Chapter 639 Retribution
The last time Youhuan saw Li Leqing was at the entrance of a hotel. She came to this small town to film a movie. Although the hotel was average, it had the best conditions in the area. She saw a middle-aged man with a big belly hugging Li Leqing at the gate. Be dishonest, and Li Leqing was not angry, and sent herself up like a flattery.

At this time Li Leqing was wearing heavy makeup, Youhuan almost didn't recognize her, and then she saw a middle-aged woman rushing in, grabbed Li Leqing's hair and slapped her hard twice.

"Shameless little bitch, let you seduce my husband, I will beat you to death."

Li Leqing seemed to have experienced many such scenes, she didn't refute, she just tried her best to protect her face, as for the man who just attacked her, she didn't dare to defend her at all.

While struggling, Li Leqing saw You Huan's armed eyes, and immediately dodged her eyes after recognizing it, and fled in despair.

After running two intersections, Li Leqing dared to stop. She took out a cigarette. She didn't know if Song Youhuan recognized her just now, but she probably didn't!After all, who would have thought that Li Leqing, who was proud and outstanding in the past, would be so downcast?

She leaned against the wall and gave a helpless smile. This may be retribution. No matter which city she goes to, she will not be able to do a job with a slightly higher salary. She has no stamina and perseverance to persevere in hard work. In desperation, she has no choice but to sell her dignity. .

She once imagined that those men really liked her and would give her a future, but gradually she realized that she was wrong, she was just a plaything in the eyes of others, and since then, she has become more depraved, anyway, it is not as good as Get some extra money from these guys.

But no matter how indulgent she is, how much can these men in the small town give her?If you meet a fierce woman, not only make her vomit, but also receive a severe lesson.

So now she has learned to be smart. If she is caught, she can just protect herself as much as possible. Those men will not stand up for her, but she did not expect to meet Song Youhuan here today.

If Song Youhuan had recognized him just now, he would have laughed at his stupidity. He obviously had a bright future and countless wealth, but because of jealousy, the road became narrower and narrower.

With these men she is now with, she used to not even look straight at them, but now she has to commit herself to others and make fun of them in order to get a little living expenses. The comparison is simply too great, how sad is life?

Looking back, when grandma was here, she was really a god in the Song family. Even if brother Lezhou had entanglements with others, what did it matter?As long as she still has a place in Xiang's family, her life will not be sad, instead of being like a mouse in a stinky gutter like now.

In the end, I still have to blame grandma, why did she have to make a marriage contract with brother Lezhou? If she hadn't given her this extravagant hope, she wouldn't have become more and more extreme, and how nice it would be to be the adopted daughter of the Xiang family quietly. ?

With the generosity of Uncle Xiang and Aunt Miao, whether she goes out to be independent or gets married, there is a high probability that she will give her a lot of wealth, instead of hating herself more and more after she insists on binding Brother Lezhou, More and more disgusted.

Li Leqing vented fiercely against the wall. She didn't confess to Mrs. Xiang at all. She went back to the rental house to pack up her things, and then planned to change her life in another city. Anyway, the man just now was not her first time here. I don't know how many women want to trouble her, it's better for her to leave, and she doesn't want Song Youhuan to see her in a more embarrassing state.

She touched her face, wondering how long she could last under the ravages of such inferior cosmetics, and because of her life of sex and sex, she felt that her health was not as good as before. If she could no longer make money like this, what would she do in the future? Woolen cloth?

Since Li Leqing didn't want to recognize each other, You Huan also pretended not to know, she shook her head, this person, he should not be too narrow-minded, and his thoughts should not be vicious, there is justice in this world.

What Youhuan doesn't know is that the justice of another world is also tormenting another person.

After Bai Yi and the Mei family fell out, the Mei family quickly reconciled with the Song family, and then went all out to deal with the Chen family that Bai Yi took refuge in.

The Mei family's ability to stand up to their current status naturally has their means. Although Bai Yi's refuge has temporarily brought them trouble, but this is not ancient times. How can such a huge family be destroyed in an instant?Although the Mei family suffered heavy losses, relying on their past friendship, they also retained the strength to make a comeback.

The Chen family achieved their goal and did not kill the Mei family. It's not that they don't want to, but if they do it again, it will appear that they are too vicious. Other forces will have to consider whether it is safe to cooperate with his family in the future.

In this way, the Mei family is still much stronger than the Bai family, and Bai Yi's life will be difficult. No matter how Bai Yi sues, so far, she is still the daughter-in-law of the Mei family.

As soon as Bai Yi disappeared, the Mei family called the police, and then came to harass other members of the Bai family. The more times the Bai family got annoyed with Bai Yi, including her father, they wished they had to recognize this daughter.

In addition, the Mei family showed evidence that they were ready to transfer Bai Chengxian's position, but now they used this position to make a deal with another family, and let Bai Chengxian go to a pension department, which was tantamount to indirectly destroying Bai Chengxian's future. His opinions grew stronger, and now Bai Chengxian and other people who suffered another setback because of Bai Yi even hated Bai Yi more than the Mei family.

So after knowing that the Mei family wanted to take revenge on Bai Yi, the rest of the Bai family sent assists indirectly, making it impossible for Bai Yi to escape.

"If you ruin our family, you still want to divorce and marry someone else? Bai Yi, if you don't ruin you, I won't be called Mei Zhizhi." Mei Zhizhi took Bai Yi back to Mei's house and said.

Bai Yi clamored and said: "You have no right to control my freedom, I was forced into this marriage, Mei Zhizhi, I have sued the court for the invalidation of the marriage, give up, you think you are still the old Mei family Can't Miss?"

Mei Zhizhi sneered: "My Mei family's blessing to you is not as good as before, but it is still easy to deal with you, Bai Yi, do you really think that if you curry favor with the Chen family, the Chen family will become your reliance? Naive."

"Am I naive or are you jealous? Mei Zhizhi, no one wants you even if you want to commit yourself."

"I'm not as cheap as you, and my family will not exchange their daughter for benefits like your Bai family. Bai Yi, you will never be able to compare with me."

Bai Yi was irritated by these words, she poked her neck and said, "You fart, what's the difference between you and me now?"

"The difference? The difference is that I have always been self-sufficient, and now I have half of the right to speak at home, and I can deal with you according to my will. Bai Yi, you wait for my revenge!"

Bai Yi had seen Mei Zhizhi's methods before, although now the Mei family is not as good as before, but looking at Mei Zhizhi's hateful eyes, somehow she became more and more frightened.

 Happy New Year's Eve, little cuties. I wish you all a happy new year with no misfortunes and sorrows. You will be healthy, safe, and better in every way.

(End of this chapter)

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