Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 154 Give Me a Reason

Chapter 154 Give Me a Reason

The mutants decided to migrate, but it didn't happen overnight.

It's not that there is any difficulty in migration. Roger, who owns the soul gem, can freely switch in and out of the two universes.

At the same time, with the assistance of other gemstones, it is not impossible for Roger to teleport everyone instantly.

The key question is also how mutants think.

Strictly speaking, the mutants are the victors in the war with humans and the Sentinels.

But now, as the victor of the war, he has to abandon his homeland and go to other places. How can there be such an unreasonable thing in the world?

The most fierce resistance is undoubtedly the group of mutants headed by Magneto King Eric.

This group of mutants used to be members of the Brotherhood under Magneto, and they are the group of mutants who hate humans the most.

When humans began to use sentries to hunt down mutants, these people were also the main force against sentries. It is no exaggeration to say that they are members of the X-Men in the new era.

But now, under the leadership of Magneto, this group of people is hostile to each other and promotes their own ideas with their former "companions" in the Mutant Academy.

"The earth should belong to us! Not the group of humans!"

"That's right! Those humans should get out!"

"Aren't we victors!"

The mutants of the Brotherhood roared loudly, they promoted their ideas, and they were surrounded by many people.

The X-Men who were supposed to stop them were just standing in front of them at this moment, not stopping their actions, but just standing here and staring at them, not letting their actions get too excited.

Perhaps in the hearts of the X-Men, they also agree with the words of these mutants.

That's right, they should have been the victors, so why should they leave their homes?

"It looks like things are getting serious."

Roger, who stayed in his room, spoke softly while watching the mutants arguing with each other outside.

Sitting in his room, Qin was frowning. Although the crisis of mutants has been resolved now, it seems that another crisis of mutants is coming.

Perhaps this impending crisis could be called 'Mutants: Civil War'.

The mutants were fighting each other, and Qin saw it, but she didn't ask Roger to do anything.

Roger is not a mutant himself, and he has done enough for mutants, there is really no need to get involved in things between mutants.

So after hesitating for a long time, Jean said to Roger:

"...The matter here is finished, should we leave?"

"Huh? Don't you entrust me to solve this matter?"

Roger asked suspiciously.

He is not in the mood to help the mutants with their internal affairs, and he doesn't want to do these thankless things, but if Qin asks, maybe Roger's impression of Qin will decline, but it is not impossible to help them.

In the end, Qin proposed to leave, which really surprised Roger.

Qin shook his head and said:

"No, this place... is not my home after all."

Although there are also mutants, X Academy, and people Qin is familiar with, this is not Qin's world after all, and she has no obligation to help mutants in this world do anything.

On the contrary, seeing the noisy appearance of these mutants, Qin felt a little homesick. She wanted to go back and see what the mutants in her own world had become, instead of staying here and watching these people's meaningless quarrels.

"All right……"

Roger saw Qin's fatigue, looked away from the window, let Qin stay in the room, and came to Charles' office again to bid him farewell.

Charles was arguing with Eric in the office at this time, and seeing Roger push the door in, the two of them shut their mouths in a tacit understanding, and their eyes fell on Roger.

For some unknown reason, the two did not quarrel in front of Roger. On the contrary, they changed the subject in a very tacit understanding. Charles smiled and asked Roger as if nothing had happened:

"What's wrong? Are you leaving?"

"Well, almost, you... finished the discussion?"

Roger's fingers passed between the two.

Charles glanced at Eric and said:

"Almost, sorry, the matter of transferring mutants may be a little later, we have other things to deal with."

"I understand, you don't need my help this time?"

Roger asked again.

Charles shook his head: "No, you have already helped a lot, and you also have your own things to do. I can talk to Mr. Stark about the next thing."

When he found out that the mutants were caught in civil strife as he thought, Roger knew that the transfer of mutants was not something that could be done overnight.

This is likely to be a long protracted battle.

Roger didn't have that much time to waste here, so he had already handed over the technology of transferring between parallel worlds to Tony before that.

This technique is fully documented in Athena's database, and it doesn't take long to pack it up and send it to Tony.

