Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 124 The General Chapter of Heqin

Chapter 124 Talking with Qin
Kama Taj, Roger and Supreme Master Gu Yi looked at each other in the tea room.

Roger didn't believe that he was the only one who came to the Marvel world. When the coordinates on the Mind Stone attracted him, Roger saw himself and Qin being attracted into the void created by the coordinates.

Compared with Gu Yi's words, Roger chose to believe what he saw with his own eyes.

Gu Yi could see Roger's distrust, she explained:
"Although I don't want to prove anything, in order to prevent you from messing around, let me explain to you that what I just said is not false. You are the only one who came here in this world. I didn't find the second person, but you should know that the world's The earth is not the only dimension.”

"You mean to say that my companion has gone to another dimension?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but compared to this possibility, I am more inclined that she is not with you."

Gu Yi said firmly.

There are thousands of dimensions in the Marvel world, some have special life, and some have nothing. The earth is the dimension with the most abundant life species, which is why it is targeted by other dimensions.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the particularity of the earth that the first stop of many outside visitors will be the earth, and the possibility of going to other dimensions is not high.

Roger was silent. If Qin Gray is really not there, then it is more likely that something happened to her than if she went to another dimension.

After all, ordinary people's bodies really can't bear the squeezing feeling at the crossing point...

No, this time travel doesn't have that kind of squeezing feeling, does it?

"If you are really worried, I also have a way to confirm the safety of your friend."

Seeing Roger's face full of confusion, Gu Yi said again.

Roger looked up at her: "What way?"

"One, a little magic."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Karma Taj lacks everything except magic.


If you want to cast this magic on Roger, you can't stay in the tea room, you need a quieter place.

Gu Yi brought Roger to the quiet room and told him to sit down.

Roger held the Loki scepter in his hand, and sat in the seat that Gu Yi let him sit in a proper manner. After a while, he heard Gu Yi ask:

"The scepter in your hand contains a mind gem, do you know?"

"I know."

Roger raised his head to look at Gu Yi, and asked, "Does the Mind Stone affect the next spellcasting?"

"That's not true, it's just that if I'm not mistaken, you have another mind gem on your body, right?"

"Yes, and it was this gem that brought me and my companions into this world."

Roger answered truthfully.

Gu nodded, and then said:
"Then the next job will be simple. First of all, please give me the scepter in your hand."


Roger handed over the scepter to Gu Yi and asked.

Facing the scepter handed over, Gu Yi was slightly stunned, and she asked:
"...You are so relieved to give it to me?"

"Otherwise? You are the supreme mage, and you are also Strange's master. I believe in your character."

Roger said calmly.

Of course, the reasons Roger said were only part of them, and there was another reason, which was that Roger believed in his own strength.

With another soul gem on his body, Roger is not worried about what Gu Yi will do to him. Even if Gu Yi wants to shoot his soul out of his body, he must first be able to get close to him.

With the super thinking that has just been strengthened, Roger is confident that he can detect what the ancient pair did before him, and leave at super speed.

But Ancient One obviously didn't mean to be unfavorable to Roger. She held Loki's scepter and said Strange's name, saying:
"Strange... No wonder when I met you, I felt a familiar spell on you. It turned out to be Strange."

After repeating Strange's name several times, Ancient One continued to say to Roger:

"Okay, we can begin."

I don't know if it's Roger's delusion. Compared with when they first met, Gu's attitude towards Roger seems to be softer now.

Roger didn't care about these either, he quietly waited for Gu Yi's next instructions.

Ancient one:
"Take your other gem in your hand."

Roger did so, holding in his hand the Mind Stone that brought him into this world.

Gu Yi continued:
"Close your eyes."

Roger took a serious look at Gu Yi, and then closed his eyes tightly.

Gu Yi picked up the Loki scepter, and put the tip of the Loki scepter on Roger's hand holding the Soul Gem. In the next moment, the Loki scepter and the Soul Gem in Roger's hand emitted dazzling light at the same time. of light.

"Finally, use your heart to feel...the other existence that is connected to the gem."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, his voice and breath disappeared from Roger's perception.

Roger didn't open his eyes, because through the mind gem in his hand, Roger did vaguely perceive the existence connected with the gem.

That familiar psychic ability is exactly the psychic ability possessed by Qin Grey!

Through psychic ability, Roger called Qin's name, and after calling like this three or five times, he finally got Qin's response!

