Chapter 102 Clarice
The black soldiers flew out like cannonballs, making all the soldiers who broke into Roger's room stunned.

Then they realized that the guy in front of them was also a member of the 'group of people', and the leading captain gave the order without hesitation:

Just before the others were about to shoot, Roger's figure came to the captain like a ghost, grabbed his collar and pushed up gently, the captain's body hit the ceiling above, and then It was like a dropped sack fell to the ground and lost consciousness instantly.

Then Roger quickly shuttled among the few people, using powerful force and speed that people couldn't react, and threw them out of the window one by one with each hand.

Chu Chu Chu! !

Roger had just finished off the enemies in the room when suddenly dense bullets rained down on him.

Looking back, the black soldier who had just been beaten by Roger and embedded in the wooden wall crawled out of the wooden plank covered in blood at this moment, and was venting his firepower crazily at Roger.

"Go to hell!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

The black soldier yelled frantically, as if the yelling could bring him courage, so he pulled the trigger until the bullets were finished.

But when he saw that Roger was unharmed, the black soldier stared at Roger with dull eyes, with a dark look of despair in his eyes. His fingers mechanically pulled the trigger, and the gun made a 'click' sound.

The bullet fell to the ground with a clang, and Roger looked back at the black soldier expressionlessly.

The soldier took a step back subconsciously. He hurriedly took out the spare magazine and wanted to change the magazine to continue attacking, but before he could take out the magazine, he found that the gun in his hand flew up by itself, and shot at him. It was dismembered into a pile of parts before my eyes!
"what the..."

He subconsciously wanted to curse, but the next moment the clip in his hand hit him on the head.

The blow was severe, and the black soldier completely fainted, unable to utter the remaining swear words.

Seeing this scene, Roger turned his head to look, and Qin Grey, who had just been awakened by the gunshots, was asking Roger with a puzzled face:
"What's going on here? They... who are they?"

"It's a long story, but to put it simply, I'm in trouble."

Roger replied to Qin Grey, and turned back to the room to open the cabinet, and showed Qin Grey the little girl hiding in the cabinet.

The little girl shivered in the closet hugging the pillow inside, looking at the two with fear and confusion in her eyes.

Roger pointed to the little girl and said:
"These people are here for her. It seems that someone is hunting down mutants... Let's talk about it in another place."

Roger originally planned to explain clearly to Qin Grey, but he heard the footsteps of someone approaching, so he decided to chat in another place first.

It was late at night, and there were no other hotels nearby that did not require identification. Roger searched for a long time on the road, and finally sat down at a KFC that was still open.

After ordering some food for the girl casually, Roger and Qin Grey sat down one after another, and continued the topic just now:
"She appeared in my room suddenly. The ability seems to be teleportation, but it shouldn't be long before the ability has been awakened. Sometimes the ability can't be used."

"You just said that someone was chasing her?"

"Well, it's from the military. Maybe someone is secretly studying mutants."

Roger didn't mention Stryker to Qin Grey. After all, the little girl was kidnapped by Stryker's people, and it was only Roger's guess.

However, Stryker is the most suspected, because in the X-Men series, Stryker seems to be the only villain in the military.

Qin Grey looked softly at the little girl who was devouring it, and then asked:

"what is her name?"

"I haven't asked yet."

Roger shrugged, turned his head and was about to ask the little girl's name, when the girl wiped his mouth and replied:
"My name is... Clarice, Clarice Ferguson."

The little girl Clarice introduced herself.

Qin Grey continued to ask: "Clarice? What about your... family?"

"...I have no family."

Clarice bowed her head and continued eating silently.

If it was someone else, they would probably think that the girl's family members might have passed away, but Jean Grey has some psychic abilities. Although she didn't read Clarice's thoughts, she could feel her anger, sadness and fear.

These angers were not aimed at the person who kidnapped her, but at her family. It seemed that Clarice's family had done something to her.

Qin Grey didn't ask any more questions, and Roger took advantage of this moment to say:

"This girl is not safe here. You should take her back to X Academy. It might be better to hand her over to the professor."


Qin Grey remained silent.

Roger frowned and said:

"Don't be willful at this time. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about this child. She needs a safe environment now."

"I'm worried that the professor will delete the child's memory..."

After hesitating for a while, Qin Grey finally expressed her worry.

