Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 140 You Are Too Late

Chapter 140 You Are Too Late
In the empty universe, the people of the Guardians of the Galaxy followed Roger's spaceship.

As the technician and pilot Rocket in the escort, after hearing the news brought back by Xingjue, he couldn't help asking:
"He said he came from a parallel world, so you believe it?"

"This fool believed it."

Gamora said mockingly.

Xingjue's expression became very strange in an instant, and he said, "Let me ask first, the 'fool' you are talking about should not be..."

"It's you!"

"It's too much..." Xingjue said with a sad look on my face: "I just followed him for a reasonable reason, if it wasn't because I believed in him, would he let me follow him now? ?”

Rocket asked: "So you mean, you didn't believe him?"

"Of course I didn't!" Xingjue blurted out without thinking at first, and then added: "Uh... just, a little bit, just a little bit."

Gamora looked like 'this idiot is hopeless' and didn't plan to talk to Star-Lord.

Rocket also rolled his eyes, a little speechless towards Xingjue, and then asked:

"Then we are following him now? What is he going to do now?"

Glancing at Star-Lord next to him, Gamora said:

"He said that he was going to find a cemetery of an ethnic group. The real gem of reality is in that cemetery, and now the one on him is fake."

"A real reality gem? That should be worth a lot, right?"

"What are you thinking!" Xingjue said immediately after Rocket finished speaking, "Where is it very valuable! If gems are valuable, they must be wealth that can buy half of the galaxy!"

Seeing that these idiots were about to fall into Qian's eyes again, Gamora couldn't help but said angrily:

"Can this be calculated with money!! That's Infinity Gemstones! Infinity Gemstones!!! One Infinity Gemstone is enough to set off the planet as fireworks! He has a bunch of them!!"

"Then he must be very valuable!"

Rocket said with his eyes lit up.

Gamora's emotions cooled down instantly, and she suddenly felt that it was useless to say anything to this group of people. These people only had money in their eyes.

Of course, Xingjue and the others are not entirely out of money. The reason they follow is also to see what Roger wants to do with the power gem.

Still the same sentence, they are really not at ease when the Infinity Stones are in the hands of individuals.


"You shouldn't have let them follow, they are a bunch of mercenary predators."

In the spaceship driving ahead, Nebula said to Roger.

The current relationship between Nebula and Gamora is still very bad, and even the Guardians of the Galaxy who are with Gamora are also on Nebula's blacklist.

Nebula doesn't like Gamora, and she doesn't like the Guardians of the Galaxy even more, and if she could, she wouldn't want them to follow.

But there is no way, now her boss is Roger, and she will listen to what Roger says.

Roger could see Xingyun's dislike for Xingjue and his party, he stood beside Xingyun, patted her on the shoulder and said:
"I know their predecessors were predators, but don't worry, they dare not do anything to us."

"They may not dare, but Gamora dares, I know her too well."

Nebula said in a deep voice.

Others may not dare to deal with Roger because of Roger's strength, but Gamora is different. This biological weapon cultivated by Thanos dares to assassinate anyone as long as he finds an opportunity.

Even Thanos himself.

Fear of such emotions does not seem to appear on Gamora, this is Nebula's view of her sister.

Roger can see that Nebula has a little fear or resentment towards Gamora, and under the fear and resentment, Nebula may hide more things in his heart.

For example, in the original plot, she said to Gamora, "I only want a sister" sincerity.

So Roger didn't say anything more, the grievances between the sisters still had to be resolved by themselves, Roger had no intention of being their spiritual mentor.

Roger just patted Nebula on the shoulder again and said:
"Hurry up, you should be at your destination soon, right?"

"One more jump and there it is."

Along the way, intermittent jump flights have been carried out for a long time, jumping through wormholes at least six times, and it is already quite close to the edge of the Milky Way.

Xing Yun was sensible and didn't ask Roger why he went to such a far place to find a cemetery of some ethnic group. She just followed Roger's idea and drove the spaceship to the location where the coordinates were.

After confirming to follow a certain person, Xing Yun will become a quite perfect subordinate.

