Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 159 The Future World and the Green Arrow

Chapter 159 The Future World and the Green Arrow

Roger wants to know which DC universe this is, so he can determine his next move.

However, what Roger didn't expect was that after only flying in the air for a few minutes, Roger had already determined the timeline of this world.

After leaving the sea, Roger saw a barren land.

There are no trees, no traces of human activities, the sky is full of yellow sand, the floors are deserted on the ground, and the monsters flying in the sky seem to be looking for something back and forth.

That's right, they are monsters. Roger remembers that in the movie "Justice League (Zero Version)", Darkseid and Steppenwolf's subordinates are these monsters.

And since the demons have occupied the world, doesn't it prove that this is the timeline when Darkseid occupied the world...

Thinking of this, Roger quickly fell from the sky, took off his battle clothes, disguised himself as an ordinary person, and left here quickly before the monsters found him.

Leaving the Marvel world, Roger's six infinity gems fell into a predicament of being unusable. Except for the space gem that seemed to have been transformed and was still slowly absorbing energy, the other gems could only bring Roger a little increase.

In other words, Roger lost the power that could shatter the multiverse.

And before the space gem is fully charged, Roger can't take other people out of this world.

Thinking of Darkseid in this world and the blackened Superman who was brainwashed by the anti-life equation, Roger instantly felt that it was better to keep a low profile.

Roger hadn't fought Superman before, so he didn't know if he could beat Superman.

But even if he can fight, Roger doesn't want to fight Superman, because he is not alone in Superman now!And Darkseid and the Apocalypse army behind him!
Roger is crazy to fight Superman!

"I'm going to die, this is..."

Hiding somewhere underground, where Roger muttered and cursed.

I thought that I would come to a very dangerous world. After all, where my current strength is, even if I don’t have gems, I am still a god in the world. According to the principle that the stronger the strength, the more dangerous the world is, Roger should run to a world where he is also It is easy to encounter a dangerous world.

But Roger never expected that he would come to the DC universe where Darkseid occupies the earth!

After the earth is ruled by Darkseid, human beings are on the verge of extinction, and the famous superheroes in the DC universe are also dead or injured.

Judging from the performance in the movie, there are only a few superheroes who survived this stage and confronted Darkseid.

Batman, The Flash, Cyborg, Mera, and even the Joker and Deathstroke as supervillains.

The fact that superheroes and supervillains have joined forces is enough to prove how serious the crisis humanity is facing now.

Roger didn't even know who he should go to now.

It stands to reason that he should look for Batman, but he dare not walk on the street ostentatiously. God knows how many types of demons are searching for the remaining heroes of the DC universe.

Roger dared to walk on the street openly, just waiting for the class demon and Heichao to come to his door.

"Having said that, it looks like someone has walked by here."

Without returning to the ground for the time being, Roger looked at the sewer where he was.

After confirming that Darkseid occupied the earth version of the DC world, Roger quickly got into the sewers of the nearby cities, because only the sewers are relatively safe on the ground where demons are everywhere.

But when he came to the sewer, Roger found that there seemed to be signs that someone had been here. There were human footprints on the dry and sticky ground of the sewer.

Thinking if he had come to a gathering place where some survivors were, Roger used his super hearing to listen to the sound in the sewer.

But just after listening for a while, he heard a burst of tiny footsteps appearing behind him, and before Roger could turn his head to look, an arrow struck in front of him with the sound of piercing the sky!
Facing the incoming arrows, Roger did not dodge. He quickly raised his hand to hold the arrows in his hand, then looked down at the arrows.

"...Electric Arrow?"

The tip of the arrow is not a lethal sharp blade, but an absorbing arrow with an electric arc.

It can be seen that the person who fired the arrow wanted to capture Roger alive, and did not mean to hurt Roger.

Roger's voice echoed in the sewer, and before the sound fell, the second and third arrows struck from the darkness, pointing at Roger's arm and knee respectively.

