Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 103 The Atmosphere Is Weird

Chapter 103 The Atmosphere Is Weird
"Did she quarrel with her father?"

Entering the room, Clarice, who was no longer afraid, looked at the silent Qin and her father John, and raised her head to ask Roger.

Roger spread his hands and said to Clarice:

"That's right, but the reason for this is very complicated."

"So... her father hated her because of her abilities?"

Clarice asked again.

Roger thought for a while and replied:

"It doesn't count..."

Qin Grey's awakening ability was still before the car accident. Before that, Qin Grey's parents did not abandon her because of her ability, but taught her like normal parents, and let her learn to control her ability.

From this point of view, Qin Grey's parents are more enlightened than the parents of ordinary mutants, at least they don't regard their children as monsters.

But then again, Roger looked at Clarice, whose eyes were full of curiosity, and asked:

"Did you quarrel with your parents because of your ability?"

"No..." Clarice whispered: "They... sent me to those strange soldiers... they said they wanted to cure me..."

"So it is."

Roger probably understood what was going on.

Clarice's parents, like the parents of other less enlightened mutants, felt that their abilities were actually a disease.

Even if the concept of mutants has been announced now, and mutants and humans are in a stage of peaceful coexistence, it cannot be expected that all humans can understand this and live in peace with mutants.

Just as there are mutants who want to create a world with only mutants, humans also have people who hate mutants and even think that mutants are monsters.

Moreover, Clarice's ability should be teleportation. If she accidentally opens the portal to teleport the object, and the result is only half of the teleportation, the object will be cut off easily.

Such a dangerous ability, if it is really seen by others, it is natural to feel fear.

However, Roger did not expect that Clarice's parents would choose to believe in the military. The military of country M is not like a country in the east that is loved by everyone.

The relationship between the military and the people in this country is antagonistic. Clarice's parents chose to hand her over to the military. Could it be that there are members of the military at home?Or are they part of the military themselves?
Roger was a little curious about Clarice's identity, but what made Roger even more curious was whether she would be the twinkle who only appeared once in the original plot.

In the plot of "X-Men: Days of Future Past", among the members of the X-Men squad in the future world, there is a mutant who can open the portal. Her code name is Blink.

The ability to flicker is the same as that of Clarice in front of her. They create a portal by releasing a purple light circle, and you can reach another place through the portal.

But because the future has changed, Roger doesn't know if Blink will ever become the X-Men.

And even if he really will become an X-Men, Blink's age doesn't seem to match the age of the little girl in front of him... After all, Blink looks quite young in the plot of Days of Future Past.

"Clarice, is it okay for me to call you that?"

After thinking for a moment, Roger asked Clarice.

After seeing Clarice nodding and saying no problem, Roger continued to ask:

"Where did you escape from? How did you escape? May I ask?"

"I... don't know very well, I just remember that they took me into a big, big house...then...then I felt very scared, and then I ran out..."

Clarice narrated in a low voice.

She was obviously not a storyteller, and she couldn't tell Roger vividly about her experience.

Roger was not reluctant, patted Clarice on the shoulder and said:
"Okay, I probably know, you go to rest first, sleep peacefully, everything will be fine when you wake up."

"You... you won't leave me, will you?"

Clarice asked in a low voice.

Roger and Qin Grey were the only mutants she had ever seen since she was a child. She didn't even know the concept of mutants before.

Now that she finally saw her own kind, who was still very friendly to her, Clarice was very worried that they would disappear when she woke up.

Roger was about to comfort Clarice, when Qin Gray came over and smiled at Clarice:
"Don't worry, we won't leave, you just live here with peace of mind."

Maybe it was because she used her psychic ability while talking, Clarice quickly calmed down, obediently came to the room arranged by Qin Grey, and fell asleep on the bed.

Roger has been with them all the time. After seeing Clarice fell asleep, Roger stood at the door and asked Qin Grey:

"Have you finished talking with your father?"

"Well, he agreed to let us stay here tonight."

"Just today?"

"...just today."

Qin Grey repeated in a low voice.

Roger didn't listen to the conversation between Jean Grey and his father with super hearing, so he didn't know what they said, and he didn't ask now, just nodded and said:
"Then it looks like we're going to find a place to live tomorrow."

"Sorry, but you don't have to come with me."

Qin Grey said to Roger.

Roger is not from this world, and has nothing to do with mutants, and he and Charles have only known each other for a few days.

