Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 157 It Comes at the Right Time

Chapter 157 It's time to come back

Many changes have taken place in this world.

Since that zombie incident, the whole world seems to have changed.

At the beginning, the disappearance of the zombies made people cheer, and they sent flowers and applause to the Avengers and the hero from the parallel world.

Governments around the world are starting to rebuild, the medical system, the police system and some other important departments are starting to function again, and everything is going in a good direction.

But... More than half a year has passed, and the whole world has changed.

Some people began to commit suicide because they became zombies and ate human flesh, and some people frantically attacked those survivors who had eaten humans because of zombies and turned back to normal humans.

The world is faintly divided into two camps, the zombified people, and the non-zombified survivors.

Even the Avengers, including Captain America and Black Widow, were suspected by many people because they had turned into zombies.

No, 'doubt' is too gentle a word, 'accusation' would be more accurate.

Because Captain America and Black Widow bit many people after they turned into zombies, some survivors who survived by chance clearly remembered this incident.

The Avengers were pushed to the forefront.

But at this time, the "Sokovia Agreement" signed by the Avengers was brought up again.

The US team and others who hadn't planned to sign this agreement at first became wanted criminals of the government in an instant, and the Avengers who didn't plan to sign the agreement also need to be monitored by government departments and carry out activities with their permission.

But the world has not become better, but more chaotic.


In such a chaotic world, Spider-Man Peter Parker sneaks open a bottle of juice on the edge of a tall building.

"What are you doing?"

Happy's voice came from Peter Parker's headset.

Peter took a gulp of his drink and said, "I'm drinking a drink, orange flavor."

"There was a robbery less than four avenues away from you, and you're drinking Coke here!?"

"I know, I know!" Peter sighed wearily. "I know it's urgent, but I just sent a person who was in a car accident to the hospital. Now I should let me take a rest."


Happy was silent for a while, and then said to Peter Parker: "Okay, you only have 1 minute."

"…I know."

This time Parker said as if he was almost detached.

Because of the relationship with Iron Man Tony Stark, Tony also gave Parker a lot of authority, and Pepper and Happy also fully supported Parker and stood on Parker's side.

So now the nominal heir of the Stark Group is Peter Parker, who has the authority to mobilize all of Tony Stark's resources, including satellites in the sky, Iron Man's Mark series armor.

And Iron Man's most valuable laboratory.

But because of this, Peter is now also a new hero introduced by the government, the leader of the new Avengers who replaced Captain America.

At present, there are only a few members of the new Avengers, including Spider-Man, only Ant-Man, the Wasp, and War Machine.

Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon were regarded as wanted criminals.

Iron Man and Hawkeye died in the zombie incident.

Thor and the Winter Soldier went to the parallel world and disappeared, and the Hulk Banner disappeared after that, and he didn't know where he went.

Vision and Wanda left the Avengers and hid in seclusion when Captain America was treated as a wanted criminal, and most other superheroes also hid away.

Only the few left, decided to stay because it was too difficult for the little spider to support Nuo Da's Avengers by himself.

Including War Machine Rhodes.

Rhodes is well aware of what kind of a bunch of people the government is. The little spider is not old, and it is easy to be brainwashed and fooled by the government. Rhodes does not want to see his friend's chosen successor being deceived by the government to go astray.

The same is true for Ant-Man and The Wasp. Of course, the main reason is that the two of them feel that the trouble caused by their parents is too big, and they should make atonement in another way.

So these are the few remaining Avengers.

Because the number of Avengers is small, every time there are more incidents, everyone is a bit overwhelmed.

The government still doesn't let the little spider dispatch Iron Man's Iron Legion. The Ultron incident has only passed a few years ago. In case another robot in these Iron Legion awakens consciousness, a second-generation Ultron is created.

Who will be responsible then?
Of course, the people in the government don't know that Ultron is not something that can be made so easily, but they don't care about it, they just want to be safe, even if the Avengers are a little busy and tired.

It doesn't even matter if a few more people die because the rescue is not in time.

Under such conditions, it is reasonable for the little spider to be so tired now.

Superman-like physical fitness can't stand up to this...

After gulping down the drink, Peter Parker put on his mask again and launched the spider silk to the location that Happy said, taking care of the robber.

Just when Peter was about to go to the next location, he suddenly heard a sound like glass shattering.

At the same time, all the hairs on his body stood up, every cell in his body was alarming him, and the strong sense of panic almost made him suffocate.

Peter Parker's spider sensor sensed danger, and it was so serious that Peter Parker could hardly resist the danger!

Thinking of this, Peter Parker looked towards the sky for an instant.

The source of the breaking sound is there!
As soon as he turned his head, Peter Parker saw a huge figure flying upside down from the hole in the sky.

His speed was very fast, as if he had been smashed into the air by someone with great force, he flew straight down from the air, smashed two tall buildings and then fell to the ground!

At the same time, in the hollow in the sky, a figure familiar to Peter flew out of it.

He has a red cloak behind him, a yellow mind gem inlaid on his forehead, and other infinity gems inlaid in colorful colors on his chest.

"Is that...a vision...?"

The little spider muttered to himself.

The 'person' that appeared in the sky did look like a vision, but judging from this person's temperament, it was different from the vision that the little spider had seen.

"Is this your trump card?"

The 'Vision' in the sky said suddenly.

The little spider knew that what this 'Vision' said was meant for the person below who was thrown into the air.

Turning his head to look at the ground, the little spider saw the 'giant' who was much taller than ordinary people, stood up from the ground, and said in a rather embarrassed way:
"No, my hole cards are more than these."

As soon as the giant finished speaking, from behind 'Vision', countless golden threads wrapped around his body, pulling him back from the hollow almost in a 'pull' way!
But this 'Vision' is so powerful that he broke free from these golden threads. What's more, he even used these threads in reverse to pull out the people behind the hole!
"Doctor Strange!? No, it's... Doctor Strange with paler skin?"

The little spider was surprised when he saw the person who was dragged out.

It was indeed Doctor Strange, but unlike the Doctor Strange he knew, this Doctor Strange's skin was a little pale, like a zombie-like bluish-white, which made the little spider wonder if this guy was Doctor Strange.

But now is not the time to think about these things, although the little spider can't tell who he should help.

But from the point of view of the aura, he felt that he should help Doctor Strange, who looked like a villain, instead of helping the somewhat cool Vision.

"Don't go there."

But when the little spider was about to go out to help, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, which made him startled.


The spider sense didn't work on people who appeared suddenly, which really scared the little spider.

But when he turned around and saw the person who came, the little spider was relieved again, because he knew the person who came.

"Ro...Mr. Roger?! Wait, why is your chest..."

As soon as the little spider turned his head, his eyes were fixed on the six gems on Roger's chest.

At the same time, he looked back at Vision in the sky. Vision's chest and forehead also had such infinite gems.

What's the situation, doesn't it mean that the infinite stone is the only one in the universe?Why did I meet two sets in my freshman year?

Roger, who just appeared here, patted the little spider on the shoulder, and then said:
"I will explain later, what you have to do now is to evacuate the nearby people immediately, and what I have to do is to prevent Ultron from causing damage, understand?"


Little Spider does have a lot of questions to ask right now, but compared to these questions, the safety of the people is the most important thing.

So the little spider didn't ask much, and immediately contacted Harpy and the Avengers to issue an evacuation warning to the people nearby.

Turning his eyes back from the little spider, Roger's eyes met Ultron in the sky, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"It seems that I came at the right time."

After the words fell, he floated into the air and flew towards the infinite Ultron in the sky with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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