This time Roger turned his body slightly, easily dodged the two sure-fire arrows, and then said to the person hiding in the shadow:
"Arrow, Oliver Queen? Stop, I'm not your enemy."


The people in the shadows didn't speak, but the movement of shooting arrows stopped.

Soon, a young man with a green hood and a mustache came out of the shadows, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, and a quiver full of arrows on his back.

He is Green Arrow, Oliver Queen, the existence of Hawkeye in the DC universe, or vice versa.

Proficient in archery and various fighting techniques, he is the marksman of the DC universe. Roger even has reason to doubt whether there are some cosmic rules that must hit the Green Arrow.

This guy is also a playboy, and has had an affair with many heroines in the DC universe. Although the official match should be the superhero Canary, but... now Oliver doesn't seem to know Canary.

Oliver, who came out of the shadows, looked at Roger with serious eyes and vigilance, and asked:

"Who are you and why do you know me."

"My name is Roger, and I'm a...traveler."

Roger briefly introduced.

"Traveler?" Oliver sneered and said, "In this day and age, there won't be any travelers, either those aliens' henchmen, or rats hiding in the sewers, where there are no travelers."

"To be precise, I am a person who travels in different worlds, or it is more appropriate to use parallel worlds."

"parallel world?"

"...I knew you couldn't believe it, so I said I was a traveler."

Roger said helplessly.

Oliver looked at Roger seriously for a long time, and after a while he put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and said to Roger:
"Well, it seems that you are not the enemy."

"If it's an enemy, you might die the moment you see me."

"So confident?"

Oliver looked distrustful.

The thermal vision in Roger's eyes shot out quickly, passing Oliver's side, just like the arrow shot by Oliver passing Roger's side just now.

Then Roger said: "Yes, that's how confident I am."

Oliver's vision sharpened instantly, he stared at Roger's body and eyes, and asked:
"Are you a Kryptonian?"

"No, it's just that the ability is about the same. Apart from Superman, there are probably...well, there should be no Kryptonians in this world."

Although there are still many Kryptonians in the DC universe, the most famous one is Supergirl Kara Zor El.

But... this is the movie universe, Supergirl's solo film has not yet been registered, so Roger is not sure if there is such a person.

Of course, Green Arrow Oliver also does not have a personal movie, and the American TV series and the movie world are not in the same universe. According to this, Supergirl should also exist.

"So you're human?"

"The real deal."

Roger shrugged.

Green Arrow was silent for a while, and then said to Roger: "Forget it, don't care who you are, come with me."

Speaking of which, Oliver turned around and left, his figure disappearing in the darkness.

Roger took a few steps to keep up with the other party, shuttled through the sewer with Oliver, and listened to Oliver's explanation.

"I don't know who you are, but obviously you don't know much about the situation in this world."

"Of course, I'm new here, but...if there are no accidents, something must have happened to Sea King Arthur."

The people of the Trench Country obeyed Arthur at the moment when the king of the sea really became the king of the sea, and they were one of the basic combat forces of New Atlantis.

So if Neptune is still alive, the people of Trench Country will never attack creatures that fall into the water.

On the contrary, since Roger met the people of Trench Country at the bottom of the sea, it proved that the underwater world has fallen apart, and something happened to Aquaman.

"Well, he was killed by Darkseid himself."

Oliver whispered, and continued: "Not only him, Wonder Woman also had an accident, Batman and Flash disappeared, and the so-called Justice League no longer exists."

"It makes sense, after all, it's Darkseid."

Darkseid's position in the DC universe is similar to that of Thanos, but his overall strength is much stronger than Thanos's. There are many capable people and strange people under him, which is not comparable to that of Thanos' Obsidian.

At least the performance of the five generals of Obsidian in the movie is definitely not as good as Darkseid's men.

