Chapter 139 Reasons
Xingjue's spacecraft followed the previous spacecraft and docked on this planet without intelligent life.

Knowing how powerful Roger is, and seeing the scene where Roger kicked Ronan with his own eyes, in Star-Lord's mind, the threat level to Roger was raised to the highest level, so he didn't dare to get too close to Roger. The spaceship was far away, and he stopped after making sure that they would not find him.

The spaceship docks on the living planet.Gamora and Drax the Destroyer came out with Star-Lord to look for Roger, and Rocket was to take care of the newly awakened Groot, and was also responsible for guarding the spaceship, so he stayed in the spaceship.

While heading in the direction of Roger, Gamora asked Star-Lord:
"What do you want to say then?"

"What do you say?"


Gamora stopped in her footsteps, her eyes opened wide, and she looked at Xingjue with an unbelievable expression and said:
"You haven't thought about anything and you're going to trouble him?"

"Not to trouble him, okay? I'm stupid to take you to trouble with that monster, I just... want to negotiate with him, understand? Negotiate!"

"What's there to talk about? You also said that he changed our memory because he refused to give the power gem to the Nova Corps. Do you think he can give you the power gem after talking?"

Through Star-Lord's description, Gamora has made it very clear that the existence code-named Superman does not want to give the power gem to anyone.

Since he no longer intends to hand over the power gem, what's the use of running over to negotiate with him now?


Xingjue was speechless when asked.

Before coming to Roger, Star-Lord didn't have any plans, probably because he had just been praised and rewarded by the Nova Corps, Star-Lord chased after him as soon as he got hot, and wanted to get the Power Stone back.

But now that he was asked by Gamora, he became a little more sober, and felt that it was a bit reckless for him to do so. He turned his head and said to Gamora:
"At least... we can try... ah!"

Before Xingjue finished speaking, he felt that he had bumped into something.

Looking up, Drax the Destroyer's burly body was blocking his way, and Star-Lord hit his back just now.

Holding his nose that hurt a little from being bumped, Xingjue raised his head and asked:

"Is there something wrong with you, man? Why did you stop all of a sudden!?"

"I have no problem." Drax replied, pointing forward: "I stopped because of her."


Xingjue looked up and saw an acquaintance standing in front of them.

This person they know is the daughter of Thanos, Gamora's younger sister, and also betrayed Nebula of Thanos just like Gamora.

Nebula, who had just escaped from Xandar, was staring at the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy with a sneer at the moment, more precisely, at Gamora who was behind Xingjue, and said in a strange way:

"Look who is here, isn't this my dear sister and her little follower."


Gamora walked out from behind Xingjue, and asked solemnly, "Why are you here? Also for the power gem?"

"I don't care about power gems anymore."

Nebula said coldly.

She searched for the power gem for Ronan before, purely because Ronan promised her that after getting the power gem, she would come to Thanos in person to settle accounts, and Nebula would become Ronan's right and left hand to help him do things.

But now that Ronan is defeated, not to mention going to trouble with Thanos, even himself is already in danger, so how could Nebula search for the power gem for him.

Gamora thought about it carefully and figured it out, she asked again:
"Then why are you here?"

"Because she is now my subordinate."

Roger's voice came from the sky.

Roger, who was observing from the air, came down and stood in front of Xingyun at this moment, raised his hand to greet several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and said, "How are you all?"

Seeing Roger's sudden appearance, several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy became vigilant for a moment. Star-Lord even instinctively put on his helmet and took out his weapon, as if ready to fight at any time.

It's no wonder that Xingjue and the others reacted this way, it was because Roger gave them too much oppression.

Even if Roger didn't do anything now, just him standing there, thinking about his previous record and what he did on Xandar, was enough to make them vigilant and nervous.

But after a while, seeing that Roger didn't seem to want to attack himself and others, Gamora asked aloud:

"You... took Xing Yun as your subordinate?"

"Can't you?"

"Let me say it first, Xing Yun is not a qualified subordinate."

Gamora looked at Xingyun and said.

Roger didn't speak, but Xing Yun was one step ahead of him and said:

"You don't need to worry about that."

Seeing that Xingyun and Gamora were about to quarrel, Roger quickly stopped the conversation between the two sisters and said:

"Okay, it's my idea to let Xingyun do things for me, I can decide whether she is qualified or not."

