Chapter 134
The ground of ignorance, a no-nonsense zone formed by the remains of huge biological heads.

The famous collector in the universe, the Tiwan Group controlled by Tanya Tiwan, is responsible for guarding the head of this huge creature. They hire criminals to collect the special liquid in the head of the huge creature. This liquid is very expensive in the universe. high.

At the same time, the collector Tanya Tiwan is also the owner of the land of ignorance. He has many rare collections in the universe. The gems of reality in the original book were also placed here by the gods of Asgard.

Roger didn't know why the people of Asgard would choose to put the Reality Gem in the Collector.

But after watching the "What If..." series, Roger realized that this collector, who is not described much in the movie universe, is actually a very powerful character.

In the second episode of "What If...", he replaced Thanos as the villain. At the same time, in his collection, the shield of the US team, Thor's hammer, and even the crown of the goddess of death, Hella, are all ranked in.

It's no surprise that the Asgardian gods entrust gems to collectors for safekeeping.

But the world view in "What If" is definitely a little different from the movie universe.

The current collector does not have such a huge power and strength, and he probably would not dare to provoke Asgard and the earth guarded by the Avengers.

And... current collectors may not be doing so well.

Because when Captain Marvel brought Roger to the void, they found that the place was in chaos, and the entire void seemed to have just experienced an interstellar war.

The original workers of the ignorance, that is, the prisoners, were not collecting the liquid in the huge skull, but were cleaning up the wreckage on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Carol couldn't help but slow down the spaceship. She looked around and asked in bewilderment:
"What happened here? It looks like it was ransacked."

"Well, I probably know what's going on..."

Looking at the more chaotic ignorance, Roger replied softly.

If his guess is correct, the current experience of Nihility should be the plot in the first part of "Guardians of the Galaxy".

A group of Guardians of the Galaxy came to the ignorance where the collector was, and wanted to hand over the cosmic spirit ball containing the power gem to the collector for money.

As a result, the collector's maid rebelled. When the power gem was exposed, she grabbed the power gem with her hands and wanted to gain the power of the power gem.

But the maid overestimated her physical fitness, and the strength of the power gem soon exploded the maid's body, and released powerful energy to blow up the collector's base into a pile of ruins.

At the same time, Drex the Destroyer of the Guardians of the Galaxy, in order to kill Ronan, deliberately exposed the whereabouts of himself and the Cosmic Spirit Orb, and asked Ronan of the Kree Empire to come in person.

Then the Guardians of the Galaxy and Ronan fight to make the nihilistic look like this.

The specific process should be like this. When Roger saw the destroyed spaceship of the Kree Empire below, he knew that his guess was not much different.

Then follow the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy", and Ronan, who got the power gem, is going to destroy Xandar.

A group of Guardians of the Galaxy also chased Xandar to try to stop Ronan, and after everything was over, they placed the cosmic spirit ball with power gems on Xandar.

Thinking about the plot of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Roger said to Carol:

"Carol, put me outside the Collector's door later, and go to Xandar."

"Huh? What happened to Xandar?"

"The name Ronan should be familiar to you, right?"


As soon as the name was mentioned, Carol knew who it was.

A general of the Kree Empire, known as Ronan the 'Accuser'.

Ronan is a radical of the Kree Empire. When the Kree Empire established diplomacy with other planetary countries, he felt that it would be better to destroy these planets.

He has been fighting in the universe, destroying many planets and countless lives.

Compared with Thanos who is not particularly famous nowadays, Ronan's name is more than people who know Thanos.

After all, Thanos only destroyed half of the life on the planet, and Ronan, a lunatic, killed them all.

So when Roger mentioned Ronan, Carol knew what was going on, and confirmed to Roger at the same time:
"Ronan will attack Xandar next? Why? Xandar has established diplomatic relations with the Kree Empire."

"Do you think this is a problem for Ronan?"

Roger asked back.

