Because the Mei family is dead and won't let go, Bai Yi has no way to marry someone else. Now that the Mei family has cut off her finances, and the Bai family no longer cares about her, even her father has suffered a lot from her debts. Now there is no extra money in hand, which makes Bai Yi's daily life very difficult.

Where did Bai Yi, who felt very noble from birth, ever suffer this kind of grievance?In the past, even in Africa, she could eat the freshest premium ingredients. Although she was retaliated by the Song family, at least she never worried about food and drink. Marrying to the Mei family is even more presumptuous. The Bai family was extravagant when they were daughters.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. This sentence was vividly reflected in Bai Yi. She also went to find the person who was willing to take over from her, but because of the endless noise of the Mei family, that person gradually felt that Bai Yi was a trouble. What kind of rich woman can't find it, so why bother to take over Bai Yi?Besides, now that Bai Yi has no use value, can't she just throw it away at any time?
So for a while, Bai Yi fell into a trilemma. When she went back to her natal home, her father who used to be elegant either raised eyebrows or ignored her, and her relatives even came to trouble her. The Mei family is even worse, they don't even have any leftovers, and they still have to face Mei Zhizhi's hostility.

All the valuable things in her natal family were taken away by her cousins. In Mei's house, her luxuries were either sold by Mei Zhizhi or locked up. In short, she couldn't get it herself.

It stands to reason that these are her things, and Mei Zhizhi has no right to deal with them, but who made her use the card Mei Zhizhi gave when she bought them before?Even if he went to the court to check the consumption records, it still belonged to Mei Zhizhi.

Besides, she has no job after marrying into the Mei family, and Mei Zhiwei is also a person who cannot work and has no income. All judges will not support her.

I can't get any good anywhere, no matter what I got or what I imagined, it's all gone, Bai Yi collapsed, it's not that she hasn't had any quarrels, but everything is caused by her, everyone can't wait to eat Without her, how can she be allowed to be presumptuous?
She went back to her mother's house so many times that even her father couldn't stand her: "Why can't you be peaceful? Why are you the most troubled? Are you satisfied with how our family is now? Bai Yi, you are a scourge!"

Bai Yi looked at her father incredulously. Is this man who treats her so hideously the father who loved her and was obedient to her before?

She retorted uncontrollably: "I'm not wrong, I just want to make my life better, isn't it you who spoiled me like this? Didn't your most valued cousin acquiesce when I went to pursue Song Qianxian? In the end, you were the one who married me to the Mei family, I just wanted to make my life better."

"You..." Father Bai was so angry that his heart ached, he really regretted it now, regretted only having such one, regretted pampering Bai Yi so much.

Father Bai took a deep breath and sneered: "Since you blame your family for everything, then you can support yourself from now on. You are already in your 30s, don't rely on others for everything, and I will not be your daughter in the future."

Bai Yi's expression changed: "Dad!"

"Don't call me dad. I don't have a prodigal daughter like you. I know the purpose of your visit this time. I won't give you those antiques." Father Bai's most important thing in his life is not only his only daughter, but also his reputation. There are those antiques. Now that his daughter has ruined his reputation, most of the antiques have also been lost. The rest are his sustenance for the rest of his life, and no one will give them to him.

Bai Yi didn't expect her father to be so cruel. After all, her father is also a selfish person. Otherwise, how could any parent give up their children?

She forbearance said: "Dad, I don't even have a place to live now. At least give me a flat, and give me some living expenses enough to find a job!"

"House? The Chen family you took refuge in didn't give you any rewards? You brought down your husband's family and hurt your mother's family, but you didn't get any benefits. Bai Yi, you are really good. There are very few people in the world who are as stupid as you." gone."

Bai Yi was so ashamed, how did she know that the Mei family could resist?How did she know that that person would break the promise to her?She didn't want to, she made trouble too, but now people don't take her seriously, she can't do anything even if she wants to make trouble, why is her life so hard?

Father Bai is now disheartened towards her, and does not listen to any explanations or complaints from her. This daughter is here to collect debts, and he has to take care of himself, so how can he continue to take care of it?Is it possible to have nothing in the end?
"I have nothing more to give you, you go."

"Dad!" Bai Yi gritted her teeth, and impulsively smashed her father's head with the bag in her hand. Her father suddenly became dizzy, turned around in disbelief, and then fell down.

Bai Yi was so flustered that his first thought was not to call an ambulance, but to run away.

Later I heard that when Bai Chengxian came over, Bai's father had almost died, and he had already missed the best time for treatment when he was sent to the hospital, and he became a vegetative state.

Bai Chengxian hated her already, and now he will no longer ignore any feelings and directly call the police. Bai Yi intentionally hurt others and was suspected of abandonment, which was clearly recorded by the Bai family's surveillance. Even if it is her own father, she can't escape Responsibility, what awaits her will be legal sanctions.

Mei Zhizhi even refused to ask for any legal aid for Bai Yi, and even produced evidence that Bai Yi was suspected of hurting the husband of a disabled person. Although these may not aggravate Bai Yi's guilt, they can affect the judge's opinion of Bai Yi to a certain extent .

"How can I say that I am Mei Zhiwei's wife, he has always had feelings for me, Mei Zhizhi, if I'm not here, aren't you afraid that your brother will be sad?" Bai Yi threatened Mei Zhizhi for freedom.

Mei Zhizhi sneered: "Having a disaster like you is my brother's catastrophe, Bai Yi, do you really think my brother can do without you? My brother's brain is flawed, but it's not that he doesn't know what's good or bad. He has never treated you like before." I like it so much, now you are the one who can't leave my brother, at least you can eat and drink without worrying about my brother, leaving my brother, life in prison will be difficult in the future."

Bai Yi didn't want to lower her head and said, "It's my dad anyway, I might be fine."

Mei Zhizhi smiled, "Really? Even if I let you go, your cousin who ruined his future may not necessarily let you go!"

Bai Yi's face changed, how did she know that the Mei family had secretly planned for her cousin under such circumstances?Mei Zhizhi must have done it on purpose.

She yelled: "You let me into this situation on purpose, right? You must have not told me on purpose. If you had told me earlier, why would I have been tempted by the Chen family? Mei Zhizhi, it's all my fault." you!"

Blame her?Mei Zhizhi was so angry that he vomited blood. Forget it, it is useless to say anything to someone like Bai Yi. Such a person is really too stupid. Anyone who gets involved will be unlucky. I should let my brother divorce first, so as not to wait for Bai Yi to come out. Get in trouble again.

Happy New Year, little cuties, new year, new beginning, new hope, hope everything goes well, safe, healthy, happy, and wish all good things come as scheduled!The future is promising!

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