It doesn't matter if his subordinates are strong, Darkseid himself is also one of the strongest in the universe, holding the Anti-Life Equation, he is the enemy of all worlds.

And when Superman, the core figure of the Justice League, is controlled by the Anti-Life Equation, the fate of other people can be imagined.

Speaking of Darkseid, Oliver's mood was a little low. He didn't mean to continue talking. He stood in front of a camouflaged door and said to Roger:


"here is……?"

"My temporary secret base, you can call, Green Arrow Cave?"


Roger couldn't help laughing.

It can be seen that Oliver's Green Arrow Cave is supposed to imitate Batman's Batcave, but... the name sounds weird, at least Roger thinks it's better to change the name.


Seeing Roger holding back his smile, Oliver rolled his eyes cryptically.

But he didn't say anything, just turned around and opened the door and led Roger in.

The so-called Green Arrow Cave is just a platform in a slightly modified sewer, and the platform is full of Oliver's various arrows.

There are many types of arrows, explosion, electric shock, burning, poisonous gas, restraint...

Although it sounds like these attributes are enchanted, these are really scientific creations, which are made by Oliver using various materials.

In addition to these, Roger also saw a few maps, some of which were drawn by Oliver with circles, and there were arrows outside the circles, and he didn't know what it meant.

After watching for a while, Roger asked:

"What are these circles?"

Oliver added his own arrows, and answered Roger's question:

"It is a place where Batman may go. It is said that there have been traces of kryptonite in these places."

"So you think Batman might be in these places?"

"...It may also be a trap." Oliver said in a deep voice.

To deal with Darkseid, the first difficulty that needs to be dealt with is Superman controlled by Darkseid with the anti-life equation.

And if you want to deal with Superman, the importance of kryptonite is self-evident.

When the Kryptonians came to the metropolis, they used the world engine to change the quality of the earth at both ends of the world, thus creating a lot of kryptonite.

Part of the kryptonite was confiscated by the government, and another part of the kryptonite was bought by Batman to make gas bullets and scepters.

But later the gas bullets were used, and the scepter was also sealed and hidden. But now that Superman is controlled by the anti-life equation, if Batman is still useless, it proves that the scepter should have been lost.

The government's kryptonite has also been destroyed, and now only some kryptonite circulating outside still exists.

If Batman wants to deal with Superman, he will definitely do his best to get these kryptonite.

However, Kryptonite can deal with Kryptonians. It is impossible for Superman not to know this. At the same time, he must also want to catch Batman and others who are hiding. It is not impossible to use Kryptonite to set up traps.

Oliver also knows this, but now kryptonite is the only hope against Superman, even if it is a trap, he has to step on it.

After all... what if?
If it is not a trap, the human side will be able to master the weapon against Superman.

"It appears you were planning to leave today."

After listening to Oliver's words, Roger looked around and said.

Oliver's packages have been sorted out, and all the arrows have been packed in different categories. If Roger hadn't appeared suddenly, Oliver would have packed up and left by now.

"It doesn't matter, it's the same when you start."

Oliver said indifferently.

Roger picked up an arrow and played with it for a while, then said, "If you're not in a hurry, you can make more arrows."

"Huh?" Oliver turned to look at Roger: "It doesn't make sense to make more arrows. The space on my body is limited, so I can't carry so many."

"I can."

Roger turned his head and smiled at Oliver: "It just so happens that I have a space on my body that can hold a lot of things...Space storage technology, so you can make more before leaving."


Oliver asked with his eyes lit up.

Roger didn't speak, and showed off his space bracelet casually, that is, he put something up and took it out again.

Oliver no longer doubted this time, and at the same time, he no longer mentioned the matter of leaving. He simply sat back in his seat and restarted the process of making arrows.

During the production process, Oliver also said to Roger:

"I will use up all the materials here, should there be enough space on your side?"

"Don't worry, it's not a problem to install an entire skyscraper."

Roger replied.

(End of this chapter)

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