Because Charles once sealed Qin Grey's memory, which made Qin Grey a little distrustful of Charles now, she always felt that most of the children in the school had their sad memories sealed by Charles.

Just like her.

Qin Grey believes that whether it is a sad memory or a happy memory, they are part of a person, and no one has the right to seal them, including Charles.

So she didn't want to go back, and she didn't want to take this little girl to X Academy.

"No matter how you say it, Charles probably wouldn't do that..."

Roger didn't think that Charles would do such things to manipulate people's minds. Whether it was the old version of Charles or the new version of Charles, they all belonged to the image of a spiritual mentor and were absolutely decent.

Roger didn't think he'd do it.

But Roger wasn't so absolutely sure either.

Through Charles' influence on Phoenix Girl's memory, Roger feels that Charles is sometimes a little arrogant.

He believed too much in his ability, thinking that no matter what kind of thinking, there would be no problem under his ability.

So maybe he is also subtly influencing the students of X Academy with his own ability.

"But always find a place for her."

Roger barely agrees with Qin Grey's idea, and temporarily decides not to send Clarice to the academy, but if she doesn't, she can only play wandering games outside with Roger and Qin Grey. Not very good for the physical and mental development of young children.

Qin Grey hesitated, and after thinking for a long time, she said to Roger:
"I know a place where I might be able to stay for a while."


Roger looked at Qin Grey suspiciously.

Why didn't he know that Qin Grey still had a temporary residence outside?

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that Roger and Qin Grey stood at the door of her house that he realized exactly where Qin Grey was talking about.

is her home.

To be precise, it is where her father lives now.

"This is the... residence you said?"

Roger asked, pointing to the house in front of him.

Qin Grey asked back: "Can't you?"

"It's not impossible, but didn't you break up with your father?"

"...I can influence his thoughts a little and let him allow us to live here for a while."

Qin Grey said in a low voice.

Roger asked back:
"Is this okay? You have to know that what you are doing now is actually similar to Charles. You don't want to be someone you hate, do you?"

Using one's own ability to influence others, Qin Grey is no different from Charles in doing so.

And now Qin Gelei doesn't know how to face her father. If she lives with her father for a long time, can Qin Gree accept it?
"...I'll talk to him."

Finally, Jean Grey decided to confess to her father.

She will not use her abilities to influence her father's thoughts, nor will she try to manipulate him, but communicate with words to let her father understand her current situation and thoughts.

If her father disagrees, Qin Grey will say something else.

If it doesn't work, just stay here for one night, and look for another place to live in tomorrow morning.

Anyway, Roger is rich, he got a lot from Charles, and it is also possible to rent a house outside as a temporary base.

After understanding Qin Grey's thoughts, Roger couldn't persuade him anymore. He followed Qin Grey and knocked on the door in front of him. Soon, a drunken man opened the door for several people.

He was Jean Grey's father, John Gray, who had the same name as Roger's former homelander.

At this moment, John couldn't help being stunned when he saw the daughter who left today and came back. When he saw his daughter with a strange man and a strange little girl, John couldn't help rubbing rubbed his eyes.

"You... this is...?"

John and Qin didn't get along very well today. Qin tried to check John's thoughts and reminded John of his dead wife, which made John very angry.

He was so angry that he couldn't help saying to Qin, "I thought you were dead a long time ago", and drove Qin out of the house.

After that, John certainly regretted what he said to his daughter, but looking back, he felt that maybe this was the best way. His daughter and he were not in the same world, and it was more suitable for her to let her live in the mutant academy.

Originally, John was already prepared to never see his daughter again. Unexpectedly, in less than a day, Qin brought a stranger home, which made John really do not know what to do.

"We... ran into a little trouble, so we want to stay here for one night..."

Qin spoke to the man in front of him in a very polite tone.

Upon seeing this, Roger added:
"One night is fine. After all, at this point in time, we have nowhere to go."

Although it is possible to stay in a hotel, there is no hotel nearby that does not require identity registration. Roger is a black household in this world, even if he has Qin Grey's identity certificate.

What's more, Qin Gelei came out in a hurry and didn't bring her driver's license.

"…come in."

In the end, for some unknown reason, John let Roger and the others in.

Roger thanked John, and Clarice, who was closely beside him, also thanked John in the same way.

But when Qin came here, she didn't say anything to John. The two just stood at the door and looked at each other, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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