Chapter 155 Absurd Facts

"Why do you know this?"

Roger stared at Mystique, and asked in a slightly cold voice.

Mystique didn't answer, but just asked rhetorically:

"Is what I said enough for me to stay by your side?"

"I'm asking you!" Roger walked up to Mystique, grabbed her shoulders, and the scarlet energy gathered in his eyes, he asked almost out of control:

"You, why, know, these!!"

The pain of being pinched by the shoulder made Mystique frowned, but even so, she still smiled at Roger and said:

"I can't tell you."

"Do you want to die?"

Roger asked Mystique with a terrifying expression.

The secret of my own time travel... Well, although it is not a secret, it is indeed something that only Roger himself knows. It is already very scary that Mystique would know this.

Roger now wants to know where Mystique learned this from, could it be... Andrea?
The hands grasping Mystique's shoulders became more and more forceful, and Rui Wen couldn't keep her smile on. The pain was revealed on the surface, and finally it seemed that she couldn't bear it anymore. She said:
"You told me!"


Roger froze, he let go of Mystique, the scarlet color in his eyes faded, replaced by puzzlement and bewilderment.

Ruiwen, who was let go, took two steps back, away from the unstable Roger in front of her, and repeated again:
"You told me."

"'s absolutely impossible!"

Roger frantically flipped through his memories, trying to find some evidence that could prove Ruiwen's words, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find any memories related to Ruiwen.

So he didn't believe Ruiwen's answer at all.

Ruiwen lowered her head and didn't look at Roger. She was no longer as frivolous as before. Instead, she sat down on the chair as if she had put something down, and explained to Roger:

"I shouldn't have told you this. This is what you ordered, but I can't... I can't help but look at you right in front of me but I don't say anything. I'm sorry, I broke my promise."

Roger looked down at Ruiwen, but at this moment his mood calmed down. He was silent for a long time, thinking of Tony's words, and the misunderstanding between Athena and Eric.

After a long silence, he said:
"I... have a guess, you don't need to answer, you just need to nod and shake your head to indicate whether my guess is correct, can you do it?"


Raven nodded.

Roger opened his mouth and stared at Ruiwen for a long time before he spoke out his idea and asked:
"Andrea... is... actually... me?"

Ruiwen didn't speak, and she didn't even dare to look at Roger. After Roger asked this question, she just nodded slightly.

"This... this is unbelievable..."

The guess was correct, so that Roger couldn't tell whether he was in reality or in a dream for a while.

Although from the beginning to now, more than one person has regarded Roger as Andrea, but the difference in gender makes Roger always think that these are just Andrea's arrangements.

In the end, this almost delusional conjecture turned out to be correct?
He... turned out to be Andrea herself?

Such an absurd answer made Roger have no sense of reality, and even felt a little ridiculous. This kind of thing... how is it possible.

The room fell silent instantly, Roger stared blankly at the ground without speaking, Rui Wen hesitated for a long time before saying:

"Although you are Andy, but at the same time Andy is also Roger."

"……What's the meaning?"

"I know what you're thinking. You might be thinking that it was Andi who became you after the accident, but it's actually wrong. You became Andi first."

Ruiwen tried her best to organize the language to explain.

Roger raised his head and looked at Rui Wen, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"You keep talking."

"In terms that are easier for you to understand, your first time travel was actually to become Andrea, and then because of an accident, all memories related to Andrea disappeared, so you will Treat the current you as your first crossing."

Ruiwen's statement made Roger think seriously.

According to what Ruiwen said, then the so-called crossing after getting the Superman model is actually Roger's mistake.

Andrea...or the last Roger, the way he traversed is definitely not that simple, there may be some accident, or some adventure.

All in all, the last Roger also traveled to the Marvel world and became a person named Andrea Kelson.

He then grew up in the Marvel universe in that capacity and eventually became the Sorcerer Supreme.

It is precisely because of the growth and changes in the past ten years, or even decades, that Andrea does not look like Roger at all, and she does not have the salty fish smell of Roger at all, so Roger has never put Ann on her face. Delia became herself.

Even Andrea herself probably admitted her current identity, otherwise she wouldn't call herself Andy instead of changing her name to Roger.

Although the name Roger is actually not nice...

In other words, although Roger and Andrea belong to the same person in terms of soul, there have been differences in consciousness, and Andrea is just another person who has Roger's memory.

Or on the other hand, Roger just has a new personality with the memory before time travel, and the two cannot be regarded as the same person.


