Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 108 Things to do after time travel

Chapter 108 Things to do after time travel
In the world of the X-Men, Roger has done what he wants to do.

Although the people in Cairo, Egypt still had some casualties because of the great pyramid in the end, compared with the millions of people killed and injured in the original book, this result is already the best.

After Tianqi died, Phoenix Girl accepted the fact that Charles had sealed her memory. Even if she was possessed by the power of the Phoenix in the future, she should not easily leave the Mutant Academy.

The ending of the X-Men world is changing for the better with Roger's participation, and this is what makes Roger feel most comfortable.

After being able to travel infinitely and go to any world where he may know the plot, what would a normal person choose to do?
If he has some ability, he may choose to find those "celebrities" in the plot, chat, make friends and so on.

If you have a bad personality, you may choose to use your abilities to misbehave.

If you encounter someone who is timid, you will probably do nothing and hide in a quiet place as a transparent person.

Roger actually thought of the first one at first, chatting with the characters that appeared in the original book, making friends with these heroes on the screen, and so on.

But after the Marvel zombie world, Roger felt that he should be able to do more.

Change the doomed ending of the original world, change all those sad, desperate, and finally destined to be lost endings, and turn them into a family carnival ending that Roger wanted to see before he crossed over.

Wouldn't it be better to do so.

Roger did just that in the X-Men world.

He saved millions of people in Cairo, Egypt, and kept Alex Shockwave, who was going to die, alive.

The ending of the X-Men world was changed by Roger, which is what makes Roger happiest.

But after doing this, Roger lost his purpose in the X-Men world, and he fell into a state of boredom again.

So instead of spending time with the X-Men, Roger is going to have fun elsewhere.

But what Roger didn't expect was that after wandering outside for a month, just after he just threw the fighter plane design drawing from a certain military base to a rabbit in this world, a purple portal suddenly appeared next to him , Qin Grey walked out from the portal.


Roger, who was just about to celebrate, looked at Qin Grey who appeared beside him in a daze.

Looking at the astonished Roger, Qin asked with a smile:

"What's wrong? Are you surprised to see me?"

" did you come here?"

Roger asked in bewilderment.

He thought that his relationship with the X-Men was over. After all, he had caused a lot of troubles in country M during this time. The most famous one was probably breaking into another military base and killing Stryker.

Now M country regards Roger as the most wanted criminal after Magneto, and the X-Men are caught in the middle.

So in order to avoid embarrassment for both parties, Roger has been hiding his identity from public view, waiting for time travel to come and leave this world.

Why did Qin Grey suddenly come to the door today?

Could it be that what I have done recently is too much?It shouldn't be. Roger didn't do anything too outrageous. He killed Stryker for the benefit of mutants. It doesn't make sense for the X-Men to come here suddenly at this time...

Seeing Roger's head full of question marks, Qin Grey laughed out loud, and replied:
"Because I decided to go with you."

Roger: "?"

Roger: "???"

There are more question marks on Roger's head. He never expected that Jean Grey would decide to leave the X-Men world with him!

Roger didn't think that he had such a great charm. He had only been in this world for less than a month, and he was able to attract other girls to leave with him.

Therefore, Roger wondered if this was Charles' idea, because he wanted Jean Grey to go with him and find a new home for mutants.

He frowned and asked:
"Charles sent you here?"


Qin replied decisively: "I wanted to come because... I wanted to see the outside world."


Hearing Qin's reason, Roger suddenly realized.

The root of the problem turned out to be here. It was the colorful world in Roger's head that attracted Qin. She wanted to follow Roger to see more novel and interesting worlds, and meet more interesting people and things.

Teenage girls are having youthful fantasies. At this moment, Qin Grey obviously has no idea of ​​becoming a hero. It is normal to be attracted by the world in Roger's mind.

But Roger hesitated at the moment.

Although it is not impossible to take Qin Grey together, but the reason mentioned before, Qin is a girl and a minor, Roger always feels that taking Qin with him is like taking a child.

Of course, in terms of Phoenix Girl's strength, she will definitely not be a drag on Roger, and she won't be a drag, but Roger still feels a little awkward with someone beside her.

