Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 125 The Forgotten Existence

Chapter 125 The Forgotten Existence
Andrea Kelsen, among the supreme mages of all ages, there is no one with this name.

Of course, Roger and Gu Yi also know that some supreme mages have changed their names after becoming supreme mages. Before they became supreme mages, they may have other names, so Roger deliberately took Andrea's photo come out.

This is a photo of Roger looking for Wonder Woman Diana after knowing the existence of Andrea.

The photo is black and white, and there are only Diana and Andrea in it.

After restoring the color of the photo, it is not difficult to see that the girl named Andrea is of Asian descent. Not only that, she looks very young, and at first glance she may not even be 16 years old.

But whether it is Roger or Diana, it is very clear that Andrea's age is definitely not as old as the surface.

Passing Andrea's photo to Gu Yi, Gu Yi once again said that among the supreme mages, there is indeed no such person.

"Probably, the Supreme Mage after Strange."

Ancient One raised a possibility.

When each supreme mage is about to leave office, he will determine the next candidate, but will not interfere with the choice of the next supreme mage's successor.

So Gu Yi didn't know who Doctor Strange's chosen heir was. If this Andrea was Strange's chosen heir, it's normal that Gu Yi hadn't heard of her.

"It's not impossible..."

Roger reluctantly accepted the possibility.

But he thinks this possibility is not very big.

Andrea may be a time traveler. Since she is a time traveler, it is unlikely that the time point of her time travel will be too far behind.

Anyway, before Roger crossed over, Marvel had not yet determined whether Dr. Strange would be replaced, so Andrea is likely to be the supreme mage before Dr. Strange, or even directly replaced Dr. Strange as the supreme mage.

However, these are just Roger's guesses. Before finding Andrea, no one can be sure which session of Supreme Mage she is.

"If you care about Andrea, maybe you can ask Odin."

When Roger was thinking, he suddenly heard Gu Yi say this.


"Yes, it may be a kind of intuition, I feel... this girl named Andrea may have something to do with Odin."

Gu Yi looked at the girl in the photo and said.

Roger couldn't help asking:
"Intuition? Is it reliable?"

"It's more like a deep induction, a kind of guidance, just like you were guided to this world by this soul gem."

Gu Yi believed that if the girl named Andrea was really the supreme mage, then the mind gem she left behind which contained the coordinates of this world definitely had some special meaning.

Gu Yi's vaguely touched intuition also made her more convinced of this.

Therefore, Gu Yi recommended Roger to meet Odin, maybe there might be some gains.

"Going to see Odin is fine, but... I don't know how to get to Asgard."

There are several ways to get to Asgard, one is to take a spaceship to jump to Asgard through a wormhole, and the other is to let Heimdall, who is still guarding the Rainbow Bridge, teleport.

Roger was not familiar with Heimdall, so it was impossible for him to let Heimdall take him to Asgard by yelling here.

If entering from space, Roger does not have a suitable spaceship, so how to get to Asgard is a problem that Roger needs to consider now.

But who knows Gu Yi said with a smile:

"No need to go to Asgard."


"Odin is on Earth right now. Well, you came by a coincidence. He happened to be sent to a nursing home by his son a few days ago. You just happened to be able to visit him in the name of a relative."

"...Please ask, who is the current ruler of Asgard...?"



When Gu Yi said this, Roger understood.

The time now should be after the plot of "Thor 2: The Dark World", Thor and Loki fought against the dark elves who possessed the reality gem, and finally Loki 'died', and Thor temporarily traveled in the Nine Realms.

But here Loki didn't really die, he didn't know what method he used to return to Asgard, and replaced Odin's position, sending Odin to the Earth Nursing Home,
So Thor didn't know at all that the brother he thought was dead was actually not dead, that the Odin who was now in Asgard was a counterfeit, and the real Odin was exiled in a nursing home on Earth.

"Then which nursing home is he in now?"

asked Roger.

Gu Yi raised her hand, and a golden circle appeared beside her.

"Just go straight ahead."

Without waiting for Roger to respond, she waved her right hand forward, and the portal of the golden circle engulfed Roger. When Roger realized, he was already standing at the door of a nursing home.

——The care center under the big tree.


Standing at the door of this nursing home, Roger hesitated for a moment.

The reason for his hesitation was of course not his own attire. When he entered Karma Taj, he had already changed his combat clothes into casual attire.

The real reason why he hesitated at the door was that he didn't know what to say after he went in.

You can't say 'Hello, I'm looking for God King Odin' to the caretakers, right?

If Roger really said that, he felt that he might be thrown out as a psychopath.

"...Forgot to ask Gu Yi, what is Odin's alias here."

