Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 100 The So-Called...Bringing Children

Chapter 100 The So-Called...Bringing Children
"A cocktail, a glass of orange juice...for her."

In a nearby bar, Roger ordered a glass of wine and a glass of juice, and sat at the bar side by side with Qin Grey.

Because Qin Grey is not yet an adult, and according to the laws of the United States, children before the age of 21 are not allowed to drink alcohol, so naturally Roger will not drink to Phoenix Girl here.

Qin Gelei didn't say anything, her head was in a mess now, all her thoughts were like tangled hemp balls, she couldn't figure it out at all, and she didn't have the leisure to care about what she was drinking.

The bartender at the bar handed the two wine and juice according to Roger's statement, and gave Roger a strange look during the period.

Most of the people who come to the bar are drinking. This is the first time the bartender has seen this kind of tavern and juice with minors.

If it wasn't for the fact that Phoenix Girl didn't look scared, the bartender would probably think that Roger was a kidnapper and choose to call the police.

Ignoring the bartender's look at him, Roger drank his cocktail, thought for a long time before finding a topic and said to Qin Grey:
"Actually, although that guy Charles did something wrong, he really wanted to do it for your own good."


The phoenix girl didn't answer Roger's words. She held the orange juice in her hands and turned the cold glass back and forth, looking absent-minded.

After thinking for a moment, Roger said to Qin Grey:
"Also, Charles is considered your relative, isn't he? You have lived in the academy for so long, so he should be closer than your relatives."

"But he lied to me."

Qin Grey said in a low voice.

In Jean Grey's perception, Charles blocked her memory without her permission, which is disrespectful to her and lying to her.

Because Charles had promised not to tamper with her memory.

He promised.

Not only promised Wolverine Logan, but also promised her, and now Charles has broken his promise.

Roger grabbed his hair and looked at Qin Grey very tangled.

Then he sighed and said to Qin Grey:
"...Okay, I confess, I admit, I surrender, I'm not the material to persuade people, my mission now is to bring you back, but I don't know how to persuade you now, so... Qin, can you You can't tell me directly, what should I do before you go back?"

"...I don't want to go back."

Qin Grey said stubbornly.

Roger's head was as big as a bucket for a while.

Feeling a headache, Roger took a sip of the cocktail with ice in front of him, but after drinking it, Roger's frown deepened.

Roger doesn't really like drinking, he doesn't like the taste of wine. When he ordered a cocktail before, he thought that he had finally come to the bar once. If he didn't order alcohol, he seemed out of place with the surrounding environment, and he had never drunk it before. , Just order a cup and try it out.

But now after the cocktail, Roger felt that he was wrong, he might as well order a glass of juice like Jean.

Sighing, Roger put the cocktail aside, called the bartender again and asked:

"Is there a Coke?"

Bartender: "? Sir, we are a bar here."

"Yes, I know, so is there a Coke?"

...Are you here to find fault?

The bartender wants to call the police.

But when Roger took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket, the bartender kept his mouth shut and poured Roger a glass of Coke with ice.

Roger, who came to this world from another world, is of course penniless.

But who made Charles rich.

As a reward for helping to deal with Apocalypse when he first came to this world, Roger asked Charles for a lot of money to meet his daily expenses.

So all the cash on Roger's body now is the friendly sponsorship of X Academy, and it doesn't feel bad to spend it.

Seeing that Roger changed from drinking a cocktail to drinking a Coke, Qin Grey couldn't help asking curiously:

"You don't know how to drink?"

"Are you kidding?" Roger rolled his eyes at Jean and said:

"It's not that I don't know how to drink, but I just don't like it. Don't you think the taste of wine is too strange?"


Qin Gelei couldn't help laughing.

Roger looks like an 'old man subway phone.jpg'.

He didn't see what was so funny about it.

Seeing that Roger's expression was wrong, Qin Grey explained:
"Sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just...I heard that you are very strong, Scott's brother can't even pierce your skin, I didn't don't like drinking."

"Whether you are strong or not is not the same as whether you like drinking or not."

Roger said helplessly that he didn't know when the strong and the alcohol were linked together.

And Roger just doesn't like to drink, it's not that he can't drink, Roger also drank a lot of wine in the black robe world, socializing and so on... But that's all in the past.

Shaking his head, Roger, who felt that the topic was off track, tried to bring the topic back on track again, and asked Qin Grey:
"Do I like to talk about it after drinking, what are you planning now?"

"...I don't want to go back."

Qin Grey repeated again.

