old lady would have other ideas after hearing Zhongrong, Hua Yixi smiled and quickly added, "There is something I never mentioned before. At that time, General Mengwei took Yueya into his care when he was lost for a few years."

The old lady turned around suddenly when she heard this, with a bit of surprise on her face.

"There is actually such a connection."

Before, she always thought that Hua Ru was adopted by an ordinary family, but she didn't expect this to happen.

Although she was older, she had been in charge of the huge Wuhou Mansion and was well aware of the current situation, so when she heard Hua Yixi's introduction, she did not reject him too fiercely. Besides, the one she can take home must be someone her junior is ready to make or has already made friends with, so naturally she won't refute others' face.

Moreover, she really felt sorry for Hua Ru, and when she came to her senses, she became a little excited and said, "General Wei, you are so kind. I deserve to be bowed down by you."

Zhongli Ting immediately supported the person and said, "Old madam, I don't dare."

"You are Yue Ya's benefactor and our family's benefactor. I really don't know how to be grateful."

Hua Ru lost her mother when she was young, and she had poor health when she was young. She brought him up by her side, and she really cared for her more than her own children.

"The old lady is so polite, I really don't dare to stay any longer."

The old lady waved her hands hastily, "Hey, don't talk anymore, don't talk about this anymore, General Wei..."

"The old lady can just call the junior Wei Ting."

"Okay, okay." The old lady nodded repeatedly, and the smile lines at the corners of her eyes became a little deeper.

The old lady led Zhongliting all the way to the top, "Good boy, it must be hard to travel on this road. Sit down and have a rest first." After saying that, she turned around and ordered the maid beside her to make tea and warm wine, and called for others to serve some more. Exquisite melon and fruit snacks, I specifically asked for the best.

The maid responded and retreated.

When she turned around, the old lady saw Hua Yichao.

Hua Yichao was originally sitting on the Grand Master's chair on the east side, leaning lazily against the Eight Immortals Square Table, with one hand supporting her head and one ankle resting on the other's knee. Her eyes were slightly closed, as if she was dozing.

The old lady paused and scolded the boy guarding her.

Hua Yichao was not asleep yet. Hearing the sound, he raised his eyelids and took a look. There was still some sleepiness in his eyes that had not dissipated. He was stunned for a moment and then stood up, "..."

The old lady snorted and whispered to him, "What are you talking about here? Go and rest when you are tired. Will you collapse without it?"

"Old ancestors are holding on, so of course nothing will collapse." Hua Yichao personally helped the old lady sit on the chair to the east, with half-downcast eyebrows and no objection. He responded lazily, "I'm not tired, I was just thinking about something."

"Stop doing this, dealing with me, an old lady, all day long. Go and wash your face before coming back." The old lady frowned and said, angrily pushing him away. The maid brought hot tea and snacks.

The old lady let people eat with a kind face, "Come on, try this crispy cheese roll. It's newly made in the small kitchen. It goes best with this new tea."

The newly made cheese rolls were tender and smooth. He picked up a piece with his chopsticks. They were soft and soft without chewing. They melted in your mouth and filled with a rich milk aroma. It was very suitable to be paired with a cup of strong tea.

The old lady looked at him, like coaxing a child, "Eat more if you like it. Come on, try this again."

"This snack is delicious, and somehow it makes people feel like home."

The old lady smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Hey, you must be homesick, and just treat this place as your home. You can come and eat at any time." As she said that, she turned around and ordered people to go to the small kitchen to make more of everything. Some, bring it to others later.

Zhongli Ting slowed down his tone and said, "Then I will come to disturb you more often in the future, as long as the old lady doesn't find me annoying."

"If it's somewhere, it's too late for me to like it," the old lady said with a smile, "I'm just afraid you won't come."

The old lady took a sip of the steaming tea and pulled Zhongli Ting to praise her.

"I don't know what kind of family can teach someone like Mr. Wei. How can someone like mine be careless and nagging me even if I say more than a few words?

It's not like she's ever seen a junior like this, just looking at people and falling in love with them. After all, who doesn't like handsome people, nice words, and good tempers?

This is not an exaggeration. In the current situation, Zhongrong Jun should be very proud of himself. It is indeed rare that the young man in front of him is not impetuous at all.

Zhongli Ting smiled, "If the old lady continues to praise you like this, this junior will be ashamed."

The old lady's smile continued, "People tend to chatter as they get older, Mr. Wei, don't be surprised."

Zhongliting put down the tea cup and smiled softly, "I usually don't have anyone to talk to, so I feel friendly when I hear the old lady talking. I'm afraid the old lady might find me annoying."

"Master Wei, isn't he married yet?"

"The old lady is right, but not yet."

The old lady also slowly put down the hot tea in her hand. She had been thinking of taking this opportunity to talk about the troublesome people in her family, but she didn't expect that it was another one of the same kind as theirs. She couldn't help but say a few more words, "There is no contradiction between starting a family and building a career. You should still start a family if you should."

Zhongli Ting nodded: "This junior also thinks what the old lady said is absolutely right."

The old lady asked with great interest, "Young Master Wei said that he has a sweetheart, right?"

The topic would be dangerous if this continued, so Hua Yichao couldn't help but interject, "Grandma, are you urging other juniors to get married?"

"You have the nerve to say that!" The old lady got a headache when she saw him like this. "You are already a grown-up. If you don't marry your daughter-in-law earlier, do you expect me, an old woman, to take care of your housework for the rest of your life?"

"... Before I have time, I'll go back and start organizing things." Hua Yichao coaxed people in a calm tone.

The old lady frowned, a little bit annoyed, "Your parents left early, and they were both mourning and fighting. This combination of circumstances has made the girl from the Gu family wait for so many years. You can take advantage of your free time now. Come down, it’s time to come and apologize, don’t treat me too slowly.”

Hua Yichao still nodded, "Don't worry, I know it from the bottom of my heart and I won't treat anyone wrong."

The old lady couldn't stand his lukewarm appearance, so she directly ordered him to leave. "Then go down and prepare, and hurry up and fix the date."

Hua Yichao: "...Here we go." (End of chapter)

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