Chapter 151 Old Stryker

Compared with Charles, Eric's ideas are still so extreme.

No matter which world he is in, Eric’s racist thoughts cannot be changed. This probably has something to do with his childhood experience, so even if Magneto in some worlds will restrain himself, he still has more or less desires in his heart. The idea of ​​exterminating the human race.

Charles' philosophy has always been the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans. Even now, Charles believes that those who want to eliminate mutants and are hostile to mutants are just a part of human beings.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many human beings who would help the mutants and thus be hunted down by the human government.

Mentioning his old friend, Charles couldn't help but sigh.

The first generation of X-Men, so far only a few of them are still alive, and the others are dying, including those students of Charles.

Among the X-Men of the middle generation, there are not many people left except Stormy, Nightcrawler and Logan who went out to work.

Even the new generation of X-Men lost a lot, so even if Eric didn't agree with his ideas, Charles still accommodated him and let him stay here.

Instead of talking about Eric, Charles changed the subject and said to Roger:
"Don't talk about him, you should have something you want to do today, right?"

"you know?"

"Sorry, I 'overheard' your friend's thoughts."

Charles said apologetically.

The friend Charles refers to is Tony the Iron Man. Without knowing the abilities of mutants, Tony's thoughts are completely defenseless against Charles. It is normal for Charles to 'hear' some of Tony's inner voices.

Although Roger felt that Charles's approach was a bit impolite, but there were more important things to deal with now than this. He answered Charles' question just now:
"Yes, I plan to obtain the production materials of the sentry."

"Then do it."

"Won't you stop me?"

Roger asked in surprise.

Charles asked back: "Why stop you? Now that you have made this decision, it means that you have the determination to protect the two worlds. No matter what the sentry has done to us, it is always just a tool in the hands of humans. Since it is a tool , so what's wrong with you using it to protect the world?"

Charles said earnestly.

Looking at Charles' kind expression, Roger knew that he fully supported him, and even Roger had an illusion, as if Charles would support him to the end no matter what he did.

Roger didn't even know where this illusion came from.

But in any case, Charles' promise made Roger relax a lot, and he replied:

"Maybe I'm not a qualified guardian, but at least I will ensure the safety of the two worlds, and your safety. This is my responsibility."

"Let go and do it."

Charles encouraged Roger, and then he controlled the wheelchair and left from the door of Roger's room.

Not long after he left, Tony opened the door, leaned against the door and said to Roger:
"That bald professor's ability is quite tricky. It seems that I need a device that can isolate the mind protection."

"So you are here? Since when did you start listening?"

Roger asked over his shoulder.

"Start when the old man with the helmet met you."

"...Isn't that there from the beginning?"

Roger said to Tony speechlessly.

Because the rooms of the two were next to each other, even if Roger knew that Tony was in the room, he didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't expect that Tony had been eavesdropping from the very beginning.

Tony shrugged and said, "It can't be helped, your voices are too loud, and...the man in the helmet thinks you are Andrea, which makes me very concerned."

"What do you care about? Don't you think I'm Andrea like Eric?"

Roger asked amusedly.


"...You don't really think so, do you?"

Roger originally thought that Tony might be joking, but seeing Tony's serious expression, Roger knew that Tony was not.

Tony stood at the door and watched Roger for a long time before saying:

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, you go about your business, I'm going to talk to that bald professor."

Tony closed the door without knowing what to do.

Roger didn't stare impolitely with his clairvoyance ability. He was going to get information on the Sentinels for Tony now, and he didn't have time to worry about what Tony was going to do.

Ask Blink to let him leave this special space, and Roger went straight to the sentinel factory he had heard about.

Since he decided to turn the sentinel into a machine that guards the two worlds, Roger had no hesitation. He found the location of the factory and used the power of the gem to quickly obtain the related information of the sentinel.

Then discuss with Charles and the others about the migration of mutants.

It is not difficult to find the location of the sentinel production factory, as long as you follow the direction in which the sentinel robot flies out, you can find the production factory of the sentinel robot.

Although these production factories are only part of them, and humans have built similar factories all over the world in order to eliminate mutants, the real main place is still in the United States, and it is still a location that Roger is quite familiar with.

Colonel Stryker's mutant research base.

No, the current Stryker should be a major general.

On the way Roger ran towards Stryker, Stryker also found Roger flying over.

When Roger was killing all directions outside the Mutant Academy yesterday, Stryker had already noticed Roger, and also noticed that Roger did not carry the X gene, and the sentinel mutants could not recognize him.

