Chapter 135 The Graveyard
Maybe it's because of the 'price', or maybe it's because I didn't give up the idea of ​​collecting Roger and wanted to curry favor with Roger.

In short, the collector promised to show Roger the 'Reality Gem'.

Like other treasures that collectors care about, it is still the real gem of ether particles, which is placed in the deepest part of the collection room by collectors.

So even though the Power Gem destroyed most of the collector's room, the place that held the Reality Gem remained intact.

"Before I let you see the Reality Gem, I want to hear what price you can offer."

When taking Roger into the deep-hidden collection room, the Collector wanted to hear what it cost Roger to 'watch' the Reality Gem.

Roger thought for a while and said:

"The location of one of the six Infinity Stones, how about this 'price'?"

"...Are you saying that you know the location of other gemstones besides ether particles?"

Collector stopped, looked back at Roger and asked.

"I think I should have made it very clear."

Roger responded to the collector's question.

For anyone who has seen the Marvel movies, it is not difficult to name the location of the six Infinity Stones.

If it wasn't for his lack of interest in gems, Roger probably would have gotten other gems besides the soul gem long ago.

"Pre-declaration." The collector said suddenly:

"Three of the six gems, including the Reality Gem, I know their existence and location, if the news you say is repeated..."

"Don't worry, I won't be so stupid as to trade with you with the information you know. The Space Gem is in the hands of the Asgardians. The Cosmic Orb that hides the Power Gem has just been snatched by Ronan. The Reality Gem is kept with you. You know all of these, what I want to talk about is the location of the other three gems."

"Which one?"


Roger replied with a smile.

The Loki scepter where the Mind Gem is located will become a key prop for the vision to have life in the future, and of course it is impossible to tell the collector.

The time gem is protected by the supreme mage and is used to protect the earth dimension, and it is impossible to tell others easily.

So in the end, the only thing that can be told to the collectors is the soul gem that no one can get until now.

Hearing that Roger knew the location of the soul gem, Collector looked a little excited, and he hurriedly asked:


Roger shook his finger, and said to the collector:
"Mr. Tiwan, deliver the goods first and then collect the money. I won't tell you the location of the Soul Gem until I see the Reality Gem."

"……All right."

The collector's excitement cooled down, he turned his head helplessly, opened the door to another collection room, and walked in with Roger.

As soon as he entered the collection room, Roger's eyes were attracted by the dazzling array of collections.

All the wonderful, seen and unseen things of the universe are placed in these collection cabinets of collectors.

Among them are not only various cosmic wonders, but also many intelligent races that have become extinct and only a few are left.

There are so many collections that Roger can't take his eyes off, and in the process, the collector is also very proud to introduce his collection:
"These collections are all collected by me from all over the universe at a large price. Unlike the exhibits outside, the collections here are my most precious things, including of course..."

As the collector said, he beckoned a box that flew from a distance and came between him and Roger.

Putting his hands on the box, Tiwan continued:
"...the reality gem here."

The Reality Gem was right in front of him, and Roger became a little nervous for some reason, and his intuition told him that something extraordinary might happen after seeing the Reality Gem.

Collector Tiwan created a dignified atmosphere for a while, then he slowly opened the box in front of him, and he took out a device containing ether particles.

"These are ether particles, what do you think?"

Tiwan asked Roger with the aether.

The Reality Gem not installed on the Infinity Gauntlet is still a pile of floating particles. It may be difficult to touch the Reality Gem in this state.

Roger didn't answer Ti Wan's words. After squinting his eyes and thinking for a moment, he suddenly took out the Mind Gem that he had been carrying for a long time from his pocket.


Tiwan's eyes widened when he saw the Mind Stone.

He held and let go of his empty hand, wanting to touch it but didn't dare to touch it. At the same time, he asked Roger in a trembling voice:

"This... this is...?"

"Mind gem, you should know, well, let's release the ether particles."

"?" Tiwan, who was so excited, calmed down instantly after hearing Roger's words. He frowned and said, "Once the ether particles are released, it will not be so easy to put them back in."

"It doesn't matter, you just let it out."

Roger had already touched the container containing the ether particles with his hand just now, but nothing happened, so if he wants to know what Andrea is hiding here, he needs to release the ether particles.

