Chapter 152 Soul Gem
The genocide crisis that plagued the mutants was easily eliminated invisible under Roger's unreasonable strength.

But Charles didn't immediately announce something that would make the mutants rejoice.

Although the crisis of mutants has been resolved, the conflict between mutants and humans still exists. If you tell mutants at this time that they no longer need to worry about persecution by humans, the mutants who have been oppressed before will probably persecute those Humanity.

The war between humans and mutants will start again, and this time, humans without sentries are destined to be the loser in this unequal war.

And when the time comes, the ones who will be persecuted and about to be exterminated will no longer be mutants, but human beings.

It was also in consideration of this that Charles did not immediately tell everyone the news.

However, it won't take long to hide it. Many X-Men are out on the field. Headed by Logan, many X-Men are helping mutants who are oppressed all over the world.

After a long time, these X-Men who went out to work will find that the sentries are gone, and there will be no more people chasing and killing mutants. They don't need to investigate too much, they just need to ask a little bit, and they will know the news that all the sentries have disappeared.

At that time, all mutants will know the situation on the human side.

"So you need to be ready for where the mutants are going before that happens."

Charles said to Roger.

At this time, Roger had already handed over all the Sentinel-related information to Tony. After Tony got the information, he immediately entered the state of a scientific research madman, and began to study the production process of the Sentinel in the X-Men's underground base.

I believe that it won't be long before the new Mark series armor based on Sentinel will be presented to everyone.

During this period, Roger also wanted to find a place for the mutants to belong to, which was a method he had discussed with Charles before.

"As for where to go, I don't know if another universe is okay... I still have a lot of friends over there."

Roger said hesitantly.

In the end, he chose to send the mutants to Tony's universe. There are many aliens in that world. It is not impossible to send the mutants to other planets as a new race and turn them into 'aliens'.

Although Charles didn't quite agree with this approach, after all, the earth is also the hometown of mutants, but now, it seems that there is no better way.

"If you have an idea, just follow what you said. Now you are the guardian of the two worlds."

Charles sighed.

Hearing Charles call himself the guardian of the two worlds, Roger always felt that there seemed to be something extra on his back.

The title of guardian is not so easy to bear. Bearing the title of guardian also bears corresponding responsibilities.

But this time Roger didn't deny it, nor did he refuse to be a guardian, because he knew that once he took away the soul gem, he couldn't escape such a responsibility.

Speaking of the soul gem, Roger asked Charles:
"Before moving, tell me the location of the soul gem."

"...sorry, I don't know."


Charles' answer made Roger's head full of question marks. He frowned and asked in a bad tone, "You don't know the whereabouts of the soul gem?"

"Don't be angry, I never said that I know the whereabouts of the soul gem. I just know the importance of the soul gem to these two worlds. Of course, what I said sounds like sophistry to you..."


Isn't it a sophistry?

Roger stared at Charles suspiciously.

Charles smiled and said, "But I know how to find the soul gem."


Roger said succinctly.

He is not in the mood to guess riddles here.

Charles pointed to Roger's heart, and said: "The way to find the soul gem is on you. Haven't you already obtained three gems? Why try to connect the power of the three gems?"

Roger lowered his head, and the three gems on his chest were emitting a faint light when they were not in use.

After squinting and staring at Charles for a while, Roger said:
"If you can't find the soul gem, let's talk about the migration of mutants later."

"I see."

Charles nodded.

As it should be, Roger saving the mutants is basically a deal between Roger and Charles.

Charles told Roger the whereabouts of the soul gem, and Roger helped Charles save the mutants. Although there was also Qin's commission in it, in the final analysis, the real reason was the transaction between the two.

Now Roger has fulfilled his promise to save the mutants and promised to find a new home for the mutants, but Charles was unable to tell the exact location of the soul gem.

If it were Roger who had just traveled through time, he definitely wouldn't have the attitude he has now.

And even Roger, who has traveled through so many worlds and experienced a lot, is inevitably a little annoyed at this moment.

