Chapter 158 Is it DC?
Boom! !
The explosion that collided with Infinity Ultron resounded through half of New York.

The glass was shattered by the sound waves, and an endless gust of wind swept out from the collision place. If the collision location was not in the air, the place where the two collided must have turned into ruins.

Ao Chuang was knocked out of this universe by Roger's nonsense of martial arts, and the figures of the two passed through countless universes before stopping.

Ultron's body fell heavily on a planet, smashing through the ground and going straight to the center of the earth.

Roger stopped in the sky above the hollow, the cloak on his body was automatic without wind, staring at the Infinity Ultron who was smashed into the center of the earth below.

After getting things done in another Marvel world, Roger sent Qin and Nebula back to their respective places.

Originally, Roger wanted to bring Xingyun with him. This guy can fly a spaceship, and he also has a lot of espionage skills. Although Roger didn't intend to count on his combat power, he can bring her by his side as a driver and servant. It's still possible.

But after thinking about it, when I come back to the Zombie Marvel Universe, I will definitely fight Infinity Ultron, and I may not be able to take care of Nebula by then.

The same goes for Qin.

Roger, who has six infinite gems, is infinitely close to the top of the universe in the Marvel world. Without the power of the phoenix, Qin has no way to participate in the battle between Roger and Ultron.

There is no way, Roger can only arrange these two people first, and then come to fight Ultron alone.

Fortunately, Roger has mastered the method of manifesting the crossing point, that is, the space gem. Now the space gem can travel through it without recharging for a long time. At the same time, Roger can go back and forth from the world he has been to at will, without much time wasted. .

Otherwise, even if you come back a few days later, Infinity Ultron may have turned the multiverse into your own.

Closer to home, Infinity Ultron was knocked into the air by Roger and fell to the depths of an unknown planet, but Roger did not immediately pursue it.

Because the current space gem is still charging.

If you want to travel back and forth in the Marvel world, the space gem on Roger can easily do it.

But if you want to go to a strange world that you haven't been to at all, the space gem still needs a certain amount of time to recharge.

And now Roger needs to use the space gem to take Ultron to an unknown universe.

A universe where the Infinity Stones would be useless.

So in order to be able to successfully complete Roger's plan, Roger plans to fight Ultron first, delay for a while, and take him away immediately after the space gem is charged.

Fortunately, it won't take long for the space gem to recharge, at least it doesn't need the recharging time of several months before.

With the full supply of other gemstones, it only takes ten minutes.


Roger was watching the charging progress of the space gem, but the uninhabited planet in front of him suddenly exploded!

The dazzling light shone in the universe, and in just a few seconds, the planet turned into a huge planetary bomb, releasing a shocking force of destruction!
A strong shock wave hit Roger, and the destruction of the planet scattered in all directions, like a rain of meteorites hitting Roger.

But Roger didn't dodge, he raised his right fist, the energy of the power gem condensed in his right hand, and swung forward——

boom! ! !
The power gem collided with the force of the planet's explosion, and the collision of two powerful energies formed a spectacular lithosphere in this small galaxy.

However, the energy of the power gem didn't stop, it continued to spread forward, and accurately hit Wu Xian Ao Chuang who just flew out.

Ultron, who was charging towards Roger, kept retreating under the impact of the power gem, but at this time Ultron also knew Roger's strength and reacted to it.

He was no longer passively beaten, the power of the Reality Gem circulated on him, and all the attacks passed through him like phantoms in the next moment.

In less than a minute, Roger and Ultron had several confrontations that were enough to destroy ordinary worlds several times.

And when the confrontation stopped, the two stopped in tacit understanding, and they were in the universe, looking at each other thousands of meters away.

"Are you that guy's trump card?"

Infinite Ultron who stopped asked aloud.

Using the ability of gems, the two can communicate in the universe without barriers, and can transmit voices to each other's ears regardless of the distance, so Ultron is not worried that Roger can't hear what he said.

