Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 110 Fighting with the Kryptonians

Chapter 110 Fighting with the Kryptonians
Over the small town, two fighter jets swooped down from the sky.

This is a fighter jet sent by the government to deal with aliens, and their targets are the three aliens in the town.

Although there is an alien who can barely be regarded as an earthling, after all, he has lived on the earth for 33 years. If he does not count his birth, he is completely an earthling.

But the order they received was to attack indiscriminately, so...

"Thunder 11, target three people, prepare to shoot!"

On the fighter jet, the pilot communicated with the command platform through the intercom.

"Permission to shoot."

The command platform did not hesitate, and immediately allowed the pilot to attack.

The pilot did not hesitate, and after locking on to three targets, he pressed the launch button.

chu chu ---!
The airborne machine gun fired armor-piercing bullets that were powerful enough to smash a human body, and rushed towards the three enemies below the town in a dense manner.

At this moment, Superman, who was planning to fight the Kryptonians, saw the machine gun bullets, and his first reaction was to jump far away to avoid the range of the machine gun.

Superman doesn't know that bullets are useless to him. He has lived on the earth for more than 30 years, so that the current Superman instinctively avoids human thermal weapons.

Making the same action as Superman, there is also the opposite female Kryptonian Fiora.

Only the big Kryptonian remained, unable to avoid being hit by a machine gun bullet in time.

The powerful impact of the bullet caused the big Kryptonian to fly far away, until he hit a distant wall before stopping.

"Great job, Thunder 11! Keep going!"

Cheers came from the other fighter, and the fighter named Thunder No. 11 vacated again, ready to give another blow to the Kryptonians below.

However, the bullet just now did not cause any damage to the big Kryptonian. The big Kryptonian just shook his head and started to run on the ground.

"What is he going to do... No, Thunder 11, Skydive!!! Skydive!!!"

The other fighter quickly discovered the intention of the big Kryptonian, and quickly shouted to the pilot on the Thunder.

But he shouted a little slowly, or the Kryptonian's speed was too fast for the pilots on the fighter jets to react at all.

When Thunder No. 11 was about to skydive, he found that the big guy had already jumped in front of his plane!

Seeing that the fighter plane and the Kryptonian were about to collide, at this moment, a black figure flew from a distance, and hit the Kryptonian in the air like lightning!

boom! !

The strong airflow generated by the impact deflected the fighter a little. The pilot on the plane also gave up skydiving when he saw this, and immediately raised the fuselage and left above the town.

The sudden black shadow made everyone stunned for a while, and soon another member of the Fighter Guardian asked:
"Thunder 11, what is that?"

"No... I don't know, it seems to be a... a person... sir!"

The pilot of Thunder 11 said in shock.

The member on the Guardian asked again:

"Is that the alien who lives on Earth?"

And this question does not need to be answered by the pilot of Thunder 11, the soldier who is observing the battle situation here immediately replied:

"No! It's... another one!! Another alien that hasn't been seen before!! His appearance is similar to that of the alien in blue!"


The Guardian pilot was a little confused, not only him, but everyone on the podium looked confused.

Doesn't it mean that there is only one alien living on the earth?Why did another pop up?
The government and the military couldn't figure it out, and the Superman who watched the black shadow knocking the big Krypton away from below was also dazed.

Superman had been to the spaceship left by his biological father before, and he knew that he was probably the only Kryptonian who fell on the earth, so where did this guy who looks like a Kryptonian come from?

Has he been on Earth before, or did he come with the Kryptonian spacecraft this time?

Superman was full of doubts, and the female Kryptonian Fiora who originally planned to fight him couldn't help but communicate with the people on the battleship.

"Kal-El is the only Kryptonian on Earth?"

"I don't know, but whether they are Kryptonians or not, we will catch them together later!"

Fiora and the big Kryptonian quickly received orders from above.

After getting the order, Fiora didn't hesitate any longer. She first glanced at the two fighter jets flying above, and was going to deal with these two combat tools sent by humans to make trouble.

It's just that she just jumped up, and the superman who reacted rushed and knocked Fiora into the air again.

Although Superman didn't know who the guy who appeared out of nowhere and looked dressed like himself was, he knew that the guy was a friendly army and came to help him.

And now that the other party has dragged another Kryptonian, what he needs to face is the female Kryptonian in front of him.

Superman crashes into Fiora, dragging her to the town facade.

And the black figure who hit the big guy flying, which is Roger, is trying his best to grab the big guy and fly to a farther, empty place.

Roger wanted to move the battlefield to another place first, so as not to injure ordinary people in the small town later.

