Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 146 I'm coming to pick you up

Chapter 146 I'm coming to pick you up

More sentinel robots fell continuously from the sky. The sheer number is shocking. It seems that the humans are determined to destroy the mutants hiding here.

But no matter how many sentinel robots came, they couldn't break through the defensive line formed by Roger alone.

These sentinel robots have undergone several updates. Even if they are not close to mutants, they will have some mutant abilities, such as turning themselves into steel or rock.

But these mutant abilities are as if they don't exist in front of Roger. Whether it's a rock body or a steel body, they will be easily penetrated and destroyed by Roger.

Superman's strength is a dimensionality reduction blow to the sentinel robot, and no sentinel robot can resist Roger's punch.

"That's it?"

At first, Roger thought that this battle would be very difficult. After all, Sentry can use multiple superpowers. Rounding it up, Roger is fighting a bunch of apocalypse.

As a result, the battle process was extremely simple. With the combination of super speed and super strength, plus Roger's own steel body, Roger didn't even use his heat vision, so he blocked all the sentries by himself.

If it was only to this extent, the Phoenix girl who possessed the power of the phoenix could easily destroy all the sentinels.

But then I thought about the fact that the Phoenix Girl in this world had already been sent, and the mutants couldn't deal with the Sentinels, so Roger was no longer surprised, and focused on blocking the Sentinels.

Roger blocked the sentinel with his personal power in front, and the X-Men watched dumbfounded behind him.

They have never seen such a powerful mutant. If they deal with Sentinels one-on-one, the X-Men can actually deal with them. The real horror of Sentinels is that they can be mass-produced and have more than one ability.

So no mutant can face the Sentinel army alone.

However, the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him did it. Not only was he able to deal with multiple sentries at the same time, he was also extremely relaxed and freehand, as if these sentry robots were just paper dolls.

The X-Men watched in a daze, and after a while, Petra, the mutant standing beside the Iceman and controlling the mud, asked the Iceman:
"Should we... still continue to retreat?"

The sentinel was stopped by a person, and the sentinel didn't seem to last long. The mutants in this mutant city didn't seem to have to continue to evacuate.

But Iceman looked at the human fighter jets that were still flying this way, and the sentinel robots that were still being transported, he turned his head and said:
"Evacuate according to the original plan! Even if the crisis of the Sentinel is lifted, this place is not safe."


Petra turned her head and continued to urge the mutants to leave quickly, while Iceman turned his head to look at Tony and Nebula who fell beside him, and asked:

"...haven't asked yet, who are you?"

"Oh?" Tony regretted that he didn't wear the anti-Hulk armor, so he turned his head and talked to the Iceman: "It's a little troublesome to explain, but for a brief introduction, I am Iron Man, and this alien friend here is called Nebula, We're all here to help."

"Alien...alien friend?"

Only then did the Iceman turn his attention to Xing Yun.

At first, he thought that Nebula was some kind of special mutant. After all, there are not a few mutants with strange shapes, and there are also many mutants with blue skin. Mystique, Nightcrawler, and even the transformed beasts are all blue. .

So Iceman didn't think too much when he saw Nebula.

Now that he heard Tony's words and re-examined, he realized that Nebula's body seemed to be made of machines... It really didn't look like a mutant.

Tony was chatting with the Iceman. After Roger smashed a sentry again, he looked at the sentry that was still dropping down, and couldn't help sighing:

"As for it, are the mutants digging up the graves of human ancestors, and killing them all like this?"

The sentinel robots are continuously released, and the number is enough to make any mutant feel hopeless.

Roger can guarantee that even if all the members of the X-Men come here, with the performance ability in the film and television drama, it is a bit difficult to deal with these sentinel robots, not to mention that there are only a part of the X-Men here.

Even Roger can foresee that if he doesn't come today, at least half of the mutants here will die, and the X-Men will definitely lose their troops, maybe they will be wiped out here.

Roger couldn't figure out why humans hated mutants so much. Could it be that the supreme commander of humans is the big villain Stryker?
Exhaling, Roger also knew that it was useless to kill them one by one. Not to mention the low efficiency, it was also difficult for Roger to take care of all places, and there would definitely be some fish that slipped through the net.

So Roger started to back off, and he flew into the sky, the power stone in his chest glowing.

The sentinel robots didn't care about Roger, even if Roger killed so many of their 'companions', as long as Roger didn't take the initiative to attack them, they wouldn't attack Roger.