This is the survival experience she learned from Thanos, and it is also where she is better than Gamora.

Led by the old driver Xingyun, Roger finally came to the cemetery of the Celestial Group where the Reality Gem is located.

When the spaceship stopped and floated in the empty space, Nebula asked:
"Is this here? What are we going to do now?"

The location of the coordinates is here, but looking around, there is nothing in this place, let alone a living planet, even the nearest star is a few light-years away, it can be said to be quite an empty place.

Roger sat in the spaceship, looked up at the void, and then under the gaze of Nebula, he came to the front of the spaceship, and the false gem of reality shone in front of him.

Only then did Roger reply:
"Wait, it will be fine."

As soon as Roger finished speaking, the Reality Gem on the left side of his chest instantly released a large amount of red light.

These red rays of light pass through the spaceship, reach the outer space of the universe, and like a veil, gently cover all the surrounding blackness.


When something new appeared under the red veil, Xing Yun realized that it was not covering the void with a veil, but lifted a veil that was already covering the void!

Only when this curtain is lifted, can everyone see what is hidden behind the curtain!
That was a pile of... bodies as huge as a planet!
On the battleship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Xingjue and others also saw what was under the curtain. Seeing the corpses of giants that were much larger than the void floating in the universe, they seemed to lose their voice for a while.

Xingjue even muttered to himself:
"Oh my god, I...I'm going to pee..."


It has to be said that Xingjue is really a master at destroying the atmosphere. As soon as he said this, he instantly destroyed the lingering sense of epic in front of Ya.

Gamora and Rocket each cast a blank stare at Star-Lord, and then the two saw that Roger, who was originally in the spaceship ahead, flew out of the spaceship without wearing any protective clothing!

"What is he going to do? Is he dying?"

Rocket asked with wide-eyed eyes.

The well-informed Gamora said:
"There are many races in the universe who can be exposed to the vacuum of the universe without wearing any protection. He should be one of them."

In fact, without Gamora's explanation, everyone can quickly realize that Roger, who is safe and sound outside, is not afraid of the vacuum and radiation of the universe.

Originally, Roger was indeed afraid. Even if there was a biological force field covering his whole body, his heart and lung function would not be greatly strengthened, and he would not be able to survive in the universe for a long time.

But after several time travels, the current Roger can.

The Man of Steel not only brought Roger a powerful body that could bathe in the stars, but also gave him extremely powerful heart and lung abilities.

These abilities are enough for Roger to survive in the universe for a long time, even without the biological force field, Roger can survive in the universe.

Under the gaze of everyone, Roger flew away from the spaceship and was placed in the cemetery of the Celestial Group.

He looked at these huge corpses with a solemn expression, and his eyes were fixed on the front. In the center of these corpses, at a distance that cannot be observed by the human naked eye, there is a gemstone that continuously emits red light.

That is the real gem of reality, and it is also the key item used to cover this cemetery of the gods.

Pulled by the False Reality Gem, Roger flies towards the real Reality Gem.

But when he actually reached the Reality Gem, before he could touch it, the Reality Gem turned over and merged with the Reality Gem on Roger's body.

It's as if they were one.

At the same time, above the Reality Gem, a phantom of a girl with no hair on her body also appeared in front of Roger.

The moment the girl appeared, Roger recognized her immediately.

Andrea Kelsen is also the senior time traveler that Roger has been looking for.

The body of this senior traveler curled up, as if he was asleep, and he slowly opened his eyes after the Reality Gem was completely fused.

The moment he saw the eyes, Roger couldn't help being slightly taken aback, because those eyes were very beautiful, as if the eyes contained the starry sky of the universe, not something that human beings can have.

Andrea's eyes were also projected on Roger under his gaze.


Andrea's voice came.

Unlike what Roger heard in Odin's memory, Andrea's voice was slightly hoarse at this moment, not as pleasant as Roger's impression.

When Roger was thinking about this, Andrea's next words made him stunned for a moment, at a loss.

"'re late, too late, Roger."



How does she know what my name is?
How did she know my name? ?

At this moment, Roger's head was full of question marks.

(End of this chapter)

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