Ultron said to Roger, and at the same time his eyes were locked on the gems on Roger's chest.

Except that the Mind Stone is not set on Roger's forehead, in other places, Roger is almost the same as Ultron.

Coupled with the powerful strength that Roger exploded at that moment just now, Ultron has reason to believe that Roger is the helper that the observers have found.

It is also the observer's last hole card.

"Almost, although I didn't promise him to help him deal with you, but... there is no way, I need those gems on you."

Roger pointed to the Infinity Stone Road on Ultron's body.

Ultron looked down at his chest, and said, "You want it? Take it yourself."

"It's a coincidence, that's what I thought too."

Roger said to Ultron with a smile.

The two people who looked at each other were strangely quiet for a while, and the next second they disappeared from the same place almost at the same time, and collided in the universe again!
If someone can see this cosmic space, they will find that there are two light spots that are countless times smaller than ordinary planets colliding and separating from each other.

And every time these two dots pass by a nearby planet, one of them will be destroyed.

Even the stars of this small galaxy were not spared, and the collision between the two tiny dots triggered a supernova explosion in this galaxy.

And at the next moment when the star erupted, the two small dots disappeared strangely and disappeared without a trace.

Roger and Infinite Ultron are fighting in the multiverse. For the two strong men who have transcended the multiverse, their battlefield is no longer limited to a certain galaxy or a certain universe.

In the case of a real fire, the two almost exchanged places with one punch, and the entire multiverse became a battlefield for the two to fight each other.

The Observer and Doctor Strange also wanted to participate in the battle between the two, but Roger didn't give them such an opportunity. He covered his body with the power of the gemstone, grabbed Ultron's shoulder tightly, and kept waving at him Fist, don't give Ultron any chance to think.

In this battle, Ultron was at a disadvantage. Even if he was a robot, he didn't have much human emotion. Being beaten like this at this moment, he couldn't help feeling agitated.

Just as he was being violently beaten by Roger, suddenly the Mind Stone on his forehead released a laser powerful enough to cut any substance in half.

The laser went straight to Roger, so Roger had to let go of Ultron to avoid the laser.

It was this moment of dodging that gave Ultron an opportunity. Ultron grabbed Roger by the collar and hit Roger with his right fist on the face, sending him flying.

And catch up with Roger who flew out in the next moment, and continue to 'beat' Roger.

Neither of the two thought about taking the gem from the other's chest, because unless it was a plot setting, it would be impossible to steal the gem from a strong man who could penetrate the multiverse.

Even if it is a robbery, it must be crushed with absolute strength.

Of course, it may also be that the two of them were really fighting, and they didn't expect to steal the gems, but just wanted to fight hard.

The figures of the two traveled through the multiverse again, during which the two attacked and defended each other, but neither could do anything to the other.

After a while, the two finally stopped again, Ultron said to Roger:
"Enough! You can't kill me at all!!"

"Of course, of course..." Roger exhaled and said, "Of course I know I can't kill you, but you can't beat me either, can you?"

"Then what's the point of your continued resistance?"

"As long as I can drag you here and not carry out your damn plan to wipe out life in the multiverse, I will be successful."

Roger said seriously.

Thanks to Iron Man, Ultron's mind is now full of destroying all intelligent creatures. After knowing that he can't do anything to Roger, Ultron has a high probability that he will give up fighting Roger and carry out his own plan first.

Roger will not allow such a thing to happen, and he has been paying attention to the energy accumulation level of the space gem until now.

The good news is that the space gem's energy accumulation is almost done.

"So you want to give up your freedom and insist on holding me back? You are really great."

Unlimited Ultron said half-sarcastically.

Roger shook his head and said, "Of course not, I have a more efficient and one-and-done method."


Ultron was taken aback, but before he could react, Roger rushed to him and grabbed his arm.

"what are you going to do?!"

