Chapter 147 The real gift

Roger and Qin meet again after a long absence, and Qin is more excited than Roger imagined, probably because she has been studying here and cannot go out.

Of course, this is just Roger's own guess. As for what Qin thinks, Roger doesn't know.

Although according to the time span, it may have been less than a month since the two separated and met again, but for some reason, after seeing Roger, Qin's heart that had been holding her was suddenly relieved.

It seems that no matter what the problem is, as long as Roger comes, it can be solved.

After reuniting with Qin and comforting Qin, Roger and Charles continued to chat about mutants.

"Jin likes you very much."

After letting Jean go back to wait for the news, the old version of Charles said to Roger.

Roger responded:

"Probably because she can only rely on me outside."

"I don't think it's that simple."

Charles smiled mysteriously, and Roger cast a puzzled look at him. Charles did not explain, and turned to the topic and said:
"Okay, let's talk about business. I heard from Bobby that you came here to find someone?"

Bobby, whose full name is Robert Louis Bobby Derek, is exactly the full name of the Iceman. Generally, those who are familiar with the Iceman will call him Bobby.

The Iceman had already told Charles the purpose of Roger's coming here when he came back, so now Charles would ask this question.

Speaking of business, Roger's expression became more serious. He sat opposite Charles and said to him:

"To be more precise, it is to follow in the footsteps of a person, Andrea Kelsen, have you heard of this name?"

"Of course." Charles smiled and said, "That's the first member of our X-Men, how could I never have heard of it."

"First Generation……?"

Roger froze.

The first generation of X-Men was established in the 60s of the last century, that is, after 1960. If Andrea came to X-Men at that time and stayed for a long time...

How old was she when she left the X-Men world?
Roger's brain circuit began to guess Andrea's age, and Charles continued to say:
"At the time, we were all young and Antti was the youngest of us, but she had energy and potential.

"During the Missile Crisis, thanks to Antti's ability, we avoided World War III..."

Charles was recalling and telling Roger about Andrea's past, which Roger had never heard of.

Hearing this, Roger couldn't help asking:

"So, Andrea founded the Mutant Academy with you later?"

Roger said, turning his head and glanced at the room.

In other words, he was looking at the entire X Academy.

Charles knew what Roger meant. The special space in which the X Academy was located was created by Andrea herself. It was not surprising that he would think so.

But Charles shook his head and said:

"No, she disappeared after that."


"Yeah, she disappeared for ten years, and she didn't come back until the Sentinel was born...but that's all in the past, now...Anti is dead."

"You know what happened to her?"

Roger asked.

Charles turned his head to look at Roger, and Roger could see some sadness in the other's eyes, and then he heard Charles say:

"Yeah, the moment I saw you, I knew she was gone."

"and many more!!"

Roger reacted instantly. He stood up from his seat, stared at Charles with wide eyes and asked, "You...know me too!?"

Andrea didn't say anything when she knew Roger. After all, he was a supreme mage with the ability to predict the future. It was not surprising to know Roger's existence.

But why... Charles would know about Roger too! ?
Seeing Roger's shock, Charles comforted him and said:
"Don't worry, calm down, Roger, I do know you, but it may be different from what you think, I just feel the mental fluctuations in you... belonging to Andi.

"And Andi once told me that if one day, there is a person with a similar mental wavelength to her standing in front of me, then she is gone, and she wants us to do our best to help that person who has a similar mental wavelength to her. At that time I didn't understand what she meant, but now... I understand."

Charles said seriously to Roger.

Andrea left a lot of things to Roger, not only the armor combined with vibrating gold and magic technology, but also not only Athena, the entire X-Men world was left to Roger by her Gift.

When Roger understood this, he slumped back to his chair.

Roger looked at the ground, and his mind became more and more incomprehensible about the thoughts of this senior traveler. Although the two had never met, she believed in Roger very much.

"She... just trusts me like that?"

Roger asked in a low voice.

Everything Andrea did was to prevent the collapse of the multiverse, and the person she chose was Roger.

But Roger didn't understand what Andrea liked about him.

Obviously he is just an ordinary person, even if he has superhuman abilities, he doesn't have the superhuman heart to sacrifice himself to save the whole world, why does Andrea value him so much.