Thinking of this, Roger was relieved. He almost thought that he would become Andrea in the future.

Becoming a woman or something, that kind of thing Roger can't accept.

But having said that, you can't trust Ruiwen's words completely. It is possible that Ruiwen got Roger's information from other places, and then deceived Roger in this way.

This possibility is not impossible, and Roger is also thinking about whether to use the power of the Mind Stone to test Rui Wen's memory.

But think about it carefully, if Andrea is really himself, with Roger's own way of thinking, in order to prevent his future self from knowing these things, he will definitely deal with the memories in Ruiwen's mind.

And if Andrea is not Roger at all, but another person who knows Roger's identity, then in order to prevent Roger from discovering clues from Ruiwen, she will definitely deal with Ruiwen's memory.

In Athena's database, there is no information related to Andrea, which is the best proof.

Therefore, even if Roger uses the Soul Gem to search Ruiwen's memory now, the greatest possibility is that he will find nothing.

"You... believe it?"

Seeing that Roger was no longer excited and tried to shoot himself with a laser, Ruiwen asked cautiously.

Roger raised his eyelids, glanced at Rui Wen casually, and said:

"No, I didn't believe it. Instead of believing it, I doubted Andrea's purpose even more. If she was really me, why did she hide this from me?"


"Look, you can't answer at all now, so I have reason to suspect that what you just said was just arranged by Andrea in advance."

"Anti wouldn't do such a thing..."

"But I will."

Roger's words blocked all the words after Ruiwen.

The two were silent for a while before Roger turned and left, saying:
"In short, I can't believe everything you say, but if you want to use this information in exchange to follow me, then you have succeeded, you can go with me, but the premise is that no matter what you do, you have to listen Mine, do you understand?"

"I know."

Hearing that Roger finally let go and took her away, Rui Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Roger glanced at her and didn't speak again. Thinking back to Ruiwen's words just now, he went to Qin and Xingyun while thinking.

Leaving aside whether Ruiwen's words are true or not, assuming that Andrea really has something to do with him, or even is another Roger, then Roger's time travel and even becoming a native of the motherland is probably not a coincidence.

Including what Roger thinks is the crossing point.

Roger has always thought that the crossing point fell on him by coincidence.

But think about it the other way around, how can there be so many coincidences in the world, billions of people in the world, the crossing point happens to fall on Roger, this kind of thing cannot be explained by luck.

Even if it took ten thousand steps back, Roger was really lucky and got the crossing point by coincidence, so why did he become a native of the motherland, but not another hero?
Thinking about it carefully, although the abilities of the people of the motherland are exceptional, they are still far from perfect.

It's not the most perfect motherlander, but after getting the crossing point, he has something that other superpowers don't have.

Unparalleled growth.

Every time they travel through, the abilities of the people of the motherland will be enhanced. This kind of enhancement is not enhanced bit by bit, but an extraordinary version enhanced with a new power suddenly!
And these enhancements are also brought by the crossing point.

The perfect basic body, the ability upgrades brought about by each time travel... such an arrangement now looks back, and you will find that it is too deliberate.

This is beyond the realm of coincidence.

Reminiscent of Andrea leaving with the space gem, Roger once again had a very bold idea.

Perhaps... the space gem that Andrea took away was actually on Roger all along.

The so-called crossing point is the space gem!


Thinking of this, Roger stopped and looked down at his chest.

Now he is not wearing a battle suit, but under his clothes, four gemstones are arranged neatly on his chest.

Roger stared at the gems on his chest and waited for a while, but did not see the appearance of the space gem, which made him frown:

"...It stands to reason that if I guess the truth, shouldn't the space gem come out by itself?"

Or are you ignoring something...

Roger is now basically sure that the crossing point is the space gem, but the problem is how to take out the space gem and line it up with other gems.

Until now, Roger could only vaguely feel the existence of the crossing point, but he couldn't find out where the crossing point was in his body.


Thinking about the crossing point, Roger suddenly heard Qin calling himself.

Looking up, Roger met Qin's worried eyes, and heard Qin ask:
"Are you okay? You seem to be a little distracted. Are you in any trouble?"

"...It's not a trouble."

Recalling Ruiwen's very impactful 'explanation', Roger couldn't help but support his forehead and said:

"It's just that I heard some very outrageous things, forget it, let's not talk about it, you and Xingyun clean up, we are leaving."

After speaking, Roger added:

"Also, Ruiwen will be a member of our team in the future."


Hearing what Roger said later, Qin froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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