Chapter 99 Invitation

After Mystique's explanation, Roger understood what happened.

Not long after Roger and Hank left, Apocalypse brought Psylocke to the Mutant Academy.

During the period, as Roger guessed, the X-Men fought desperately with Apocalypse. Although the process was a bit difficult, they finally won.

Tianqi was completely wiped out by the awakened Phoenix Girl and turned into ashes. Lingdie was arrested by the police and is now with other students.

Experience so far has been normal.

The problem lies with Phoenix Girl.

In order to deal with Apocalypse, in order to stop Apocalypse and give the X-Men a chance to attack him, Charles and Phoenix Girl teamed up to invade Apocalypse's mind, trying to stop Apocalypse from using his ability in this way.

This process is quite difficult. Although Apocalypse does not have the ability to invade other people's thinking, it can in turn affect mutants who invade their own thinking.

Moreover, Apocalypse, who has lived for thousands of years, has extremely strong spiritual power. Charles has no way to control Apocalypse, even with the help of Jean Grey.

But fortunately, Phoenix Girl is very strong. When she no longer suppressed her power, Tian Qi was completely wiped out by her within a short period of time, and even the remains were not left behind.

Everyone thought that this battle was their victory, but Apocalypse, who caused Roger a headache, was eliminated by Phoenix Girl, and the X-Men won a complete victory.

But what everyone didn't expect was that before Tianqi died, he broke the memory barrier that Charles had left in Phoenix Girl's mind, which reminded Phoenix Girl of something.

Her memory had been tampered with by Charles.

And then……

This is the scene that Roger saw now, after the Phoenix Girl questioned Charles, she left the academy without hesitation.

She is trying to get back her memory sealed by Charles, and to get back her memory, Phoenix needs to find her father.

The father she thought was dead, but was still alive.

"That is to say, you have tampered with her memory again?"

Hearing all that Mystique told, Roger looked at Charles with a gloomy expression.


Mystique looked at Roger suspiciously.

Roger explained:
"Ten years ago, you should have met Logan, the Wolverine who came to this era from the future, and he should have told Charles about it.

"The future Qin, because Charles blocked a part of Qin's memory and personality, resulting in the final personality conflict and became a black phoenix, and had to be killed by Logan.

"And when Logan finally left, he should have warned Charles to let Qin accept everything about him, and not let her repeat the same mistakes in the future...Looking at it now, Charles, you didn't listen to him."

"I listened." Charles argued: "I let Qin accept her ability, and let her accept her other personality. Up to now, she is still herself, and there is no sign of becoming a dark phoenix!"

"But you manipulated her memory."

"I know! But I don't want to make her too sad! Since you know about Logan and Qin, then you should also know what happened to Qin when she was a child!"

Charles yelled at Roger.

Roger didn't respond to Charles for a while.

That was the fourth installment of the new X-Men series, X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Roger likes to watch superhero movies, and he hasn't missed any of the old and new X-Men movie series, so now after Charles' reminder, he remembered the reason why Phoenix Girl's memory was sealed by Charles.

Qin Gelei had already awakened her abilities when she was young. On a trip with her family, Qin's abilities erupted due to her emotional instability, causing her mother to faint and crashed into an oncoming car diagonally opposite.

Qin's mother also passed away.

And maybe Qin couldn't accept the news when she was a child, or maybe Charles thought that Qin shouldn't know the truth, so he sealed the relevant parts of Qin's memory.

This is also one of the triggers for the beginning of "Dark Phoenix".

However, because the plot of "Dark Phoenix" is too bad, Roger has never admitted that it is the last part of the X-Men series, so I don't have much impression of the relevant plot, and I didn't think of it for a while.

After being reminded by Charles, Roger vaguely remembered what happened to the piano.

But he still didn't agree with Charles' approach.

"Charles, you know."

Roger sighed and said to Charles:
"For a child, words like 'I'm doing this for your own good' and 'you'll understand me later' are the most annoying words for children, and they are also the words I hate the most.

"And now you are the parent who says 'this is for your own good' in the eyes of the child.

"Why do you think that you sealed Qin's memory for her benefit? Why do you think that Qin can't accept that fact? And even if Qin really can't accept it, you should be able to do normal psychological counseling, right? Even if you How about going to a psychiatrist?"


Charles was silent.

Roger continued:

"It's not that you don't want to invite, nor is it unexpected, it's just because you think that your ability can solve everything, psychological problems, ideological problems, and it's nothing against your spiritual ability, but what about human thinking? Is it something that simple?

