Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 123 The Two People Separated

Chapter 123 The Two Separated

Seeing that Wanda had no intention of leaving, Pietro couldn't help but said:

"Wanda, they're using us!"

Hydra has been using Pietro and Wanda, even before they awaken their abilities, they can't even be used, they are just Hydra's experimental subjects.

Compared to the two of them, Hydra cares more about the Loki scepter in Roger's hand now.

Pietro doesn't believe this group of people, and now seeing the way to leave is in front of him, Pietro will not let go of anything.

Wanda stared at Roger for a long time, and said:
"...You smashed the room that shut us up, and we were able to leave by ourselves."

"Okay, if that's what you want."

For the twins who still have hatred for Tony Stark in their hearts, it is normal for them not to trust Roger, a stranger. Since the two of them plan to leave by themselves, Roger also respects their decision.

Coming to the glass wall between the two, Roger said:
"You two stay away."

Pietro and Wanda did so, and Roger put his hands on the two panes of glass and pressed lightly.


Two pieces of glass that could hold capable persons were easily broken by Roger, and the glass fragments were scattered in the room. Pietro and Wanda looked at the glass fragments on the ground in a daze, and Roger continued:

"The things that trapped you no longer exist, and you are free."

Pietro and Wanda came out of the room, and they looked at each other. Pietro asked Roger:

"We don't know your name yet."

"It doesn't matter, you won't go with me anyway, good people do it to the end, I'll help you deal with the group of hydra outside, then you can do whatever you want."

After confirming that the two people in front of him had no intention of leaving with Roger, Roger turned around and left without hesitation.

The matter of Wanda was just an episode, and Roger didn't expect the two to help him. After completely destroying the Hydra base and eliminating most of the living forces here, Roger left from the sky.

Freed Pietro and Wanda looked up to the direction where Roger flew away, Wanda looked at her brother and asked:
"Where are we... going now?"

"Go to Stark, revenge!"

After being silent for a while, Pietro spoke seriously.


After Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch left this world, Roger continued to search for the lost Qin Grey all over the world.

But I don't know if Qin Grey didn't come to this world with her, or if something happened to her during the time travel, Roger didn't find Qin Grey on the earth.

After searching for nothing on the earth for three full days, Roger gave up searching on the earth. He thought that maybe Qin Gray was sent to other planets, or other dimensions.

If that's the case, you won't be able to find her by looking for her.

After all, the Marvel world is not the only one with life on earth.

Roger didn't want to think that Qin Grey might have an accident. He took Qin Grey out of her world. Roger was responsible for Qin's safety. If something happened to Qin, he didn't know how to go back. to charles.

At the same time, during the past three days, Roger also discovered another bad news.

His crossing point... doesn't seem to be charging anymore.

Originally, the crossing point was charging slowly, and Roger could feel the power accumulated inside the crossing point.

This feeling is very strange, as long as the crossing point is charging, no matter how slight it is, Roger can know that the crossing point is accumulating energy.

But when he came to this world, Roger found that the energy in the crossing point was motionless, and he didn't know whether it was because of the loss of the ability to absorb energy, or because the soul gem's strong suction before caused the crossing point to be damaged, unable to absorb energy. Keep charging.

In short, judging from the current situation, Roger is trapped in the Marvel world.

"This is the leak in the house and it rains all night..."

Holding the Mind Gem in his right hand and the Loki Scepter in his left from the Hydra base, Roger sighed endlessly.

In fact, he has also thought about what to do if one day the time travel point is no longer available, and whether Roger will be trapped in a certain world and cannot get out.

Although he had thought about it, Roger didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Fortunately, it's not that kind of wild world."

The only lucky thing now is probably that I didn't really travel to a desolate world without any human beings.

No one can bear a world without his kind, and Roger is no exception.

"What are you doing now?"

Put away the Mind Stone, Roger asked himself.

Qin Grey can't find it at the moment. The plot of this Marvel world seems to have only reached the stage of the movie "Captain America 2", disguising itself as the Hydra of SHIELD, preparing to start the Insight Project, Captain America and Nata Sha and others decided to stop Hydra's plan.

This plot does not require Roger to be involved. According to the progress of the plot, the US team will definitely be able to defeat Hydra, and there is no need for Roger to help them.

As for the next plot, one more Roger and one less Roger are almost the same. Unless Thanos arrives on Earth in advance, there will be no chance for Roger to appear.

"By the way, Andrea Kelsen!"

Holding the Loki scepter, Roger remembered his purpose of coming to this world.

He was brought to this world by the hidden coordinates on the Mind Stone, so this world must be related to Andrea Kelsen, who is suspected to be a traverser.

Maybe even the world where Andrea exists.

Thinking of this, Roger immediately set off for Karma Taj.

Diana said that Andrea is the supreme mage, maybe Karma Taj will know something, and Roger can't find Qin Grey on the physical level, and there may be new clues on the magical level.

In the Zombie Marvel World, Roger spent a lot of time in Karma Taj, and he knew the position of Karma Taj quite well.

So it didn't take long, and Roger came to the door of Karma Taj in this world.

Standing outside Karma Taj's door, Roger raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but before he dropped his hand, the door was opened directly from the inside, and a black-skinned mage stood facing him Roger saluted and said politely:
"Hello, the Supreme Mage has been waiting for a long time."

"...Well, why am I so used to this kind of thing?"