"Roger? Is that you?"

In the empty space of consciousness, the light spot representing Qin emits a weak response.

Roger continued to communicate with him:

"It's me! Jean, are you okay?"

"I'm... fine, where are you now?"

"This is the question I want to ask, where are you now?"

Roger couldn't explain the concept of Karma Taj and the Marvel Universe to Qin, it was too long-winded, so he asked Qin directly, trying to confirm the location of Qin.

Qin hesitated for a moment and said:

"I...I'm with the professor now."

"?" Roger was stunned for a moment, and then asked in response:

"Professor? Charles!? Are you with Charles?!"

Jean actually returned to the world of X-Men! ?

what's the situation?Forced deportation? ?
At this moment, Roger almost thought that there was a problem with the time-traveling point, so he forcibly sent Qin Grey, who had no time-traveling point, back to his own world.

But he soon knew that wasn't the case, as Jyn immediately explained:

"No, this professor is not the one I know, this professor...he is very old and has no hair, and...and most of the people I know have passed away, including...including myself."

"... Let me explain in detail."

Hearing Qin's words, Roger couldn't figure out where Qin had gone for a while. Seeing that Qin's light spot showed signs of dimming, Roger quickly asked for details.

Qin explained as briefly as possible:
"I don't know what's going on, but I heard from the professor that I turned into a phoenix to protect the earth more than ten years ago. After that, the X-Men were led by Cyclops Scott and they have been safe for more than ten years. But in a few years Before that, the Sentinel appeared again..."

"Wait, Sentinel?"

Roger is at a loss now.

Originally listening to Qin's description, Roger guessed that the world Qin went to was more than ten years after the plot of "X-Men: Dark Phoenix".

But... what happened to the sentinel?
Isn't that something that only appears in the plot of "Days of Future Past"?
"I don't know, I just learned it, it's... Magneto King Eric told me, although I haven't seen the sentinel so far..."

"Where are you right now then?"

"I'm in the Academy of Mutants."

"The Academy of Mutants has not been invaded by sentries??"

"I don't know. The professor said that although this is the mutant college, it is not the mutant college in my impression. It is a special space specially used to avoid... sentinels..."

Jean tried to explain, but by the end, her voice was getting weaker and weaker.


Seeing that the communication with Qin was about to be disconnected, Roger called out quickly:
"Qin! Don't worry, just stay in that world, and I will find a way to get to that world as soon as possible to pick you up. Before that, you must protect yourself first!"

"I... understand... waiting for you..."

After Jean finally spoke intermittently, she could no longer hear her voice.

The communication ended here, Roger opened his eyes and looked at Gu Yi in front of him, and asked:
"Master Gu Yi, why is the communication disconnected?"

Gu Yi explained:

"The reason you can communicate is because your companion has the aura of the soul gem in your hand, and since it is the aura, there will definitely be a moment when it fades away. When the gemstone left on your friend The breath disappears, and those of you who rely on the breath to communicate will naturally disconnect."

After explaining, Gu handed the Loki scepter back to Roger and said:

"However, although the communication is disconnected, it should be rewarding to look at your appearance. Is your companion okay?"

"She... is fine for now."

Hearing Qin's description, Roger knew that she was in a fairly safe place now, but he didn't know how long this kind of safety would last.

The end of the mutants, the sentry robots... and what Charles said, the mutant academy in a special space.

Roger knew that the world Charles was in would not be the world Roger knew well, perhaps the plot of that world had been changed beyond recognition.


Roger thought of the name of this senior time traveler again. If there is anyone who can change the plot of the X-Men world, then it is most likely this senior time traveler.

Gu Yi, who was about to say something, was a little puzzled when he heard Roger say this strange name:

"Master Ancient One, I wonder if you know someone named Andrea Kelsen?"

"I haven't heard of this name, what's wrong?"

"...She is the supreme mage."


Gu Yi was stunned.

Roger spread out his right hand holding the Soul Gem, and said:

"This gem was left by her, and my companion said that this soul gem is actually a coordinate, and the location of the in this world, so I just want to ask Master Gu Yi, do you know this person."

Gu Yi pondered for a moment, as if recalling the names of the supreme mages of the past, and then she replied:

"Sorry, I don't know about Andrea Kelsen, the supreme mage of all ages, there is no one with this name."

(End of this chapter)

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