Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 149 The Sentinel's Problem

Chapter 149 The Sentinel's Problem

Ruiwen 'molested' Roger for a while and then left. Qin looked at Ruiwen's back for a long time, and finally walked into Roger's room and asked:

"What did Ruiwen come to see you for?"

"…who knows."

Thinking of Ruiwen's tease to him just now, Roger felt that his behavior was a bit embarrassing to a man.

It's not an innocent little boy, it's outrageous to be teased by a Mystique like this.

But think about it carefully, this is Mystique, marrying her is like marrying Mystique all over the world, probably not many people can resist Mystique's active temptation, right?

Thinking about it this way... I don't seem to be ashamed?
Roger's thoughts flew to nowhere, Qin stared at Roger's dazed expression for a long time, and suddenly asked:

"You used to like Rui Wen's type?"

"What? No, how is it possible."

Roger immediately denied it.

Of course Mystique likes it, but this kind of liking may not be the same as what Qin said.

Roger's liking is more about appreciation, and he has no relationship experience with Mystique. Talking about what he likes is a hooligan, and Roger is not such a casual person.

Turning his head to look at Qin still staring at himself, Roger explained again:
"Andrea, do you remember? Ruiwen has a relationship with Andrea, she knows that Andrea has chosen me, so she came here... just to test me."

"Oh, that's it."

Jean nodded as she believed Roger's words.

She has been here for two weeks and knows that this world has something to do with Andrea, so she is not surprised by Roger's words now.

Although Qin's intuition told her that Mystique's purpose might not be as simple as what Roger said, but Qin didn't plan to delve into it further. After all, even if what happened between Mystique and Roger, it had nothing to do with her. doesn't matter.

"Qin, what are you doing looking for me so late?"

Instead of talking about Mystique, Roger asked Jean why she came to find him at night.

Qin also took the topic naturally, and replied:

"I'm here to ask, what are you going to do next?"

"What do you mean?"


Qin's expression sank a little, and her eyes were full of worry.

Qin had already fully understood the situation in this world during the two weeks in the academy.

As Magneto Eric said, this world is the end of mutants.

Sentry robots are very strong, and each sentry is equivalent to a third-level mutant or even higher. They will copy the abilities of mutants, and at the same time share the abilities of mutants with all sentries connected to the network.

And they can also store some mutant abilities, even if there are no mutants, they can also copy and use the mutant abilities.

Don't look at Roger kneading the sentinel like a ball like chopping melons and vegetables, it's just because Roger doesn't have an X gene in his body, and the sentinel just defends instinctively and doesn't use other mutant abilities.

Once these sentinel robots regard Roger as an enemy and use human wave tactics against Roger, even Roger will be in danger without using the power of gems.

This is true for Roger, let alone other mutants.

Facing the Sentinels, the strength of the X-Men is too weak. The ability of Professor X, one of the leaders of the mutants, is almost useless against the Sentinels.

As for the humans who controlled the sentinels, they all hid in buildings that could prevent attacks by psychics. Professor X, Charles, was almost useless.

Other mutants also have more or less their own shortcomings and ability defects. With the ebb and flow of each other, Sentinel becomes even more difficult to deal with.

For a short period of time now, mutants can still linger in this space, but after a long time, once the mutants lose their supply source, the fate waiting for them can be imagined.

Although Qin is not from this world, facing these familiar and unfamiliar X-Men, Qin can't bear to see them die under the massacre of sentinels.

So when Roger came, Qin didn't want to let Roger take her with him, but wanted to ask Roger if there was any way to solve the crisis that mutants were facing now.

Regarding the issue of sentinels, Roger is actually thinking about it.

The sentinel problem is not difficult to solve from a short-term perspective.

Roger is not a mutant, so he is naturally shielded from the Sentinel's search. He can directly find the person who controls the Sentinel, use the Mind Stone to change their minds, and destroy all the Sentinels and corresponding technologies at the same time.

But this is only a temporary solution.

The conflict between mutants and humans still exists, even if it will be resolved now, one day in the future, there will inevitably be a life-and-death battle between the two races.

And if you want to avoid this from happening, there are only two solutions.

One, is to turn all humans into mutants, or turn all mutants back into humans.

The other... Take away all the mutants and humans carrying the X gene, let them live in another world, and at the same time curb the appearance of the X gene on the humans who remain on the earth.