But the collector didn't know this, and he began to wonder if Roger's real purpose was to collect these infinite gems, just like him.

After all, Roger already has a mind gem in his hand, so it's normal for Tiwan to be so skeptical.

Because Tiwan decided to refuse Roger's request, saying:
"Sorry, your transaction just now was to let you see the Reality Gem. Now that you have seen it, the transaction is completed. You can tell the location of the Soul Gem and leave."


Seeing that Di Wan didn't intend to release the Reality Gem, Roger sighed helplessly: "Ti Wan, you should know...I'm holding the Mind Gem, right?"


"Then you should know, actually... I don't need to ask for your consent."

As Roger said, the hand holding the gem quickly touched Tiwan's chest.

Tiwan didn't have time to dodge, and with Roger's super speed, it was impossible for him to dodge even if he wanted to, and was firmly pressed on his chest by Roger's right hand.

The next moment, Tiwan's eyes were pitch black, and soon became clear again, but the color of his eyes had turned blue after being controlled.

This is the function of the soul gem, forcibly changing the will of others and making them do things for themselves.

Roger didn't intend to use this ability, after all, manipulating the will of others made him sound like a villain.

But there was no way, since Tiwan disagreed, Roger had no choice but to be more violent.

Controlled by the Mind Stone, Tiwan agreed to Roger's request without any hesitation this time.

He opened the container and released the ether particles in the container.

Unformed ether particles float in the air like smoke, and the red particles are like nebulae in the dark night.

The controlled Tiwan looked at the floating red particles and said with admiration and appreciation:
"Look, how beautiful it is... just like the Mind Stone in your hand."


Roger responded perfunctorily.

Although the ether particles are beautiful, he didn't come here today to admire the infinite stones.

Seeing the ether particles floating in the air, Roger spread out his hands, and the Mind Stone glistened in his hands.

Normally speaking, the infinite gems conflict with each other, and the rules do not allow more than two infinite gems together, which is why Thanos needs infinite gloves to snap his fingers.

But now, the two gems of mind and reality meet each other, but there is no sign of repulsion, as if they are simply two gems that don't want to do it.

The Mind Gem is in Roger's hands, and the Reality Gem is floating in the air. The two do not interfere with each other, and nothing unusual happens.

Just when Roger began to wonder if he had made a mistake, suddenly the ether particles moved!

The smoky ether particles regrouped and fused, forming a shape like a sand snake, wrapping around Roger's hand holding the Mind Stone at a speed exceeding Roger's reaction speed.

The next moment, all the ether particles swarmed into Roger's body, and red lines spread across Roger's body.

"this is……"

The power of the reality gem is surging in Roger's body, and it seems to be changing Roger's body, making him more compatible with the power of the reality gem.

At the same time, a wave of information poured into Roger's mind from the intersection of the Reality Gem and the Mind Gem.

Roger saw a picture.

Countless huge giant bodies larger than the planets fell into the void, and the red gemstones radiated glistening brilliance among the corpses of these giants.

Roger knew what these bodies were.

They are the Celestial group, the Celestial group that appeared in the movie "The Eternals".

But now... They seem to have lost their lives, and their bodies revolve around the red gemstone like a planet.

The picture flashed away, and Roger's consciousness returned to reality.

He felt the ether particles in his body, and suddenly understood one thing.

There is also a coordinate hidden in this ether particle, and this coordinate points to the direction of the "cemetery" of the Celestial Group.

at the same time……

If there is no accident, this reality gem is a fake, and the reality gem at the place where the Tenjin Group's cemetery is located is real!

Andrea slaughtered the Celestial Group?And suppressing the cemetery of the Celestial Group with real reality gems?

When he realized this, Roger was deeply amazed by Andrea's strength.

Roger doesn't know how strong the Celestial Group is, but after all, every member of the Celestial Group is bigger than an earth.

With such a big body, even just waving his hand, the power can blow up any planet.

Roger even suspected that if he confronted the Celestial God Group himself, he would not necessarily be their opponent. As a result, such a group... was killed by Andrea alone?

"No... It's not certain that Andrea did it..."

Roger didn't want to believe that Andrea did this, because if Andrea really had the power to slaughter the Celestial Group, how could she be easily wiped out of her own existence?

It is estimated that even the five gods in the comics do not have such power.

(End of this chapter)

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