Even if Roger doesn't come back in the future, Tony can build a teleportation channel between the two worlds and send the mutants to another universe.

At the same time, because of the combination of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, it is not difficult to find a suitable habitable place in the universe. It can be said that all the funerals have been prepared. Even if Roger leaves now, the mutants will not As for turning into a bunch of headless chickens, I don't know where to go.

"Since you said that, I'm really leaving."

Roger continued to Charles.

Charles waved his hand with a smile and said:
"Okay, be careful on the road, by the way, take Ruiwen with you when you leave."


Roger couldn't help frowning.

Charles explained:

"Ruiwen's ability is quite useful sometimes. You take her with you, and she will help you when necessary."

"Can I refuse?"

Roger said indifferently.

It's not that he hates Mystique, if the Mystique in the world where Qin is in wants to follow Roger, Roger may agree after hesitation.

But the Mystique in this world, from the day she came to tease Roger, Roger knew very well that this was the kind of woman he couldn't handle.

However, Roger couldn't really do anything to her. After all, his relationship with Charles was not bad, and his relationship with mutants was not bad.

Charles saw Roger's resistance, and he said helplessly:
"I know you don't like Raven, but..."

"No, but if you want me to take Mystique away, please give me a reason that I cannot refuse."


"Can't give it out? Sorry, I'm leaving."

Seeing that Charles was speechless, Roger stopped talking nonsense to the two of them. After saying goodbye, he turned and left without any hesitation.

Charles sighed helplessly, and Eric was not in the mood to continue arguing with Charles. They seemed to have forgotten what they were arguing about before, and Eric said:
"Riwen really wants to go with him?"

"You know, Ruiwen doesn't want to stay in this world for a long time..."

"But it might not be a good choice to go with him. Rui Wen finally got out of that incident."

"We should respect Raven's choice."


Eric couldn't speak, and it took him a long time to say to Charles:
"You've been like this from the beginning, always feeling like you're right."

"I don't think I must be right, but your choice is definitely wrong."

Charles said without hesitation.

Eric asked: "So you think my choice was wrong this time? Letting the mutants leave the earth like bereaved dogs is the right thing to do?"

"Eric, don't speak so harshly..."

"I'm just stating a fact!"

After Roger left, Eric and Charles quarreled again, and the topic of the two naturally shifted from Raven to mutants.

Roger listened for a while with super hearing, and after confirming that he could not get any useful information from these two people, he withdrew his attention and walked back.

Ruiwen's reason for insisting on staying with Roger is too far-fetched. Anyway, Roger doesn't believe that Ruiwen really wants to find Andrea before following Roger.

Roger always felt that Raven had some other purpose, which was why he didn't plan to take Mystique away.

But what Roger didn't expect was that when he returned to the room, he saw Ruiwen the Mystique sitting in his room, as if she had been waiting for him for a long time.

"came back?"

"Why are you here, Jean?"

"Aren't you leaving? I asked her to find the blue-skinned alien. Well, I have to say that the alien's teaching skills are really good. I want Charles to apply for her as a mutant academy professor."

Mystique kept her original appearance and said to Roger with a smile.

Roger was expressionless, pointing to the door and saying:
"go out."

"The expression is a bit scary, don't you still remember the joke I made for you that day?"

"go out!"

Roger said with a gloomy face.

I don't know why, but Roger hates seeing Mystique like this very much. He didn't tell Mystique to get out of here, which is already a sign of Roger's self-cultivation.

Seeing that Roger seemed really angry, Mystique also withdrew her playful smile and stopped joking with Roger.

She turned herself into a younger version of herself, sorted out her words, and said to Roger seriously:
"Your name is Roger."

"……I know."

"I was born in a world without any supernatural powers, and I don't have any special hobbies. My favorite thing to do is to lie at home and watch movies and anime during holidays.

"My favorite food is KFC's non-nutritious hamburger fast food, and my favorite drink is Coke, any brand is fine... Do I need to continue?"

Mystique stopped when she said this, and her eyes focused on Roger.

At this time, Roger's complexion has become extremely wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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