Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 150 Let Sentinels Guard the World

Chapter 150 Let Sentinels Guard the World

Tony is an expert in this field. Although he hasn't learned much since he came to this world, the basic concept of the sentinel robot must be clear.

After all, I had been chatting with Hank for so long.

Hearing Roger and Tony mention the sentry, Hank couldn't help but listen carefully, but Tony just glanced at Hank and said suddenly:

"Hank, if you don't mind, let's talk here first, how about it?"

"Of course, you want to go back to rest?"

"It's getting late, isn't it?"

Tony smiled at Hank, then went back to his room with Roger.

This obviously didn't want Hank to listen to it, which made Roger a little strange. When the two came to Tony's room, Roger asked:
"Tony, is there anything wrong with being a Sentinel?"

Deliberately avoiding Hank to talk to Roger about the Sentinel, Roger could only think that there might be something wrong with the Sentinel.

Tony sat on a chair in the room and answered Roger's question:

"Of course there is nothing wrong with Sentinel. This kind of robot based on mutant genes is easy to deal with. Even if you don't need me, you go to Sentinel's R&D center by yourself, and then use the trick you used before... slap."

Tony said clapping his hands, imitating the scene when Roger used the power gem, and continued: "The sentinel can be easily solved, and I don't need it at all."


"But you came to me specifically, certainly not just for the Sentinel's business. What do you want to use the Sentinel for?"

Tony asked sharply.

What Tony said was right. If Roger really wanted to deal with the Sentinel, he could easily solve it by himself with the power gem, and the Sentinel was not a problem at all.

But Roger didn't choose to do this. He had the idea of ​​​​keeping the sentinel robot, which is why Tony came back to talk to Roger about it.

Roger was silent for a moment, pulled a chair and sat opposite Tony, and said:

"I want to ask, is it possible for these robots to be controlled by us to... guard these two universes?"

Destroying the Sentinel is of course easy.

But it would be a waste of these 'man-made mutant machines' with multiple abilities to simply eliminate the sentries.

Knowing the importance of the soul gem to the two universes, Roger is also considering how to protect the two universes while taking the soul gem.

He must take the soul gem. The message left by Andrea made it very clear that the six infinite gems are the cornerstone to save the multiverse crisis, and Roger can't let go of the soul gem.

Since he couldn't give up the soul gem, he could only find a way elsewhere.

The soul gem is the cornerstone of the two worlds independent of the Marvel multiverse, and it is also the core that guards the two universes.

Although Roger doesn't know how the soul gem protects the two universes, but since it is a guardian, can it be replaced by something?

Roger thinks of Tony at this point in time, the "Ultron Project" in his heart, with Roger's assistance, based on the sentinel robot, Tony's Ultron Project may have the possibility of perfect implementation.

Use the upgraded sentry robot, with Tony as the main force, to build a sentry army to guard the two universes...

Roger felt that his idea was very feasible.

It seemed that he didn't expect Roger to ask such a question. Tony couldn't help but look at Roger more, thought a little and said:

"Theoretically, it's not impossible, but are you sure you want to do it?"

"what happened?"

"Although I don't think there is anything wrong with the machine, the mutant friends here don't think so. Are you sure your mutant friends won't be angry when we control these sentinel robots?"

Sentinels are brutal machines that slaughter mutants. Although these machines have no self-awareness, they only act according to the instructions entered by humans in the core.

But the mutants don't care about this. Many mutants and mutants with X-factors who have not yet awakened the ability, many of their family members, friends, and partners died at the hands of the sentinels.

They will not look at the sentinel calmly, thinking that the sentinel has nothing wrong with it and is just a machine.

If possible, they even want all the Sentinels in the world to disappear.

However... this is not a particularly difficult problem to solve.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Roger said:

"After we control the sentry, can we change the appearance of the sentinel? Or we can destroy the original sentinel after we get the technology to make the sentinel, and use the technology to create a sentinel that doesn't kill mutants..."

After listening to Roger's proposal, Tony thought about it seriously and said:

"I think things may not be as simple as you think...but this idea is good, provided that you get the sentinel production technology, and you may need to talk to that bald professor."

"I will explain to Charles, and I will also get the sentinel technology, as long as you can make a sentinel that protects the two universes."

