Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 122 It's Marvel World Again

Chapter 122 It's Marvel World Again
Following the call for help sensed by the Mind Stone, Roger came over an ancient castle in the forest in Northern Europe.

It's not that Roger doesn't want to go to Qin, but the Soul Gem can't connect to Qin's heart now, instead it is connected to the voice of a strange girl he doesn't know.

Inexplicably brought to this world by the Soul Stone, and suddenly heard a voice that could be connected to the Soul Stone, Roger suspected that this girl might have something to do with their time travel.

That's why Roger came here following the sensed location.

It's just that Roger didn't expect the distance he heard to be so far away. After flying at full speed in the air for a few minutes, Roger came to the place where the voice for help came from.

But when Roger came to the emergency location, Roger saw a sign familiar to Marvel fans.

A skull followed by a logo of six tentacles, which is the emblem representing Hydra.


Seeing this familiar sign, Roger knew exactly where the world he came to was.

It's still the Marvel universe, and if nothing else, the point in time when Hydra still exists.

Roger saw the Loki scepter stored in the base in front of him through his perspective ability. From this, he speculated that this was probably the time when the first episode of the Avengers ended and the second episode had not yet started.

And if this is the case, then the cry for help that Roger heard just now...

"I found it, it really is Wanda."

Continuing to search, Roger found Wanda and her younger brother locked up under the bunker... No, it should be the older brother in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wanda's older brother Pietro.

The two seemed to have just finished the Hydra experiment, and Pietro's body had abnormal twitches, disappearing suddenly and reappearing in another place from time to time.

Wanda is using the ability she just acquired to try to move the building blocks in front of her.

There is no doubt that the cry for help came from Wanda.

When Wanda was activated by the mind gem in the Loki scepter, she inadvertently connected with Roger's mind gem and let Roger hear Wanda's voice.

"It turned out to be Wanda..."

Seeing that it was Wanda who was calling for help, Roger was somewhat disappointed.

He also thought that the person calling for help had something to do with the Soul Stone... Well, it did, but it had something to do with the Soul Stone in this world, not the Soul Stone in Roger's hand.

Exhaling lightly, Roger glanced at the Hydra base below, and instead of rushing in to save people immediately, he suddenly asked:
"Observer? Are you there?"

Since it is the Marvel world, the Observer must still be hiding in the dark watching all this, but the strange thing is that Roger has returned to the Marvel world again, but the Observer did not come out to ask Roger if he would help him go Against Infinite Ultron.

Feeling confused, Roger called out to the observers.

If the Observer was still around, he would definitely come out.

It just surprised Roger that the observer didn't appear in front of Roger immediately, and Roger stood there waiting for a while, but still couldn't see the observer.

"what's the situation……?"

It stands to reason that nothing should happen to the Observer. Even if he can't wait for Roger to come back, following the original route to form a team to deal with Ultron can solve the problem of Infinite Ultron.

Could it be that Infinity Ultron has been dealt with, so the Observer no longer needs to appear in front of Roger?

The observer does not appear, and Roger is not good enough to continue calling.

It is a good thing that the observer does not appear, which shows that the infinite Ultron that plagues the Marvel multiverse is no longer the problem of the observer, and Roger does not need to deal with the infinite Ultron.

No longer thinking about the Observer, Roger is ready to deal with the immediate problem first.

He looked at the Hydra base below, locked on the location of Loki's scepter and Wanda Pietro, and rushed straight down without hesitation.


"Sir, a UFO has been spotted."

Inside the Hydra base, a Hydra member monitoring the outside world said to the supreme officer behind him.

The leader of Hydra, with a monocle over his left eye, and a short hair that is close to bald, his name is Strack, and he is the person in charge of this base.

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Strack looked at the radar:

"Yes,'s a human's coming down!"

As soon as the subordinate was about to answer, he saw the humanoid 'UFO' directly above the base, falling straight down from the sky!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Strack immediately ordered:
"Activate the defense system and shoot it down!!!"

Rao Strack reacted quickly, but in the end he was still a step slower.

Before those defense systems could be activated, the unidentified human-shaped object directly smashed through the ceiling of the base, passed through layers of obstacles, and landed directly in the deepest part of the base.

Boom! !
Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire base shook like an earthquake. Trask was stunned for a while, and found that the target of the humanoid object was not here, and he landed in the deepest part of the base...the experimental place room!

"No, Loki Scepter!!"

Seeing that the unknown object did not land here, Strucker immediately thought of the twins who were locked underground, the successful experiment just now, and the Loki scepter with the twins!