So even if he refused to help mutants find a new world, it was reasonable.

Fortunately, although Charles doesn't know the location of the soul gem, he knows how to find it. Roger plans to try his method first.

If not, they come back to talk about the previous deal.

Leaving the space where the Mutant Academy was located, Roger flew beyond the earth to connect the power of the three gems in the empty universe.

The power of the infinite gems is too powerful, and the energy that escapes casually is enough to destroy the earth's ecosystem.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better to use the power of gemstones outside the universe, which is more secure.

"Huh, the power to connect the three gems..."

Roger closed his eyes, drifting in the universe.

The powers of the Infinity Stones are in conflict with each other. Without the Infinity Gauntlet, or something similar to the Infinity Gauntlet, the gems will repel each other and absolutely cannot gather together smoothly.

Even with the Infinity Gauntlet, except for the moment when you snap your fingers, most of the time you can only use a single gem power.

This is the setting of the rules of the universe, or the setting of Marvel screenwriters. Unless the later screenwriters take all these settings into their stomachs, the rules of the universe so far are like this.

Therefore, Roger has never tried to link the power of the gemstones together to release them. Most of the time he uses the power of the gemstones alone.

But now, Roger is going to try to connect the power of the three gems to achieve the effect of snapping his fingers.

Roger didn't know if he could do it, but he would try.

Closing his eyes, Roger began to connect to the power of the gemstone. The power of the infinite gemstone spread from his chest to his whole body. The light from the three gemstones intersected with each other, forming small energy channels on Roger's body.

In a blink of an eye, Roger's body seemed to be covered with a colorful veil, his figure became unreal, and his soul seemed to leave the body and come to another place.


The sound of water droplets falling on his ears woke Roger up.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying flat on a ground like a water mirror.

His body was covered by 'water', as if floating on a piece of unsinkable water.

"This is... the soul gem...?"

The surrounding environment reminded Roger of the place where Thanos arrived when he sacrificed Gamora.

After Thanos sacrificed Gamora, Thanos appeared in a place like this, and at the same time the Soul Stone also appeared in his hand.

So when Roger realized this, he quickly raised his right hand, trying to find the soul gem, but his hand was empty, and there was no shadow of the soul gem at all.

Even the gem groove on his chest has not changed, it is still three gems plus three empty slots, nothing more.

"...Isn't it the soul gem?"

Roger frowned and stood up from the water. He looked around, trying to find the soul gem that should be here.

As a result, he didn't see the soul gem, but he saw a person on the water in the distance.

A guy with a cloak on his body and a face that looks like a skeleton.

Roger recognized his identity, the former leader of Hydra, and now the chosen guardian of the soul stone, Red Skull.

"There is also a red skull here to protect the soul gem?"

Roger looked at the Red Skull in surprise, and walked towards the Red Skull.

When Roger walked up to Red Skull, Red Skull saluted Roger very politely:
"Hello, great guardian, I have been waiting here for a long time."

"You also know who I am?"

Roger asked with a gloomy face.

He wondered if this was Andrea's arrangement again, otherwise, how could anyone know him everywhere he went.

However, Red Skull shook his head and said:

"No, I don't know your identity, but I know that only two guardians of the universe can come here and see me, so no matter what your identity is, you will be the guardian of the universe."

Hearing what Red Skull said, Roger became curious:

"Why are you so sure that the person who comes will be the guardian of the two universes?"

"Because if you don't really want to protect the two universes, your soul will definitely be taken away by the soul gem. The one who left the soul gem there... will not easily let the gem be taken away by others."

Red Skull went on to explain.

"So, you also know Andrea?"

Roger asked again.

The Red Skull fell silent strangely, he was quiet for a long time before saying:
"...In this universe, it's strange not to know her name."

"She arranged for you here?"

"Yes, but actually I also have the idea of ​​staying here." Red Skull explained, making a 'please' gesture to Roger:
"Great Guardian, you should have more important things to do, now, please forget about those unimportant things, come with me, and I will take you to get what you want."

(End of this chapter)

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