But the big Kryptonian caught by him was not honest. He hugged Roger's arm in turn, trying to drag him off the sky.

"be honest!"

The other hand clenched into a fist and hammered the Kryptonian's head fiercely. Roger tried to control him and continue to fly to the destination he saw.

It's just that the armor on the outside of the Kryptonian is extremely strong, coupled with the physical fitness of the Kryptonian itself, making Roger's attack almost ineffective.

In the end, the Kryptonian found the opportunity instead, and in turn punched Roger hard on the head.

boom! !

The blow was not light, and Roger felt dizzy for the first time since crossing.

Because his head was dizzy, Roger's body and the Kryptonian fell from the air uncontrollably, and fell heavily into a certain wheat field below.

The bodies of the two separated during the fall, like two pieces of iron falling from the sky, rolling in the wheat field, drawing two long pits.


Roger, who didn't fly very far, quickly stood up from the ground, staring at the Kryptonian who also got up in the distance.

Although there seems to be no one here, it is not very far from the town. If they fight later, the two may fight back.

Roger was thinking about a solution, but the Kryptonian quickly regained his fighting posture. He shook his neck, looked at Roger, and charged Roger!


The Kryptonian rushed towards him, and Roger felt angry when he was beaten by the opponent. He didn't even think about avoiding the opponent, and forgot that he wanted to take the opponent away. Run to your own Kryptonians!

One step... two steps!
boom!boom! !

After just two jumps, Roger collided with the Kryptonian, and then there was a crashing sound!
boom! !

The impact airflow generated by the collision of the two overwhelmed the surrounding ears of wheat, and Roger raised his right fist and slammed it down on the Kryptonian in front of him, but to his surprise, his fist was dodged by the opponent, but the opponent hit him instead. With a fierce punch, Roger was thrown flying again!
"too weak."

The Kryptonian who smashed Roger into the air said in a dull voice.

Although the physical fitness of the two is almost the same, even Roger's strength is still faintly above the Kryptonian, but if they really fight seriously, the Kryptonian can easily knock Roger into the air.

Because Roger doesn't know any fighting skills, and doesn't even have much fighting experience, most of the time he relies on his superpowers to fight crushingly.

So now when facing Kryptonian soldiers who have similar abilities to his own and have rich combat experience, Roger is at an absolute disadvantage!

Roger didn't engage in a verbal argument with the Kryptonian in front of him. He knew that he didn't have much combat experience, and his fighting skills were almost equal to zero.

But at the same time, the opponent should have nothing to do with him. Although Roger seemed to be beaten badly, in fact, when the opponent's fist hit him, it didn't hurt very much.

In other words, Roger can't beat the Kryptonian, and the Kryptonian can't do effective damage to him.

And Roger's failure to beat the Kryptonians is only temporary.

Don't forget that this is the third time he has traveled to a new world, and his body has unlocked other superhuman abilities. This time... there is a high probability that it will be superpowers!
Roger doesn't know how strong Superman is at his peak, but it is said that he can easily push a planet around, and can perform five consecutive days of bench press training compared to the weight of an earth.

Roger's original strength is definitely not as good as Superman, but after this time travel, Roger feels that his strength is becoming stronger and stronger over time.

Although it will take a very long time to achieve the power of Superman, but if it takes a while, it should be no problem to fight an ordinary Kryptonian combatant.

Feeling the power surging up from his body, Roger stared at the Kryptonian with cold eyes. He clenched his fists and rushed towards the Kryptonian again, while scorching energy gathered in his eyes.

When he came to the Kryptonian, Roger quickly pressed him to the ground, grabbed his neck with one hand, and the energy of his eyes shot out instantly!


There was a sound like electric welding. Although the Kryptonian had already reacted when he saw Roger's eyes were scarlet, he was still a little slower in the end.

The transparent helmet on his head was shot through by Roger's heat vision, and left a long burn mark on his face!

The Kryptonian instantly knew the threat of this thermal vision. Seeing that Roger's eyes were gathering light again, the Kryptonian immediately supported Roger's chin and pushed it up hard.

Heat vision skipped over the Kryptonian's head, shooting through distant ears of wheat and an automated harvester.

Then the Kryptonian kicked hard, sending Roger flying from him.

Roger adjusted his figure in the air, and was about to give this Kryptonian another fever vision, but suddenly a blue energy light cannon in the distance hit Roger accurately, knocking Roger into the air again!

Looking in the direction of the light cannon, the small spaceship of the Kryptonians is flying towards here at a very high speed!
It's Kryptonian reinforcements arriving!
(End of this chapter)

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