Although Stryker doesn't know why Roger can't be recognized, he firmly believes that Roger is also a mutant, because only mutants have such powerful inhuman power.

So Stryker, who saw Roger again today, immediately changed the action mode of the sentinel. He recorded Roger's image into the core of all the sentinel robots, and turned on the annihilation mode, preparing to pile Roger into piles. die.

So when Roger came outside the Stryker base, he was greeted by densely packed sentinel robots flying all over the sky.

"Oh? I'm quite popular?"

Looking at the sentinel robots so densely packed in the sky that they could make people suffer from dense phobia, Roger murmured to himself calmly.

He looked down at the Stryker base below, and the purple energy of the power gem on his chest filled his whole body again.

Stryker, who saw this through the monitor, was shocked when he saw this, and quickly changed the behavior of the sentinel.

"It's the attack from yesterday! Let all the sentries switch to defensive mode!!"

Yesterday, the scene where Roger wiped out all the sentries with a single slap really scared Stryker enough.

He never thought that a mutant could have such a powerful force, but he thought that this move could not be replicated, otherwise the sentinel robot would not have chased and killed mutants to such an extent.

But now Roger's actions let Stryker know that he guessed wrong.

Faced with Roger's powerful move that can destroy anything, Stryker immediately turned the sentinel into defensive mode.

Countless sentinel robots immediately gave up their attacks and lined up layer by layer in the sky.

They are neat and orderly, with blue energy released from their bodies, and all the blue energy is connected together to form a huge blue barrier that seems to connect the sky and the earth.

This is a manifestation of mutant ability exerted to the extreme. Such a huge shield can even theoretically prevent the attack of a nuclear bomb.

But having said that, the protective shield is still too weak before the power of gems.

Roger's hand was condensed with purple energy, he looked at the military base below with pity, and said to himself:
"Do you want to stop me? It's too simple."

After speaking, Roger clapped his hands, and the scene from yesterday reappeared, and all the sentinel robots disappeared in the air like dust.

As if they never existed.

Sentry robots are indeed powerful, but there is a limit.

Even if all the sentinel robots are added together to create a protective shield that can resist any attack in theory, it is completely vulnerable to the gems that represent the rules of the world, existing like paper.

In particular, Roger has the physical fitness to maximize the power of the power gem, and the sentry is even more powerless to fight back against Roger.

After finishing off the sentinel with ease, Roger slowly descended from the sky like a god, and walked around the base like a walk, like a villain.

It wasn't that there were no soldiers trying to attack Roger on the way, but they were all controlled by Roger's mind gem.

With just one eye contact, these soldiers became Roger's little brothers, following behind Roger to protect him.

Such a scene made Roger not look like the attacker, but the owner of the military base.

But until Roger walked to the center of the military base and saw Stryker, Roger found that the Soul Stone hit a wall here.


Turning his head to look at the gray-haired Stryker, Roger made a curious sound.

Stryker is wearing a helmet that prevents mind control, and it seems to be an upgraded version. He holds a gun in his hand that can't give him a sense of security. He pointed at Roger tremblingly and said:
"You... do you know what you are doing now!!"

"Well, of course I know, to eliminate the threat of mutants."

Roger said with a smile.

Stryker said angrily: "Your behavior now will push the mutant into the abyss! Originally, the mutant still had a chance to change his ways, but now..."

"Tut tsk tsk." Roger waved his fingers at Stryker, interrupted his remaining words, and said:
"Don't talk about these useless things. I don't think imprisoning mutants in a 'concentration camp' is considered a 'reform'. Don't talk about your violation of mutants so grandly."


"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, just give me the sentinel's blueprint."

Roger said lazily, completely ignoring Stryker.

Seeing this, Stryker said coldly: "Do you think I will give you what you want?"

"Well, yes, you won't give it." Roger smiled at Stryker and said, "Then I'll take it myself."

As soon as Roger finished his last words, his figure appeared in front of Stryker.

He destroyed Stryker's helmet in an almost brutal way, and then used the Mind Stone to mercilessly invade Stryker's consciousness.

Stryker may feel that since he has a helmet and has been trained in dealing with psychics, as long as he doesn't talk to Roger, there's nothing he can do.

But it's a pity that infinite gems are so unreasonable. Looking at the entire Marvel universe, there are only a few strong people who can completely ignore the influence of gems.

Unfortunately, there is no Stryker in it.

(End of this chapter)

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