Chapter 109 Superman!

With experience in the Marvel world and the X-Men world, Roger is already familiar with the matter of inquiring about news.

Heqin landed near a small town below, and Roger checked with super vision.

Because of his experience in the X-Men world, the first thing Roger did now was to check the technology of this world, and after the investigation, Roger found that the technology of this world was almost the same as the modern society he knew.

There are TVs and computers, and the network equipment is quite mature, and various network cables have also been erected.

After finding a random passerby and asking Qin to find out the year, Roger finally confirmed the current time and place.

Country M in 2013.

"Are we in the future?"

After knowing the current year, Jean asked Roger curiously.

Roger pondered a little, and replied:
"That's right, but it's not the future of your world. You've seen that person's memory just now. There should be no mutants in this world."

"It's true that there are no mutants...but there seem to be aliens."

Jean nodded, then said to Roger.

"...?" Roger was stunned, "Aliens?"

Qin replied:
"It's an alien. I saw it in this person's memory. This alien appeared last night. It seems to be called...General Zod, he said that he wants the earth to hand over his people."

"Wait, what's that alien's name!?"

"General Zod."

Jean blinked and repeated it again.

When Roger heard the name, he was stunned, his expression quickly changed from sunny to cloudy, and he said to Qin helplessly:

"It turned out to be Zod. I'm afraid this earth will be in trouble next time."

"You... know this Zod?"

Hearing that Roger seemed to know the name Zod, Qin Grey asked suspiciously.

"Don't you know Zod?"

Seeing that Qin didn't seem to know Zod at all, Roger asked back.

Qin shook her head in confusion, she had never heard of this name.

Roger asked again:

"Haven't you read the comics for Superman?"

"No, but I've heard of Superman... What did you mention Superman for?"

"Because General Zod is the villain in the "Superman" series of comics..."

Roger said sadly.

Rude Zod, one of the villains in the DC Universe, and Superman Clark Kent are people from the same planet, and they are both from Krypton.

And since there is General Zod here, and Qin also learned that General Zod arrived on Earth yesterday, and at the same time asked Earth to hand over their clansman Kal-El, that is, Superman Clark Kent.

So according to this plot, Roger can roughly guess that he should have come to the world of the movie "Superman: Man of Steel".

To be more precise, it came to the timeline in the DC movie universe, when Superman was just known to everyone.

Hearing Roger say that he has come to the world where Superman lives, Qin feels a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

"Superman...isn't he a fictional character?"

Actually, strictly are also a fiction...

Roger looked at Qin and hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say that to Qin, but only answered Qin's question:

"It's like this in your world, but it's not surprising that there are supermen in countless parallel worlds, right?"

"All right……"

Jean reluctantly agrees with Roger.

Roger continued:

"In short, if General Zod is the same as described in the comics, then even if he finds Superman, he may not let the earth go, maybe he will transform the earth into Krypton, so..."

"...are we going to fight aliens next?"

Qin asked eagerly.

The corner of Roger's mouth twitched, and said:

"It's not that you don't know the power of Superman. A Superman is still very difficult to deal with. There are so many Kryptonians around Zod who are like Superman. Do you think we can beat them back with just the two of us?"

Two fists are still difficult to beat four hands, not to mention that Roger now only has superhuman physical fitness and does not know any fighting skills.

Roger's fighting methods have always been very simple, either flying in the air and killing enemies with heat vision from a distance, or relying on his steel body to rampage among the enemies.

This way of fighting is unsolvable for those who can't break Roger's steel body, and can't trap Roger. No matter what Roger does, they can't stop it.

But for the Kryptonian fighters with almost the same physical fitness, Roger is like a fitness trainer facing the experienced special forces.

The physical fitness of both sides is similar, but if there is a real fight, Roger will undoubtedly be hanged and beaten.

Of course, all of the above are just Roger's conjectures. Whether he can survive the fight will only be known after a real fight.

But Roger is not stupid, even if he can beat one person, can he beat a group of people?
The Kryptonians came in battleships, there were quite a few Kryptonians on board, and there were several combat members, Roger was stupid to fight them head on.

"Then how do we stop Zod?"

Instead of going head-to-head with Zod and the others, Roger and Qin have no other way to stop General Zod. It would be better to say that there are very few people on the entire planet who can stop Zod now.