Charles replied softly: "She doesn't believe you."

"Then why..."

"Except for herself, she doesn't believe in anyone, including me, but she believes in herself. Andy has this kind of self-confidence that can be called arrogant."

Roger laughed at himself and said: "So she also believes that the person she chooses will definitely save the multiverse? This is really... arrogant..."

Roger remembered that Tony once commented that Andrea was an arrogant guy. At that time, Roger thought that what Tony said might be a bit too much.

But now Roger felt that what Tony said was not too much, and Andrea was indeed an arrogant person, a guy who was so arrogant.

"If you understand it this's actually not impossible."

Charles smiled strangely, and continued, "I know you came here to find her because you want to get what she left behind in this world, the gem, right?"

"Do you know the location?"

"Of course I know, but now, you can't take it away."


Roger stared at Charles, he didn't ask why, because he knew Charles would tell the reason.

Sure enough, Charles quickly said:

"Because now, this gem is the cornerstone to protect these two universes, once it is taken away..."

"What will happen?"

"It's probably impossible to collapse, but Andi left you a message. It should have been mentioned in the message that these two worlds are the product of her separation from the main world, right?"


"And once the soul gem as the cornerstone is taken away, these two worlds are likely to return to the original big world, and may even merge with each other, producing unpredictable results."

Charles explained slowly, telling the role of the soul gem in these two worlds.

Roger frowned, if that's the case, then this soul gem really shouldn't act rashly.

Return to the original world, that is, return to the multiverse of Marvel as a whole.

What would happen then Roger didn't know very well, but it was certainly not a good thing.

Roger was thinking about it, when Charles said again:
"However, if you want to take it away, it's not impossible."

"What...?" Roger froze.

Charles said to Roger earnestly, "As long as you have the confidence to shoulder the responsibilities of the two worlds."

Once the soul gem leaves, the future of the two worlds will completely go to an unknown route.

So after that, there needs to be a leader who can lead both worlds on the right path.

And Roger, who took away the soul gem at that time, will undoubtedly shoulder such a responsibility.

"Moral kidnapping?"

Understanding the causal relationship, Roger raised his head and looked at Charles suspiciously.

Charles smiled and said:
"No, it's a responsibility, and it's also the price you need to pay. You can't just want to ask for something without paying. That's unrealistic. If you do something, you need to bear the responsibility after doing it. This principle You should know."

After Charles finished speaking, before Roger could speak, he continued:
"Of course, you can also ignore everything according to your own ideas, take the gems and leave, anyway, we can't stop you, you can do whatever you want, and we can't use other methods to restrain you, just like What you're talking about...that's moral kidnapping."

"let me consider it."

Feeling that his throat was a little dry, Roger said to Charles with difficulty.

The responsibility of the two worlds is not a small matter. Roger, who has always been salty, doesn't know if he can take on such an important responsibility. He needs to go back and think about it.

Charles was not in a hurry, he said:
"Yes, there is still plenty of time. You can think about it slowly. I will prepare a room for you and your friends. Let's stay here for now."

After chatting with Charles, Roger left Charles' office.

He really needs time to think about it. This is not something that can be answered directly in a short while.

After Roger left, Charles looked at the door and waited for a while, then suddenly said:
"Riwen, come out."

In the study room behind the office, Mystique Raven walked out of the room. She was wearing an X-Men costume, but her skin was blue and she did not change into anyone.

She walked out of the study, staring at the direction Roger left, and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while Charles said:
"Ruiwen, Andy has..."

"I know."

Ruiwen said, but her eyes didn't move away from where Roger left.

Seeing this, Charles sighed and said:

"You can do whatever you want, but don't make things difficult for him."

"I know……"

Compared with the previous decisive answer, Rui Wen's latter answer was a bit reluctant.

But Charles didn't say anything, just waved to Raven to let her go.

Ruiwen didn't say a word during the period, and after getting Charles' permission, she also left Charles' office and walked in one direction.

And the bedroom that Charles arranged for Roger was in that direction.

 The sunspot was wrong yesterday, that person was Bishop, I got it wrong, now it has been changed, just refresh it...

  Although it doesn't affect reading, I still want to say sorry!I'm so sorry!no more chance! !

(End of this chapter)

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