Gamora closed her mouth and looked at Nebula. The worry was fleeting. She quickly shifted her target and focused her firepower on Roger and said:
"I thought you were a nice guy."

"Of course I'm a good guy...well, maybe not that good, but at least better than most."


Gamora said uncompromisingly, and glanced at Nebula again.

Roger couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw this, he said:
"Do you think I'm not a good person just because I let Xingyun do things for me? Miss Gamora, you are too arbitrary. Even you, the daughter of Thanos who is known as the 'most dangerous woman in the universe', Aren’t you also a member of the hero team now? Why can’t you but Xingyun?”

Gamora didn't know how to respond to Roger's words.

On the contrary, Xingjue, who was beside her, showed a little complacent expression when he heard Roger talking about the 'team of heroes':
"Hero team, do you hear, Gamora, our hero's name has spread throughout the galaxy."

"... Is there something wrong with your head?"

Gamora scolded Xingjue angrily, and then reminded Roger: "Xingyun is different from me."

"Yeah." Xing Yun rushed in front of Roger again and said, "In your eyes, I'm just a useless trash."

"Xingyun, I didn't mean that..."

"Enough, ladies!"

Seeing that Gamora and Xingyun were about to quarrel again, Roger took a deep breath and scolded them, and said: "You two, I have no interest in the relationship between you two sisters, and now I am standing here , I didn’t come to listen to your sisters quarreling.”

Roger said, looked at Xingjue and asked:
"Star Lord, Peter Quill, right? I want to know why you followed me."

Xingjue couldn't speak for a while, because he didn't expect that Roger would come to the door in person, so he didn't make up what he wanted to say now.

Gamora didn't answer either. After all, only Xingjue hadn't had his memory erased, so Xingjue was of course responsible for the answer.

But although neither of the two said anything, one of them reacted faster than the two of them.

When Roger asked the question, Drax Tiehan replied without thinking:

"Because we want to take away the power gem from you."


As soon as Drax finished speaking, Star-Lord almost vetoed his words with a roar, and said to Roger:

"It's not snatching! It's a deal, it's a negotiation!! We think it's too dangerous to put the power gem on you! Such a dangerous thing should be locked up and put in a certain place, instead of being carried by you!"

"……I see."

Xingjue's words made Roger understand what was going on.

Probably because Star-Lord was not affected by the Mind Gem, remembering that the Power Gem was still on Roger's body, he chased after Roger for the Power Gem as soon as his head got hot.

The reason why Xingjue was not affected, Roger probably knew that Xingjue's biological father was called 'Igo', a planetary consciousness who claimed to be a Celestial Race.

Ego is very powerful, he has the ability to assimilate other planets into his own part, and wants to create offspring in various biological groups to create a kind that can conquer the universe with him.

There are many descendants of Yi Ge, and almost every race has one of his descendants, but the only person who has inherited the ability of the gods is Xingjue.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this god gene that Xingjue is immune to the control of the soul gem.

Of course, this may also have something to do with Roger not fully using the Mind Stone at the time.

In short, thinking of the star-lord with the power gem in Roger's hands, he just followed him single-handedly. The head iron is not enough to describe his actions, and it is more appropriate to describe him as brainless.

Understanding the reason for Xingjue's stalking, Roger relaxed a lot.

Although Xingjue grew up among predators and has a personality like a punk, he is indeed a hero.

Because the essence of a hero is to meddle in other people's business, there is no doubt that Star-Lord has this essence.

In the face of heroes, Roger's attitude has always been very kind, so after hearing Star-Lord's reasons, he put his hands on his hips, revealed the three gems on his chest, and said:
"Is only the power gem dangerous?"

"Oh my goodness..."

When they really focused on the gemstone on Roger's chest, Xingjue and the others realized that the other two gemstones juxtaposed with the power gemstone were also infinity rough gemstones!

This guy in front of him actually has three infinity stones!
They actually thought it was just an ornament to make the power gem inlaid look more beautiful!

Roger said at this time:
"Not only power gems are dangerous, other gems are equally dangerous, so I can't keep these gems in this universe, I want to take them away."

"Wait, this universe?"

Gamora quickly caught the key words in Roger's words and raised questions.

Roger smiled and said:
"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Roger, and I come from a parallel world."

After the voice fell, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy froze on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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