Only in this way can the two ethnic groups continue to fight.

But... Leaving aside the short-term methods, the latter methods that can be done once and for all require Roger to stand in line, either to help humans eliminate mutants, or to help mutants eliminate humans, or to find a new mutant for mutants. homes.

And thinking of this, Roger couldn't help but think of another entrustment from Charles to him, and his head was dizzy for a while.

In the end, Roger looked at Qin with a worried face, and comforted him softly:

"I will definitely take care of the sentinel's problem, don't worry."

"Be careful when dealing with sentries. These guys are not easy to deal with. Each of them is equivalent to an apocalypse."

Qin asked again.

The Sentinel with several abilities reminded Qin of Apocalypse.

That guy is not easy to deal with. When Qin was dealing with Tian Qi, if it wasn't for the help of others to slow Tian Qi from leaving, even if Qin had the strength to kill Tian Qi, Tian Qi could easily escape.

This is just an apocalypse, and now every sentinel is equivalent to a weakened apocalypse, and Jean is very worried about whether Roger can handle it.

"Don't worry, you don't know how powerful I am now."

Roger half-jokingly said to Qin.

With three infinity gems, even if every sentinel is a complete apocalypse, Roger is not afraid at all.

But the problem now is not how to deal with the Sentinel, the problem is the relationship between humans and mutants after the Sentinel, which is the most troublesome.

Qin has always believed in Roger, so when Roger said he had a solution, Qin left with confidence.

After Roger sent Qin away, he thought for a moment and came to the underground base of the Mutant Academy, and found Tony the Iron Man who was with Hank the Beast.

After coming to X Academy, Tony became a little interested in the technology of this world.

Although the technology in this world is not necessarily much higher than that in the Marvel world, many technologies developed based on mutant abilities have also opened Tony's eyes.

For example, the gun in Bishop's hand that can convert energy, if it can be applied to the Mark series armor, Tony can have a lot of extra means.

So throughout the whole day, Tony stayed in the underground base of the X Academy, forgetting about bringing Andrea to the back of his mind.

Roger originally wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to let Tony learn more about the situation in this world, and then talk to him about the sentinel.

But after Ruiwen's 'molesting' and seeing Qin's worries, Roger felt that it might be difficult for him to fall asleep tonight.

I took a look with my clairvoyance ability, and saw that Tony was not asleep, and that he and Hank were discussing something in the underground, and the discussion was quite intense.

Anyway, he couldn't sleep anymore, so Roger simply asked Tony if he had any opinion on Sentinels and mutants. planet.

The reason why I don’t look for it in this universe, but in another universe is because Roger has more acquaintances in another universe, Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Tony still has contact with Asgard.

In contrast to the X-Men universe, Roger doesn't know what's going on, so it's more worry-free and safer to go to another world than to stay in this world.

Of course, it's all up to Tony and the rest of the Avengers.

As soon as he came to the underground base, Roger saw Tony and Hank gesturing at a fighter plane, not knowing what they were doing.

Beast Hank is not a human, but a blue transformation with glasses.

The Hank at this point in time is much more mature than the Hank that Roger met. After all, in terms of age, this Hank is almost 70 years old, and he doesn't care as much about his appearance as he did when he was young.

Hank chatted with Tony, but didn't notice Roger coming.

It wasn't until Roger made a dry cough that the two realized that Roger was standing behind them.

"Oh!" Hank turned to look at Roger at the door. He pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked, "You are...the Roger that Qin was talking about, right? Hello, I'm Hank .”

"I know you're Hank."

Roger held Hank's outstretched hand and said with a smile.

Hank also smiled back at Roger and said:

"The Hank you know is different from me. Normally, we are two people who look the same, so of course I have to introduce myself."

"makes sense."

Roger felt that what Hank said was quite reasonable, but he didn't come here to discuss this philosophical issue with Hank.

After saying hello to Hank, Roger turned to Tony and asked:
"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about something that you, a layman, can't understand. Is there something wrong?"

Tony said mercilessly, but compared to before, Tony's attitude towards Roger is much better now.

At least for now, in Tony's mind, Roger should be at the same level as Thor.

Roger didn't ask about Tony and Hank's previous chat in detail, and quickly stated his purpose and asked:

"It's something. I want to ask you what you think of Sentry. Do you have any means of dealing with this kind of robot?"

(End of this chapter)

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