"Charles, you are so arrogant."

Charles closed his eyes, took all of Roger's accusations without refuting a word.

After a while Roger calmed down, he opened his eyes and said to Roger:

"You can blame me, and I know that I may have done something wrong, but... Now Qin is still outside... So, at least find Qin first, okay?"

Now what Roger says, Charles will admit it, but Charles can't let Phoenix Girl run out like this.

Because as I said in the chat with Roger last night, the Phoenix girl is dangerous, her abilities are dangerous, and the dark side she hides deep in her heart is also very dangerous.

Charles is worried that Jean will go astray because of this, and even more worried that she will become the next dangerous person that mankind needs to face.

So now Qin Gree must be found first, and then he will recognize him no matter what others say.

Roger let out a long breath.

He is in a bad state of mind now, and what he said to reprimand Charles just now was also because of his emotional instability.

Before Roger thought that when he came to this world, what he needed to face was how to save the people in Cairo, Egypt, and how to face the apocalypse.

So for two days yesterday and today, Roger was working hard on this matter.

As a result, now that the apocalypse is gone, Roger knows that what he really needs to face is Qin Grey, the Phoenix girl.

This is a more troublesome guy than Tianqi, and what's more troublesome is that Roger can't treat her as cruelly as he did to Tianqi, because Qin Grey hasn't done anything yet, she's just a runaway child.

It is impossible for Roger to kill a child who just ran away from home, he is not that kind of bastard, what's more, this matter is not the fault of the child, but the fault of the 'parents', Roger has nothing to do with Jean Grey.

There are ups and downs, and Roger just wants to experience everything in this era in peace, but in the end he encounters so many messy things, he will be in a good mood.

"I'll go find her."

Sighing, Roger finally agreed to Charles' request.

Among all the people, only Roger can find Qin the fastest and bring her back, and only Roger, who has nothing to do with X Academy, can better make Phoenix Girl listen to him.

"I... I will go too!"

Cyclops, who heard the conversation between Roger and Charles, stood up and said at this moment.

Cyclops likes Phoenix Girl, and now that Phoenix Girl is leaving, he is the most worried person besides Charles.

Roger looked back at Charles, and Charles said to Cyclops:

"You stay here."

"Why? I can..."

"I know you like Qin and worry about her now, but it's not suitable now."

Charles persuaded Cyclops, and said to Roger:
"Jin, I'm counting on you."

"Charles, you shouldn't...forget it."

Staring into Charles' eyes, Roger vaguely guessed what Charles was thinking, but he was not sure, and it was hard to ask in detail now.

So in the end Roger didn't say anything, just took a deep look at Charles, and then flew away to look for Phoenix Girl Qin Grey.

Before leaving, Charles gave Roger the address of Phoenix Girl's father. He guessed that Qin Gray was probably at his father's place, and asked his father for the truth.

According to the address given by Charles, Roger quickly flew to the place where Phoenix Girl might go.

But Roger was still a step behind.

Qin Grey's flying speed after awakening was also very fast, and that place was not far from X Academy, so when Roger arrived, Qin Grey had already seen her father and was coming out of the room in a daze.

Roger, who had just arrived at the scene, slowly fell from the sky.

He looked at Qin Grey with a blank expression, and asked her softly:

"It seems you already know what you want to know."

"It's you, Superman from another world."

Qin Grey looked up at Roger and asked, "Are you... are you here to take me back?"

"Charles asked me so much, but you don't seem to want to go back now?"

"He lied to me..."

Qin Grey said in a low voice.

Looking at Qin Grey's appearance, Roger sighed inwardly.

He doesn't know how to coax people, especially women. Now that Qin Grey is like this, he really can't think of how to persuade the other party for a while.

"So you really don't want to go back?"


Qin Grey didn't speak.

Roger rubbed his temples, and said to Qin Grey:
"Actually, it stands to reason that I should forcibly tie you back now... But, who makes me feel uncomfortable seeing Charles now."

Qin Grey looked at Roger again.

Roger smiled at her and said:
"Anyway, there's still time, why don't I buy you a drink? It just happens to be a celebration for you, the great hero who just saved the world."

X Academy Qin Gray doesn't want to go back, and Roger doesn't want to go back now, so why not go for a walk with the phoenix girl who hasn't grown up yet, and relax.

It's time to relax after the war.

(End of this chapter)

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