"Looking at you, it seems that you don't want to take me away?"

Seeing Roger hesitate, Qin tilted her head and asked.

Roger said truthfully:
"I'm used to being alone, and I'm not used to following others around me."

"Then it's an exchange."


"Yes, as a reward for taking me to other worlds, I will let you know the fun of this world, even without the mobile phone you mentioned, without the 4K games you mentioned, this world has many things that other worlds do not have.

"I'll take you to see it, but in exchange, you'll take me away."

Qin said seriously.

It can be seen that she had already thought about what to say before coming here. This Phoenix girl who has not yet grown up has made up her mind to leave this world with Roger.

Roger and Qin looked at each other, and he saw seriousness and anticipation in Qin's eyes.

Roger knew that unless he explicitly rejected the other party, no matter what reason he gave, Phoenix Girl would have a way to deal with it.

She's obviously been thinking about being at X Academy for a long time.

There was no other way, in the end Roger could only say to Jean:
"Okay, let me see what interesting things you can show me. If it doesn't satisfy me, I won't take you with me."

"Come with me, you will definitely be satisfied."

Qin reached out to Roger and took Roger to travel the world of X-Men.

And just like Qin said, although the technology in this world is a little behind, but because of the existence of mutants, there are still many interesting things hidden in the dark in this world.

Roger can also be regarded as truly aware of the world of the X-Men, how these mutants with special abilities live, and truly realize that this world is a real world, not just a movie, a fictional world.

In the process, Roger also re-acquainted with Qin Grey, a girl who has no good end in the old and new versions of the movie plot.

The two ran around the world for two months like this, and when the crossing point was fully charged and Roger was about to cross again, he also fulfilled his promise and left the X-Men world with Qin Grey.

"The new world may not be as good as you imagined. It is possible that we will travel to a more backward place, or we may face a major event that will destroy the entire world as soon as it appears."

Before crossing over, Roger gave Qin Grey serious instructions.

Qin tightly grasped Roger's hand, nodded nervously and said:
"I know, I'm ready, so... shall we begin?"

"Okay, but before that, you have to cover your whole body with thought power, because you will be squeezed by... well, to a certain extent."

"it is good."

Qin was very obedient and covered her whole body with thoughts.

But Roger didn't move, the crossing point has been fully charged, and now he can use the biological force field to influence the crossing point to make it stay for a longer period of time, so he wants to use this time to instruct more things.

"...Why don't you go?"

"You want to go back on it?"

Qin raised her head to ask, and before waiting for Roger's answer, she said, "If you go back on what you have already said, I will look down on you."

"No, it's just...forget it, let's go."

Roger originally wanted to say something more, but thinking that he had indeed agreed to the other person, and now that the matter was imminent, he would not let the other party go with him, which was indeed a bit unmanly.

So in the end Roger didn't say any more, hugged Qin Grey tightly and opened the crossing point.

The familiar squeeze came, but Roger could already feel his control over the biological force field. When he found that he could control the biological force field while passing through, Roger quickly covered the creature in front of him with the biological force field. Jean Grey, to prevent her body from being damaged by being squeezed.

Roger did not forget how he crossed over to the people of the motherland for the first time.

This special squeezing feeling came and went quickly, protected by the double protection of mind force and biological force field, Qin didn't even feel anything, and came to the new world with Roger.

When they came to the new world, the place where the two appeared was still in the sky.

Qin was still closing her eyes, and she didn't realize that the time travel was over until Roger called her.

"This... is this the end?"

"Of course, what else do you want to do?"

"I thought that I would come to some special place, and then transfer from that place... something..."

Qin said slightly disappointed.

She also thought that the process of crossing would be more 'wonderful'.

"You have read too many science fiction novels. Time travel is so common to me. When I close my eyes and open them, I go to another world."

Roger said helplessly, paused and continued:
"Okay, as an 'expert' who travels frequently, I'm going to tell you the first rule after crossing."


Roger smiled slightly:
"To inquire about the situation of this world, first to determine where this world is, is the first thing to do after crossing."

(End of this chapter)

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