If the glass full of juice in Jean Grey's hand was not half empty, Roger almost thought he had entered some kind of cycle.

"I know you don't want to go back, so you should have a place to go, right? After leaving the academy, where else can you go now?"

Roger continued asking.

Phoenix Girl was adopted by Charles. After her mother passed away and her father didn't want her, Mutant College was Qin Grey's home, and Charles was also Phoenix Girl's half father.

But now Qin Grey doesn't want to go back to the Mutant Academy, and her father doesn't want her to go back because of the accident many years ago, as if she didn't have her as a daughter.

Therefore, Qin Grey is now homeless, and there is no other place to go.

That's why Roger asked such a question.

Sure enough, Qin Grey once again fell into a long silence on this matter.

Roger took a sip of Coke, and was about to say something to Qin Grey, but suddenly heard Qin Grey say:

"How about I go with you?"


The Coke Roger just drank almost spewed out of his mouth.

"Excuse me? Are you serious?!"

"I have nowhere to go anyway..."

Qin Grey lowered her head, looking like a small animal abandoned by her parents.

Roger was speechless for a while, because at that moment just now, he was actually considering whether to take Qin Grey with him!

After all, Qin Grey is very strong, very strong!
Throughout the entire Marvel world, Phoenix Girl is one of the most powerful existences, and she is a strong person who can compete with Scarlet Witch Wanda and Captain Marvel Carol for the title of Marvel's Strongest Heroine!
Although the film version of Phoenix Girl in the new series has not yet obtained the power of the Phoenix, her current power alone is enough to climb to the top of the mutant level, otherwise Apocalypse would not be Qin Grey's opponent.

Even Roger himself couldn't guarantee that his steel body would be able to deal with Phoenix Girl's mind power, and he didn't want to use his body to test whether Phoenix Girl's mind power could destroy his steel body.

If you bring the Phoenix Girl with you, Roger will have a strong guarantee when he travels through the world in the future. No matter what kind of situation he encounters, he can at least guarantee that he will escape unscathed.

But Roger just thought about it, he quickly calmed down, and began to think about the disadvantages of taking Phoenix away.

First of all, the current Phoenix Girl is still in a state of immaturity, she herself is also a minor, and Roger has to find a way to take care of her after traveling through the world.

Secondly, Qin Grey is a girl, and Roger is a man. If you spend a long time with her, there must be various inconveniences.

At last……

Taking Qin Grey away is probably what Charles wanted to see.

What Charles meant was obvious. He wanted Roger to take care of Qin Grey, so that Qin Grey would become the leader of mutants in the future, and open up new worlds for mutants in other worlds.

This is what Charles thinks.

That's why he didn't let Cyclops come with Roger at the end.

Although Qin Grey has no such intentions at present, there is no guarantee in the future whether Qin Grey will find a world suitable for mutants to live in for mutants.

What will Roger do then?It's impossible to really let Phoenix Girl stay in a certain world, right?

So after thinking about it, Roger said to Qin Grey:
"Everything you said now is just an impulsive thought. You should think about it for a few more days. I will find you a hotel nearby to stay at night, and I will go back and talk to Charles."

"Don't tell him."

Phoenix girl raised her head and said to Roger:

"I don't want him to know where I am."

"...The rebellious period."

Sighing again, Roger felt that he sighed more today than he sighed in a year.

But even if Jean Grey doesn't want to go back, Charles will know where Jean is.

In this period, Qin Grey didn't have the strength to ignore Charles's intruding thoughts in the later period. Now Charles should know the location of Qin, but he didn't invade Qin's brain.

That being the case, Roger had no choice but to follow Qin Grey's wishes, stood up and said to her:

"Okay, then I'll help you find a hotel directly. You can calm down for a while before we talk."

To deal with this kind of rebellious child, the means should not be too strong, especially this kind of guy who is usually obedient but is very stubborn at critical moments.

At this time, she should follow the other party's wishes and let the other party calm down temporarily. After a long time, she will be able to think about everything clearly.

And the point is, as time goes on, Qin Gelei will also find that it is difficult to move a single step outside without money. Unless she really doesn't plan to go back and decides to rely on herself outside, she will eventually return to the Academy of Mutants.

Roger is 100% sure of this.

To ask him why he knew...

Before the crossing, Roger also had rebellion and ran away from home, but the result... After spending all his savings outside and starving for a few days, he went home despondently and accepted the mixed doubles from his parents.

It is precisely because of such a "brilliant past" that Roger firmly believes in the fact that the Phoenix Girls will return to the Mutant Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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