Although Roger's current state is the same as before, and he looks like he is going to fight Ultron, but Ultron is keenly aware that the current Roger is different from before, and his appearance of a successful plan makes Ultron a little flustered .

Hearing Ultron's question, Roger smiled slightly and said:

"Take you to a fun place!"

As soon as the voice fell, a blue vortex appeared in the center of the two of them, and Ultron didn't give any response at all, so they sucked them into the vortex together.

Using space gems to travel through the multiverse is no stranger to Ultron, but this time is different. Ultron feels the energy in his body is gradually losing, and the light of the infinite gems on them is gradually dimming.

Infinity gems are gradually losing their original function.

Feeling the strange shape of the infinite gemstone, Ultron knew what Roger was going to do, and he said angrily:
"You're crazy!?"

"On the contrary, I am sober. You are different from me. All your power is only built on the Infinity Gem. Once you lose the Infinity Gem, you are nothing!"

Roger said coldly.

And clinging to Ultron tightly, waiting for the end of the time travel.

Perhaps it was because the infinity gems on the two of them added up too much, this time the crossing process was extremely slow, Ultron kept struggling and wanted to return to the Marvel world, but it was impossible for Roger to let him go.

In this way, the two gradually left the Marvel universe and came to another world through the teleportation vortex.

The familiar feeling of ejection came, and the squeezing feeling brought by traveling through space disappeared, and the originally dim cosmic starry sky was also replaced by the dark blue night sky.

Roger knew that this crossing was successful, and he successfully brought Ultron to another universe that did not belong to Marvel.

One person and one machine fell from the sky, and fell into the endless sea below with a plop.

All the gems are invalid, and Ultron can hardly use anything except those abilities it has.

The feeling of sudden weakening made Ultron a little distracted for a while, but Roger would not give him a chance to think, let alone talk nonsense with him. He sank in the water, and decisively twisted Ultron's neck, and his The head was pulled off.

"Do not!!!"

Ultron, with only one head left, was still roaring angrily.

He was not reconciled to his ending like this, and he was not reconciled to dying in such an inexplicable place.

But Roger didn't care whether he was willing or not. Seeing that Ultron was still 'alive', Roger immediately stretched out his hand, took off the soul gem from Ultron's head, and destroyed the intelligence core of Ultron's head at the same time.

The arrogant Ultron fell here just like that under Roger's unscrupulous manipulation.

And the Infinity Gem on his body became Roger's trophy.


Roger, who couldn't make a sound in the water, cheered in his heart and made corresponding cheering gestures.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly took away all the infinite gems in Ultron's body and put them into his space bracelet to avoid any accidents.

After finishing all this, Roger began to confirm the situation in the new world.

Because it was a new world he was looking for, Roger didn't know exactly where he went, but based on his previous travel experience, he should be sure that it was in a certain movie world.

Or in the world of a certain film and television drama.

He couldn't see anything underwater, so Roger planned to get out of the water to have a look, but suddenly, he seemed to see something underwater.

Super vision allows Roger to easily see things in the sea even in the dim water at night, and also see the true appearance of those things.

The ones swimming towards him were creatures with four limbs, scales and fins on their bodies. They had ferocious faces, and there was a fierce light in their eyes, which looked quite ferocious.

Seeing this monster that looks like a man and a fish, Roger was stunned for a long time, because he knew this kind of creature.

This is the trench nation that exists in the DC universe. In the world of the movie "Aquaman", they once attacked Aquaman and Mera who went to find the golden trident.

So I came to the DC universe?

But it's not right, the coordinates of the DC universe are stored in the space gem. If it is really the DC universe, Roger should have known it as early as the moment he came to this world.

Feeling that things might be different from what Roger thought, Roger looked at the sea beasts swimming towards him below, and had no intention of annihilating them here.

Reaching out to grab the wreckage of Ultron in his hand, Roger quickly swam out of the sea, away from this sea area.

If this is really the DC universe, he must first figure out which version of the DC universe this is.

(End of this chapter)

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