There is no doubt that the target of this unknown object is the Loki scepter, and Strucker must not let the Loki scepter fall into the hands of others!
"Quick!! Send someone to the laboratory! Any unidentified guy who approaches the laboratory, kill them all!!"

Strack yelled at Hydra's special forces team.

Hydra quickly assembled a team and rushed towards the laboratory fully armed.


Da da da--

In the underground laboratory, the Hydra members responsible for guarding the place kept shooting at the unknown object that had just fallen and smashed a big hole in the ceiling.

Roger watched the bullets bursting from the gun, feeling as if time had slowed down.

Every time he crosses, the crossing point will enhance one of Roger's abilities, and the ability that is enhanced now seems to be the ability of his own thinking speed.

In fact, Roger's speed is not slow. Although he can't reach the speed of Flash, it is far faster than ordinary people. The only thing that limits him to run faster is his thinking speed.

In other words, once Roger uses his fastest speed, his consciousness will not be able to keep up with his body, and Roger will definitely be fine by then, but maybe he will kill several innocent people.

So apart from flying, Roger has never used his super speed on the ground.

but now……

boom!boom! !

Roger's figure quickly shuttled among the Hydra members. In just a few seconds, all the Hydra members were sent flying by Roger. The guns in their hands were rubbed and deformed by Roger, becoming A pile of useless scrap iron.

It was the first time to feel super speed with strengthened thinking, Roger couldn't help but let out a long breath:

It's cool to run fast, especially the feeling that time stands still and only you can move.

It's no wonder that in the film and television series of "The Flash", someone would run himself to death. This kind of speed that surpasses everything and makes the surroundings stand still is really fascinating.

However, Roger didn't indulge in it for too long. He didn't forget his purpose of coming here, and he didn't forget that Qin was still missing.

So after a few seconds of being secretly happy, Roger came in front of Wanda and Pietro, stood outside the room where the two were imprisoned, and looked at the siblings in front of him.

The stranger who broke in suddenly made the two brothers and sisters a little wary.

Both of them were locked in a special facility, and it was guaranteed that they would not be able to escape with their abilities, so now they could only look at Roger vigilantly, but they couldn't do anything.

After sizing up the two of them for a while, Roger looked again at the Loki scepter not far away, and the shivering old man in the white coat next to the Loki scepter.

Without looking at the old man, Roger shook the Loki scepter in his hand, and said to the old man in the white coat:
"Mine, do you have an opinion?"


The old man in the white coat shook his head crazily. After seeing Roger's performance, he knew that the guy in front of him was not a human being. Maybe he was an alien who called himself a protoss just like Thor in the Avengers.

How dare he have any objections to this kind of alien whose physical fitness is far superior to that of the earthlings.

Patting the old man on the shoulder, Roger expressed his satisfaction with his way, and then stood in front of the brother and sister Wanda and Pietro again, and looked at Wanda and asked:
"So, if I'm not mistaken, you are the one who asked me for help?"


Wanda was stunned for a moment, then shook her head again and again, saying:

"I... I haven't asked anyone for help."

Although Wanda and Pietro are the experimental subjects of Hydra, they have no intention of hating Hydra.

Because the two still hate Iron Man Tony Stark, as long as they can give them the power to avenge Iron Man, they don't care where they are locked up or what experiments they have done.

So normally, it is impossible for Wanda to seek help from the outside world.

Roger knew this too, and he said:
"I know, I know, you haven't asked anyone for help, but when you were undergoing the experiment, you must have asked for help in your heart. I don't care if you have a flash of thought or a real thought, in short... I am here to save you now , or... do you intend to stay here?"

Roger finished and added:

"If you want to stay here, I will respect your thoughts. Now turn around and leave without stopping, but if you have even the slightest thought of leaving, I will take you away. Now, choose."

Because there is a wall between the two rooms, Wanda and Pietro cannot see each other's looks and expressions.

Wanda is still hesitating. Although Pietro doesn't know what his sister's current state is, he still persuades Wanda:
"Let's go, Wanda."

Wanda stared at Roger closely, and responded to Pietro's words:

"I don't trust him, I don't see his mind."

"Of course you can't see my mind."

Roger sighed, picked up the scepter in his hand and explained:
"My thoughts are encrypted through layers. It's normal for you not to see, so back to the topic... You don't trust me, so you don't plan to go with me?"

The reason why Roger came here was not to eradicate Hydra or anything, but because someone asked for help, so he came.

But now, the rescuer seems to be doing well, and if he doesn't want to leave with Roger, Roger will not force the other person to go with him.

(End of this chapter)

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