"Sorry, I can understand what you said just now, are you doubting my skills?"

Tony frowned.

Roger shook his head and said, "It's not that I doubt your technology, it's just that in the parallel world I know, the machines you made have had serious problems."

"Don't compare me to other people. The other one has a problem with his machine. It's his fault. He's stupid. I, the Tony Stark of this universe, will never make any mistakes!"

Tony said sternly.

Roger stared at Tony for a long time, and said, "Well, you just need to be confident."

Although Roger is very worried that Tony will create a second Ultron, but apart from Tony, Roger can't find a second person who can change the behavior of the sentry and turn the sentry into a friendly person.

Leaving Tony's room, Roger didn't go to Charles immediately.

It's getting late now, and it's not polite to go to Charles at this time.

And regarding the issue between the Sentinels and the mutants, Roger still needs to seriously consider some more detailed matters.

So Roger didn't go directly to chat with Charles, but went back to the room to rest.

One night passed, and no one else came to Roger this time, giving Roger a quiet night.

But this kind of silence didn't last long. Early the next morning, just as Roger was about to go to Charles to explain his thoughts after consideration, he ran into Magneto at the door.

An aged version of Magneto.

He was wearing a classic helmet to prevent psychic users. When he saw Luo Jie coming out, his slightly cloudy eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked:

"You are Roger?"

"...Is it me, Magneto Eric?"

Magneto's inexplicable excitement made Roger couldn't help taking a step back. He always felt that there was something wrong with the way Eric looked at him.

"Yes, you still remember me."

Eric said inexplicably.

Roger's expression was even weirder. He had no idea what Eric meant. Roger had indeed seen Magneto before, but it wasn't this Magneto.

So it stands to reason that Magneto and Roger met for the first time. What does Eric mean by this sentence?
Seeing Roger's doubts, Eric was about to say something, but Professor X Charles appeared at this time very coincidentally, manipulating the wheelchair to come in front of the two, and interrupted Eric:

"Eric, you have the wrong person."

"Impossible! I won't admit my mistake!"

Charles sighed, "He's not Andi, I can assure you of that."


The conversation between the two made Roger realize that Eric might regard him as Andrea himself, just like Athena who Andrea left behind.

Thinking of this, Roger couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at Eric.

Forget about Athena, after all, it is an artificial intelligence, and it is understandable that it cannot tell the difference between Roger and Andrea.

But Eric is a real intelligent life after all, isn't it obvious at a glance whether Roger is Andrea?

Could it be that Eric is too old, so his head is not very bright?

Roger thought very impolitely in his heart, but Eric still firmly believed that Roger was Andrea, and was finally persuaded by Charles to leave.

After letting Eric leave, Charles apologized to Roger:
"I'm sorry, the relationship between Antie and Eric is relatively the current Eric, the spirit is indeed not normal, so..."

"It's okay, can I ask, is Eric's relationship with Andrea?"

"The relationship between the two of them... Well, they can be regarded as brothers and sisters who are not related by blood. When Eric left, Andi was still with him for a while."

Charles simply explained.

Hearing Charles' explanation, the corner of Roger's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Brothers and sisters... Brothers and sisters again, it seems that this senior traveler really likes to recognize relatives everywhere, Roger had previously slandered him, thinking that this senior is a Marvel courtesan, there may be nothing wrong with it.

"Then why is he looking for me now?"

Roger asked again.

Charles replied: "In Eric's heart, the only one who can save the mutants is probably Andi. He regards you as Andi, so...naturally he wants you to save the mutants."

"That's why I'm here."

"No, it's not that simple." Charles said: "If you know Eric, you will understand that his ideas are quite extreme. His so-called 'salvation' is the complete extinction of human beings, which is impossible for me to allow."

Eric's idea was not what Roger expected.

It's just...Roger asked Charles suspiciously: "Humans have forced mutants to this point, and you are still thinking about them?"

Of course Roger had no idea of ​​what to do to humans, he just wondered what Charles was thinking.

Charles replied:

"I'm not thinking about them, but not all human beings need to be eliminated.

"You have also seen the city of mutants. Not all the people living in the city of mutants are mutants. Those humans who live with mutants are also on our side, and Eric The idea of ​​destroying all human beings is unacceptable."

(End of this chapter)

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