No matter how familiar Roger is with these X-Men, he is just a stranger, and there is no need to listen to Charles and follow Qin Grey to take care of her.

"Probably because I'm bored."


Qin Grey was stunned, and looked at Roger with a strange expression.

She thought that Roger would say something like 'responsibility' and 'commitment', even if Roger said that he was by her side to win her favor, Qin Grey would probably believe it.

But she never imagined that the reason turned out to be 'boring'.

"Yeah, boring, you know? The world before me was a world with advanced technology, and the gap with your current world is at least 30 years.

"It's a world of entertainment, movies that make you feel like you're there, games that make you feel like you're in another world... but in this world, I don't have any of those things, so of course I would be boring."

Roger said frankly.

Qin Grey imagined what Roger said, and said:
"That is really a beautiful world... In such a world, there should be no conflicts between mutants and humans..."

"Not always."

Qin Grey was imagining, but Roger ruthlessly broke her imagination and said:

"It can only be said that every world has its own unique troubles. You should know it by looking at my superpowers. My world is not so peaceful, it just calmed down recently."

"In the world you live in, are there many mutant-like superpowers...?"

"Many, as many as mutants, but these people are different from mutants. They... including me, are all 'products' made by humans, but this is all in the past, and now the world is going It's a good direction, so I will go to other worlds to travel around."

The world of the black robe no longer needs Roger to worry about.

Under the leadership of the Tek Knights, with the Winter Soldier and Thor sitting in command, and the alien technology that Roger handed over to Thor and the Winter Soldier, the people in the black robe world will not destroy the world no matter how much they jump around.

Jean Grey sat next to the sleeping Clarice. She imagined the world that Roger said for a long time, and suddenly asked Roger:
"Can I... take a look? The world?"

"Ah? Ah... You want to see that world through my memory, right?"

Roger quickly understood Qin Grey's thoughts.

Qin Grey asked: "Is it possible? Don't worry, I won't read redundant memories..."

"It's not impossible."

With the spiritual barrier Strange set up for himself, and Roger's own spiritual practice, a mere phoenix girl who has not yet grown up, Roger is not worried that she can break through the barrier and see through his mind.

Even Charles couldn't do it, and of course Phoenix Girl, who wasn't a psychic power expert, couldn't do it either.

It's just... Roger's current atmosphere is a bit strange, but he can't tell what is wrong.

Just thinking about it, Roger suddenly saw that Qin Grey had walked in front of him, and raised her hand to Roger's side. There was a distance between the palm and Roger's forehead, as if asking for Roger's opinion .

That kind of weird atmosphere seems to be getting more and more. Seeing that the atmosphere has come here, Roger can't continue to refuse, and said to Qin Grey:

"Come on, I'll let you open your eyes."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and let Qin Grey's hand rest on his forehead.

...Why does it feel even weirder.

Saying something in his heart, Roger felt an inexplicable spiritual force slowly entering his consciousness.

Different from Charles's spiritual power, this spiritual power is like a small animal that inadvertently broke into the territory of a wild beast, carefully exploring in Roger's mind, for fear of touching any place that would arouse the anger of the wild beast.

Roger knew that this was Qin Grey's consciousness, felt the spiritual power of Qin Grey, and Roger guided Qin Grey in his mind to see what Roger wanted her to see.

Entertainment to death in the world of black robes, exploration of the starry sky in the world of Marvel...

All kinds of novel and interesting film and television works, all kinds of alien life, a wonderful and huge scroll slowly unfolded in Qin's eyes, which had a very shocking impact on her who lived in the 80s.

Her eyes were flickering, and her consciousness shuttled through countless pictures.

She saw a new world.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Grey reluctantly removed her hand from Roger's forehead, and said half-jokingly:

"I... seem to understand your boredom. Compared with your experience, this world is really boring."

"Right? So I had to find something for myself to do."

"Then shall I say... I'm honored?"

Qin Grey asked with a smile.

In Roger's memory, she knew Roger's identity, knowing that he was a superhero in one world and a savior in another world.

Anyone would feel honored to have such a savior by his side to protect him.

Jean Grey smiled sincerely, and Roger laughed too.

But laughing and laughing, Roger felt something was wrong.

He finally understood what the strange atmosphere he had noticed from just now was.

Is there a possibility... Roger means possible.

Now... is he actually... flirting with girls?

 Impossible, absolutely impossible.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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