Because Roger doesn't have an X gene in his body, and the sentry robot only shoots at mutants with the X gene, so now there is no sentry robot to attack the seemingly defenseless Roger.

And this also gave Roger time to prepare.

The purple light of the power gem emerged from Roger's body, and gradually gathered on Roger's hands.

Roger's eyes swept over each sentinel robot, and the purple energy in both hands became stronger and stronger. When the energy of the power gem condensed to the apex, Roger clapped his hands and said:

"All disappear!!"

boom! ! !
The energy of the power gem exploded, and a powerful shock wave that only faced the sentinel spread at an extremely fast speed.

As the energy fluctuations of the power gems spread, all sentinel robots that came into contact with the shock wave were shattered like powder and blown away by the wind.

Not just the sentinel robots, but also those unmanned fighters in the sky, Roger did not let go of any of them, using the power of gems to turn them into ashes!
It is indeed troublesome and difficult to clear these sentry robots one-on-one, but the power of gems can clear the field on a large scale.

Roger has three infinity gems on his body. This is not a decoration on his body. When necessary, Roger will also use the power of the gems to deal with some difficult enemies.

Although the power of gems is only effective in this world.

"Hmm...should I say 'a bag of rice can withstand several floors' right? Forget it, it's not a fire movie set, and I'm not using Earthburst Star..."

Roger, who had had a blast with the power gem, glanced at the direction of the sentinel robot over there, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he came down from the sky to join the mutants.

It was only after landing that he realized that the mutants looked at him strangely, including Tony.

"That was... the power of the Infinity Stone?"

Tony asked, staring at the jewel on Roger's chest.

Roger nodded and said, "Yes, the power gem, the spoils I got after saving Xandar, is there a problem?"

"No problem, but you'd better stay away from us when you're carrying this gem, I'm afraid you'll turn us into ashes if you don't pay attention."

Tony said and took two steps back symbolically.

Are you serious about taking those few steps back...

Roger stared at Tony and wanted to complain, but he still didn't say anything, and put the armor back into the space bracelet, and the three infinity gems also disappeared from Roger with the disappearance of the armor.

This time he turned his head to look at the Iceman and the others, and Roger smiled and introduced himself:

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to help, my name is Roger, I think... you must have heard Jean say my name?"


In the Mutant Academy, Qin Grey was sitting in the classroom listening to the class.

It's hard to imagine that this is going to be the end of the world. She is an official X-Men, a "space warrior" who has traveled through three worlds, and the famous Phoenix Girl, but she still has to sit in the classroom with other students to listen to the official X-Men. The X-Men Lectures.

Obviously coming to play with Luo Jie, there is also the meaning of avoiding class... How did things turn out like this.

It was Professor X's idea to let Qin Grey attend the class.

Originally, Charles wanted Qin Gray to be a teacher, because the original Phoenix Girl was the teacher of the Mutant Academy.

As a result, after Charles asked carefully, he found out that the Qin Grey in front of him was not more than 20 years old...

After Charles was silent for a long time, he completely gave up the idea of ​​letting Qin Grey act with the X-Men, and instead asked Qin Grey to attend the class with other students first.

So in the end it evolved into the current situation.

The famous Phoenix Girl, along with other students who have not yet graduated, listened to the university courses taught by the teachers of the Mutant Academy.

Sighing again, Qin Grey turned the pen boringly, turning into a villain on the notes.

She suddenly missed Roger. Although she had only been away for less than two weeks, Qin really missed Roger, and she didn't know where Roger was now.

After a class, Qin Grey followed the other students back to the dormitory that Charles had prepared for him. It was the room of the phoenix girl in this world, and now belonged to Qin Grey.

But before Qin Grey returned to the dormitory, Qin Grey heard the voice of Professor X Charles through telepathy.

"Qin, come to the office."

Qin, who has experienced several worlds, no longer resists Charles from entering her mind, so Charles can smoothly talk to Qin through telepathy.

Hearing Charles' summons, Qin turned around and walked towards Charles' office while wondering what Charles had to do.

"Charles, what's the matter..."

Opening the door of the office, Qin Grey was about to ask Charles why he asked her to come here, but she couldn't speak anymore just halfway through the conversation.

Because she saw a familiar figure standing beside Charles.


Qin Grey called Roger's name in surprise.

Roger, who was talking to Charles, turned his head to Qin Grey and said with a smile:
"Qin, long time no see, I'm here to pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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