The supreme mages are a group of inscrutable guys. To put it mildly, they are wise men who know everything, and their words and actions are quite philosophical.

To put it bluntly, these guys are all riddlers, they don't explain everything clearly, and let you guess by yourself.

Strange is like this, and so is Ancient One.

Therefore, it is not surprising for Roger to know that he will come to Gu Yi. Perhaps he has been targeted by Gu Yi since the moment he came to this world.

And next, any behavior of Gu Yi will not make Roger feel surprised. Anyway, these guys are like this, and it is surprising that they are not talking about it.

The mage who went out to meet Roger was called Mordo, or it would be more familiar to call him 'Baron Mordo'.

He used to be Strange's senior brother, after Dormammu invaded the earth and was 'beat' back by Strange with an infinite loop, he 'realized' the 'reason' that there are too many mages in this world, and decided to clear some of them The mage, who disappeared at the end of the "Doctor Strange" movie.

But if there is no accident, this guy will be the villain of the movie "Doctor Strange 2". Of course, it has nothing to do with the current Mordo.

Now that Strange has not been accepted as a disciple by Gu Yi, Mordo and Casillas, another villain in the "Doctor Strange" series, are still students of Gu Yi, learning magic with Gu Yi here.

Following Modu into Karma Taj, Roger was led by him to the tea room inside. As soon as he entered the tea room, Roger saw the bald woman in plain clothes who was making tea.

The current supreme mage, Gu Yi.

"Welcome, guest from an unknown dimension, would you like some tea?"

Hearing Roger's footsteps, Gu Yi stood up with a smile, raised his teacup and asked Roger.

Roger glanced at the tea in her hand and declined politely:

"You don't need to drink tea, Supreme Master Gu Yi, since you guessed that I will come, then you should be able to know the purpose of my coming to you."

"I only know that there will be distinguished guests coming to the door today, but I really don't know your purpose."

Gu Yi took back the teacup handed to Roger, sat on a chair beside him, and stretched out his hand to Roger, motioning for Roger to sit down too, and asked:

"Why don't you clarify your purpose first? A guest from another dimension?"


Roger felt that Gu Yi might be playing tricks on him.

With the time gem in hand, if Gu Yi didn't know the reason for Roger's visit, he would definitely not believe it, but Roger didn't care too much about it, he took a deep breath and said:

"I would like to ask you to help me find someone. Her name is Qin Grey, she has red hair and has the superpowers of mind and telepathy. She was sent to this world with me, but now...she is missing."

Roger did his best to describe Jean Grey's features.

"Well, are you sure?"

After listening to Roger's narration, Gu Yi asked rhetorically.

Roger frowned and said:
"Of course I'm sure."

"Then that's going to be interesting."

"What do you mean?"

"According to my observation, you are the only one who came to this world through other dimensions during this period. No matter whether it is on the earth or in the Nine Realms, you have not found a second existence who came to this world."

Gu Yi replied.

"What did you say?"

Roger's eyes widened when he got the answer.

He didn't believe that he was the only one who was sent to the Marvel Universe, but the Supreme Mage is the guardian who protects the earth plane from erosion. If even the Supreme Mage didn't observe anyone other than Roger, then Qin Grey Maybe it really isn't in the Marvel Universe.

But... if Qin Gray is not in the Marvel universe, where can she go?

Now, Qin Grey, who was worried and looked for by Roger, opened her eyes in a strange place.

Her consciousness was still at the moment when she and Roger were absorbed by the sudden appearance of the transmission channel, so her head was still a little unclear at the moment.


He had just woken up and hadn't looked at Qin Grey around him yet. The first thing he did was to look for Roger who was with him.

But at this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the side:
"woke up?"

Qin, who heard the sound, suddenly opened his eyes and looked back. An old man with bald hair sitting in a wheelchair was looking at him benevolently, and said:

"The first thing you do when you wake up is to find this man named Roger. It seems that 'Roger' is very important to you."

" are...professor?"

Sensing the other party's familiar mind waves, as well as the other party's iconic wheelchair, Qin asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"It's me, boy, I'm Professor X Charles, but... maybe not the Charles you know, and you're not the Jean I know."

Charles replied, and then he steered the wheelchair to the window of the room, opened the curtains and said to Jean:

"And... child, you are here at the wrong time."

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the warm sunlight hit Qin's body, making Qin narrow her eyes subconsciously.

After hearing what Charles said, Qin asked suspiciously:
"Why do you say that?"

"It's simple."

Before Charles finished speaking, the door of the room was pushed open. Magneto, who was as old as Charles, walked into the room with his iconic helmet and said to Qin:
"The world today is the end of mutants, you shouldn't be here, Jean Grey."

 Regarding the comments, I actually don’t want to say anything more. As long as I can give a reason for the positive and negative comments, even if I put them in the comment area, I will not delete them.

  But for those who attack personally and are full of foul language, I'm sorry, I will directly delete and ban a dragon.

  As for comments, it is normal to have good reviews and bad reviews. I also know that there must be something wrong with what I wrote. Some people like it and some people don't like it.

  It doesn't matter if you don't like it, and it doesn't matter if you have a bad review. If there are any shortcomings, I will listen carefully to avoid repeating them in the future, but is it wrong for you to curse?

  In short, I still have an operation officer, and if I encounter something like this again, I will delete it without explaining it.

  that's all.

(End of this chapter)

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