"All right……"

Carol also knew that once Ronan wanted to destroy a planet, he would never give up unless he encountered unmanageable resistance.

Carol didn't ask Roger how he knew.

Carol asked Roger a lot of questions along the way, and also asked why Roger knew these things, but Roger was prevaricated by saying 'parallel time and space'.

Indecision, quantum mechanics, unexplainable, parallel time and space...

Roger understood the stalk.

So now that Roger said something, Carol would never ask him why he knew it. Asking is parallel time and space.

"Are you okay here alone?"

Before preparing to leave for Xandar, Carol asked Roger for confirmation.

Roger replied with a smile:
"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Anyway, I am also a person who has traveled in space. I can still drive ordinary spaceships."

"No, I don't mean this..."

Carol is concerned about collectors.

Collectors have a collection habit far beyond ordinary people. Anything that is cherished in this world, has never been seen or is difficult to preserve, will be targeted by the collector and become his collection.

In these collections, there are also countless living and intelligent species.

And Roger is a person from a parallel world. Not only can he fly, but he can also shoot lasers from his eyes. This is a perfect collection for collectors.

Carol is very worried that Roger will be tied up by collectors and become one of his collections...

Looking at Carol's expression, Roger knew what she was worried about, waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, collectors can't beat me."


Although Carol didn't test Roger's strength, she heard from Nick that Roger's ability was about the same as that of Superman in the comics.

In the comics, Superman is a god-like existence with superman-like abilities, and there is really no need to worry about what the collector will do to him.

Compared to this, Xandar is a bit more important.

Carol, the driver of Didi, jumped out of the wormhole in a spaceship after sending Roger to his destination.

Roger stood in front of the collector's door, opened the door and walked in.

Because of the fuss of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the roof of the collector's place was wide open, and even the door couldn't withstand too many knocks. Roger patted it lightly and fell to the ground, and Roger had to Walk in without knocking.

As soon as he entered the collector's room, Roger saw the collection of living things running around, and the collector Tanya Tiwan sitting on the ruins thinking about life.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

Roger stepped over the ruins and walked up to Tiwan who was thinking about life.

Without looking at Roger, Tiwan said:

"I'm not in the mood to do business today. If you have any good collections, please come back tomorrow."

As he spoke, he took a sip of juice from his glass.

Roger waited for him to finish his drink, and responded:

"I'm not here to sell collectibles."


The collector raised his head and looked at Roger when he heard this. When he saw Roger, his eyes lit up immediately. He threw the cup in his hand aside, looked back and forth at Roger and asked:

"you you!!"

"What's wrong with me?"

Roger stared vigilantly at the collectors circling around him, and the eyes of the other party made him very uncomfortable.

Collector Tiwan said: "Are you...are you interested in becoming my collection? Of course, the price is negotiable!"


Roger gave the collector a blank look, and he knew it would be like this. After he flatly refused, Roger quickly stated his purpose for coming here, saying:

"I'm not here to discuss business with you, I'm here to find something that the Asgardian Protoss put in your place."

The Collector looked back instantly, stared at Roger very vigilantly, and asked:
"You mean..."

"Aether particle, or... it is more appropriate to call it a reality gem?"

"Excuse me, sir."

The collector took a few steps back, looked straight at Roger seriously and said, "Since you know that the Asgardian protoss put it here, then you should be very clear about what the Asgardians will do if this thing is lost from my hands." deal with me."

"I didn't say I wanted to take away the Reality Gem."


"I just want to meet the Reality Gem. I just want to see it, or touch it with my hands. Of course... the price is negotiable."

Roger smiled and said to Collector.

He didn't mean to take away the Reality Gem, he just wanted to see what Andrea left in the Reality Gem, so that Odin's memory would point here.

As for the 'price' after viewing the gems...

Roger certainly couldn't afford it, but he could offer collectors the location of other gems, or other more cherished collectibles.

I believe that for collectors, nothing is more valuable than the location of these collections.

(End of this chapter)

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