So many superheroes in the DC universe have not yet appeared. Among the giants of the Justice League, Batman was not prepared in advance and could not participate in this matter.

Sea King Arthur is still fishing in the one-acre three-point land in his hometown, and Roger has no confidence in convincing him to accompany him to deal with General Zod.

Wonder Woman Diana may be able to, but Roger won't be able to find her for a while, and in the next battle with the Kryptonians, Wonder Woman's role is actually not very big.

The Flash may not have appeared yet, and Cyborg's current body may still be intact, so there is no hope.

The Green Lantern didn't know where he appeared, and Roger also forgot what the Green Lantern was called and where he lived.

Martian Manhunter can think about it, but in the plot of the movie, Martian Manhunter has obviously met Superman, but he has no intention of showing up, so there is a high probability that he will not participate in this battle.

The other Green Arrow, Shazam, Atom... either haven't appeared yet, or if they appear, it may not be of much use.

So the only ones who can stop Zod now are Superman, Roger and Qin, the 'extraterrestrials' from other parallel time and space.

If they don't go, they can only pin all their hopes on Superman.

"Let's go to Metropolis first."

Roger thought for a while before deciding where to go next.

Now I don’t know when the plot has progressed. If Superman has already boarded General Zod’s spaceship, then Zod will activate the planetary ecological converter to try to transform the earth’s environment and turn the earth into Krypton.

There are two ecological converters of this kind, one is on the uninhabited sea opposite the earth, and the other has less impact.

And another...

Right here in Metropolis!
When it comes to Metropolis, many people may not have any concept in their heads, but when it comes to the prototype of Metropolis, it is estimated that many people can understand it.

new York.

A super-large city with a population of over 800 million!

And that planetary reformer will be activated in the center of such a big city at that time, through a series of gravitational waves, it will gradually transform the environment of the earth. When the gravitational waves are activated, everyone near the instrument... will die.

Therefore, Roger and Qin should go to the metropolis first, at least to evacuate the ordinary people of the metropolis.

After Roger finished talking about his purpose to Qin, Qin smiled knowingly:

"Just like what you did to Cairo when you first came to our world, right?"

"Well, yes, but this time I need your help."

Roger said seriously to Qin, he was suddenly glad that Qin came with him.

If it was just Roger, he wouldn't be able to evacuate so many people from Metropolis, but Jean could.

As long as Qin can control the thinking of a certain high-level government and let those people leave the place where the planetary reformer landed in advance, casualties can be avoided to the greatest extent.

When Roger asked Qin, his tone was somewhat apologetic.

Because he obviously brought Qin to travel, but he had to ask Qin to help deal with this trouble just after crossing, Roger felt a little bit sorry.

But Qin didn't think too much, she agreed to Roger's request without any hesitation:
"This is what I should do. After all, I am an X-Men... Well, although I am only a reserve at the moment."

"Then let's..."

Roger was about to take Qin to the metropolis together, but suddenly his words stopped, and he turned his head and looked into the distance.

boom! ! !
The sudden blaze attracted the attention of the people in the small town. Qin also followed Roger's gaze and found that the gas station in the middle of the town was hit by something, causing an explosion and burning.

Roger's super vision saw two people standing next to the exploded gas station, one was wearing a high-tech armor and a transparent oxygen mask on his face.

The other one, with a red cloak, a blue battle suit, and a big 'S' in the middle, is the Superman of this world.

Since Superman is here, another guy who 'flies' over with Superman is one of the Kryptonians.

Seeing Superman and the Kryptonian, Roger turned his head to Qin and said:
"Qin, you go to Metropolis first."

"Are you alone... all right?"

Jean knew that Roger was going to stay here to prevent the Kryptonians from causing more damage, so she didn't ask Roger the reason for letting her go first.

She was just worried about whether Roger could handle it by himself.

"Don't worry, Superman is here."

Smiling reassuringly at Jean, Roger flew towards Superman.

Roger may not be able to deal with the coming Kryptonians on his own, but don't forget that Superman is also here.

In the original plot, it seemed difficult for Superman to deal with two Kryptonians by himself, but now with Roger's help, two people should be able to deal with two Kryptonians... right?

(End of this chapter)

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