Chapter 156 Leave
Rui Wen joined Roger's team, which surprised Qin the most.

Compared with Tony, who decided to go with Roger, and Nebula, who stayed by Roger's side because of the deal, Ruiwen's joining made Qin feel a little uncomfortable.

She didn't know why, but the reason she could think of was probably because Raven inexplicably appeared in Roger's room that day and had an affair with Roger.

Qin knows that this is jealousy, although this kind of feeling is inexplicable, but Qin knows very well that this is jealousy.

She... didn't want Raven to stay with Roger.

It's just that Qin doesn't want to interfere with Roger's decision. Only Roger can choose who to take with him and who to keep.


Sitting in the villa arranged by Stark, Qin couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that he is repairing his nebula at the side. Hearing Qin's sigh, he looked up and asked:

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I'm fine..."

Qin subconsciously replied.

Nebula continued to repair his arm, and said to Qin: "You can't be called 'good' now, it's because of that mutant."

" see it?"

"Since you came back, you have always been like this, as long as you are not stupid, you can see it."

Nebula said in a flat tone.

There was no emotion in her voice, and Xing Yun always looked like this when facing other people except her own father and sister.

Qin hesitated, she subconsciously wanted to deny it, and said:
"Actually, it's not all because of Ruiwen..."


Ruiwen didn't speak, just snorted softly.

Qin was instantly discouraged, and said helplessly: "Well, there is indeed a reason for this."

"Although I don't know what happened between you and Roger, I hope you can handle your relationship well."

After the maintenance, Nebula walked up to Qin and said:
"I don't want him to give up killing Thanos because of some messy things."


"My father."

Nebula said in a gloomy voice.

Qin was startled. She had known Xingyun for a few days, but she had never heard Xingyun mention her father's matter. After a moment of hesitation, Qin said:
"It don't have a good relationship with your father."

Xing Yun pointed to his machine-like body and said, "Look at me now, do you think I will have a good relationship with him?"


Qin looked at Xingyun's mechanical body and stopped talking.

In fact, before this, Qin thought that most aliens were like this. They replaced their organs and skin with machines, just like what Roger once said to Qin by chance.

What is it called 'flesh and blood, mechanical ascension', it was these words that Roger said that made Qin think that Xingyun also belonged to this category.

But looking at it now, she was wrong.

"Roger promised kill your father?"

"Four years, he and I set a four-year time."

"What about after Roger kills your father?"

Xing Yun didn't speak, she sat back in her seat and said in a low voice, "According to the content of the transaction, I will be his property from now on."


The corner of Qin's mouth twitched, looked Xingyun up and down for a while, then looked away from Xingyun again, and then sighed heavily again, which attracted Xingyun's strange eyes.

The villa fell into a long silence, and not long after, Roger, who had just returned from Karma Taj, walked in from the outside. He just came back and said directly to the few people who were still in the villa:

"Clean up, we'll leave later."

Qin and Xingyun, who had not been quiet for a long time, were startled, Xingyun frowned and asked:

"Go? Where to go?"

"Leave this world first, I have some things to do."

Roger said to the two.

His expression was not very good, as if he had heard something bad.

This trip to Karma Taj did not actually waste much of Roger's time. Although Ancient One was very important to the time gem, after Roger told his experience and at the same time shared the few gems he got After showing it to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi soon handed the Time Stone to Roger.

I won't go into details about the process. In short, when Roger got the time gem and the energy of the six gems was connected in series, he finally saw the crisis of the multiverse that Andrea said.

That is an unstoppable black wave, which is devouring all the universes it touches at a very fast speed.

Andrea once stood up and resisted, but she failed, not only failed, but also failed miserably, and had to clear her memory and start from scratch.

Originally, Andrea expected the time to be several decades.

It took decades to grow, and once again took over what was left behind, to deal with the coming black wave.

However, Andrea didn't expect that it took such a long time for the space gem to find a suitable body. After Roger's consciousness recovered and he returned to this world according to her arrangement, it was already too late.

Originally, according to Andrea's vision, the image left by the Reality Gem would also pass on her memory, and Roger would still be able to master the various spells that Andrea had spent her entire life studying.

In the end, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Roger came too late, not to mention the memory, even the image she left behind didn't last long.

The only good news is that, on the scale of the multiverse, the expansion speed of the Black Wave may be no different from hundreds of years ago.

This is not good news.

But even so, with Roger's current level of life, he can definitely live to see the scene of the black wave swallowing the multiverse, so even in order to save himself, Roger must find a way to prevent the black wave from continuing to expand.

This is exactly what Andrea wants to do.

For this reason, Roger has to go back to the original Marvel universe. According to the method left by Andrea, he must first collect all the infinite gems and give them uniqueness.

This is just the first step. After endowing the Infinity Stones with uniqueness, Roger wants to allow the Infinity Stones to be used outside the Marvel world. Only in this way can there be a slight possibility of stopping the Black Wave.

Although Roger is not particularly optimistic about the future, but up to now...he has to do it if he doesn't.

"What about our deal?"

Nebula asked with a frown.

Once he leaves this world, Roger doesn't know when he will come back, and Roger has already promised Nebula that he will kill Thanos for her. Could it be that Roger is going to break his promise?
In this regard, Roger just said to Xingyun: "I will kill Thanos before I leave, and what I promised can still be accomplished."

"In such a hurry?"

Seeing that Roger was in a hurry, Qin asked in surprise.

She didn't know the seriousness of the matter, so she didn't understand Roger's urgency.

Roger could only reply: "It's urgent, I'll explain the reason on the way, now pack up and go."

Speaking of packing up, Qin and Xingyun didn’t really need to bring anything. They only prepared some necessities and put them in Roger’s space bracelet.

But after the two finished packing up, Qin was surprised to find that Mystique Raven was not with them, so she couldn't help asking:

"Where's Raven?"

"She intends to stay."


Qin was stunned, she had decided to go with Roger before, why did she suddenly regret it?

In fact, Roger didn't understand what Ruiwen was thinking. He would rather use the method of angering Roger to follow Roger, but he returned to the Marvel world. After seeing Andrea's room, She planned to stay again.

Unable to understand what Ruiwen was thinking, Roger didn't think about it so much. Anyway, it's good if she isn't by her side, at least Roger doesn't have to see Ruiwen's strange eyes looking at him.

To be reasonable, being treated by Mystique as another person, Roger really felt a little nervous.

Although it is not clear what exactly happened, Ruiwen did not follow Roger, which made Qin feel a little happy.

After confirming that Ruiwen really won't follow, Roger left the earth with Qin and Nebula.

Before leaving this world through the space gem, Roger must first complete the agreement with Nebula.

(End of this chapter)

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