When Roger sent Odin to the nursing home, he would definitely not tell these people directly that the person he sent was God King Odin, and he should have an alias.

Before Roger left from Ancient One, he forgot about this and did not ask what Odin's pseudonym was.

It might be better to say that Gu Yi was too anxious. After knowing that Roger's next move was to find Odin, she directly sent Roger here.

Seeing that Gu Yi was in such a hurry, Roger thought, could it be that Strange is about to find Kama Taj?
Although judging from the release order of the movies, the release time of Doctor Strange is still after the second part of Captain America and the second part of the Avengers.

But according to the sequence in the movie, from when Strange got into a car accident, underwent surgery and exhausted his family’s wealth, and then went to Karma Taj to learn spells, the time during this period will definitely not be just a few months, it must be calculated according to years of.

Therefore, in terms of time, Strange may have had a car accident and is looking for Karma Taj.

In this way, it is normal for Gu Yi to be in a hurry to drive Roger away.

Leaving aside why Gu Yi was in a hurry to let Roger go, now Roger has to find a way to find Odin...

After thinking about it, Roger simply chose to force it, don't care what Odin's name is now, and just call Odin's name when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Roger walked into the escort center.


He immediately saw Odin on the lawn outside the escort center, watching other old men play chess.


Roger didn't expect that his meeting with Odin would be like this, and he felt an unrealistic dream for a while.


Odin, who was wearing a golden eye patch, looked back and saw Roger and the Loki scepter in Roger's hand. He blinked his good eye, turned to the other old men and said:
"Sorry guys, my nephew is here, and I'm going to receive him."

Speaking of which, Odin walked out from the group of old men and waved to Roger.

Roger glanced at the escorts in the distance, and saw that the group of people had no intention of blocking him, so he followed up to Odin and asked:
"You... are Odin, right?"

"What? It's different from what you imagined, so you're not sure?"

Odin asked with a smile, and took Roger to the side gazebo to sit down.

If Odin's identity is ignored, he is really no different from an ordinary old man now.

Roger nodded without denying:

"Indeed, if I hadn't been able to see the power in your body, I really doubt that you are Odin."

"You are honest."

Odin said to Roger in admiration, and then explained:

"No matter how you say it, I'm old. The days of fighting and ruling the Nine Realms are all in the past. Now I'm just an old man waiting to die."

Odin said, turned to Roger and asked:
"So, Gu Yi asked you to come to me, a dying old man, what's the matter?"

Odin doesn't know who Roger is, he doesn't pay attention to the Nine Realms now, so he doesn't know that Roger is an outsider.

But he could see the magic mark left by the ancient one on Roger, which is why Odin didn't ask Roger's identity.

Roger briefly explained his identity, and then asked Odin:

"I'm looking for someone. Her name is Andrea Kelsen. According to the news I got, she should be the supreme mage, but the ancient one doesn't know her..."

"Then Gu Yi asked you to come to me?"

"Well, Master Ancient One said that her intuition told her that Andrea might have something to do with you."


Odin chanted the name, a little dazed flashed in his eyes.

Roger was waiting for Odin's answer, and now he hoped that Gu Yi's intuition was correct, otherwise Roger really didn't know where he would go to find this senior traveler.

Sitting opposite Odin and waiting for a while, Odin's eyes suddenly changed, and he became a little sad. He repeated the name and said to himself:

"Oh...Andrea...Anti, my daughter..."


Roger was startled, stood up quickly and asked:
"What did you just say? Andrea is your daughter?!"

This heavy news almost made Roger think that he had heard it wrong. Andrea Kelsen, the senior traveler who Roger did not know how many years ago, actually had the daughter of Odin, Aspen. The identity of Princess Gad?
Isn't this senior time traveler too strong? !
Roger was shocked in his heart, but what he didn't expect was that after Odin chanted a sentence, he seemed to have forgotten something, and asked Roger back:
"What daughter? Do you mean Hela?"

"No, you just said clearly..."

"Did I just say something?"

Odin's expression was slightly bewildered.

Roger fell into silence at this moment, he never expected that Odin would forget what he just said!
If it wasn't for Odin being a protoss, Roger almost thought he had Alzheimer's disease!

But it was also because it was impossible for Odin to get Alzheimer's disease that Roger felt a little palpitation.

If Odin’s self-talk in a trance just now is correct, then Andrea may have been Odin’s child, or a righteous daughter, but now everyone, including Odin and Ancient One, has forgotten Andrea this person.

So what did Andrea do to make the Supreme Mage and the King of Gods forget about her existence?

 Thank you for your encouragement, I will continue to work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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