Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 160 Confronting Superman

Chapter 160 Confronting Superman
On the abandoned road covered with yellow sand, Roger and Oliver walked side by side.

The current time is daytime. Although according to the common people's thinking, it is safer to go out at night, but monsters do not distinguish between day and night. It is better to say that night is when demons are active.

Therefore, the two chose to travel during the day.

The field of vision is wide during the day, and it is easier to spot night devils and hide in advance when they are far away.

"So according to what you said, you fought with the existence in your world that threatened the multiverse, and then you came to this world?"

On the way, Roger and Oliver chatted with each other.

Oliver raised questions after listening to Roger's story.

Roger added: "Strictly speaking, I took the initiative to bring him to this world. I should have mentioned the Infinity Stone to you before. That thing is only useful in our universe."

"Yes, infinite gems, what a pity."

Oliver smacked his lips after hearing this.

He knows that the ability of the infinite stones is very powerful. After collecting all six, he only needs to snap his fingers to complete the almost delusional idea.

If the Infinity Gem can be used in this world, what kind of kryptonite is there, just snap your fingers to make Darkseid and his men disappear, so there is no need for such trouble.

"Yes, it's a pity."

Roger also sighed.

His thoughts are the same as Oliver's. If the Infinity Stones still work, they wouldn't be hiding like this now.

"Then what is the name of the one with you... Ultron? How is he?"

Oliver asked again.

Roger shrugged and said, "I dismantled it and threw it under the sea. I believe the pressure under the sea can crush it into pieces."


Oliver expressed disbelief, and then said:

"Not that I want to knock you down, but characters like this are much more likely to come back than disappear."

"It's okay... right..."

Roger was also swearing at first, but when he thought that this is the DC universe, it is the DC universe where any superhero and supervillain die and can be resurrected for various reasons in the end.

If Ultron is also given a similar BUFF...

Roger's pause made Oliver a little speechless, but soon he became optimistic and said:

"But even if the man named Ultron is really resurrected, it's okay. As you said, he wants to wipe out all life in the universe and quiet the universe, so Darkseid is also his enemy. If he really Resurrection, I feel that he and Darkseid are more likely to fight."

"...It seems to make sense."

Roger is persuaded by Oliver.

According to this Roger, the first thing after Ultron wakes up may not be to seek revenge on Roger, but to deal with Darkseid and others, or to deal with all life.

And taking a step back, there are as many super villains in the DC universe as there are stars, and Ultron is really not too special in it. Even if Ultron is really resurrected, the steel bones in the Justice League can deal with him.

Thinking about it this way, Ultron's threat is really not that great.

"Forget it, let's not talk about me, how did you come here?"

Shaking his head and not thinking about Ultron's question, Roger asked Oliver.

Roger remembered that Oliver's active city was Star City, but no matter how you looked at it, the city Roger appeared in didn't look like Star City. How could Oliver appear here?

Hearing Roger mentioning himself, Oliver said casually:

"Me? That's it. I was trapped on an island before, and then I finally got home. Before I had been active as Green Arrow for a few days, Darkseid came, and then..."

Oliver paused, looked at the city in the distance, and the monsters that could be vaguely seen in the city, and said:
"As you can see, the world has become like this. My family is gone, and the Star City is gone. I can only wander around to avoid demons."

"…Feel sorry."

Although Oliver said it easily, Roger knew that Oliver's family members might also have died in this incident.

Roger's inadvertent question brought up Oliver's sadness, and he should indeed apologize.

Unexpectedly, Oliver didn't care about it. He patted Roger on the shoulder and said:
"There's nothing to apologize for, anyway, it's a thing of the past for me, now...we have to find a way to find Batman, or kryptonite, and then settle the score with those aliens. "

Along the way, the two chatted and walked towards the location Oliver had designated.

Roger didn't know how Oliver judged the direction. Anyway, without a map to locate and navigate, Roger couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, and west on the ground.

Oliver can easily judge the direction he is going, and at the same time bypass some dangerous places.

I have to say that this kind of ability is really admired by Roger. For a guy like Roger who is a bit road-crazy, being able to accurately judge the direction is almost a superpower in Roger's eyes.

"How much longer do we have to go?"

After another day and night, on the way to the destination the next day, Roger asked Oliver.

The inability to fly in the air greatly restricted the speed of the two of them. Oliver walked from the beach to the inland. It has been more than two days since he walked, but he still hasn't seen his destination.

Although he was still full of energy physically, Roger was mentally exhausted after more than two days of boring travel.

"It should be here soon."

Oliver opened the map and glanced at it.


"You know, the satellite navigation is out of order now, and the ground is full of yellow sand. There are not many buildings that can be used to judge. Finding the destination may be... um, a little difficult."

"You didn't go the wrong way, did you?"

"Don't worry, it must be the right direction, even if you go wrong, it shouldn't be too far away...Huh?"

Oliver was about to explain, but very suddenly, Roger held Oliver's head, and quickly dodged to hide in the abandoned truck beside him.


Oliver, who was caught by Roger into the truck, immediately took out his folding bow, turned to Roger and asked.

Roger nodded, pointed again and said, "Be quiet, they are right above our heads."

The demons in the city are still searching for survivors and transforming these survivors into demons like them.

The demon itself is very weak, so weak that Oliver can deal with a large group of people with one bow.

But demons are cluster species, individual strength is not their strong point, just like the Zerg in StarCraft, the endless army of demons is their forte.

So even Roger doesn't dare to face the monsters now.

It's not that they can't beat them, and it's not that they are worried that something will happen to them, but that there are too many monsters, and it is easy to drag Roger here. Once the situation of Roger and Oliver is communicated back to Darkseid.

Then there is no doubt that it will not be long before Superman will come here in person.

A huge army of demons flew across the sky, Roger and Oliver hid under the car and held their breath.

It seemed that the demons were just passing by in the sky, looking for possible survivors as usual, and did not find Roger and Oliver.

After waiting under the car for a while, Roger and Oliver got out of the car after confirming that the monster had flown away and there were no other monsters nearby.

"It's dangerous, if the monster finds out, the two of us will be finished."

Oliver breathed a sigh of relief.

Roger complained: "No, it's you who is finished, I can still run."

"You mean you're going to leave me and run away? That's heartless."

"After all, one person is better than both being caught."

" seems to make sense..."

Joking with each other, the two continued on their way.

But before taking a few steps, Oliver's question made the two of them stop suddenly.

"No, although the monsters have been searching for survivors, the number should not be too many, but those monsters just now... are enough to fight a war."

"..." Roger also realized the problem, "You mean..."

"Is it possible that it's Batman?"

Oliver questioned.

Roger didn't hesitate this time, grabbed Oliver with one hand, and quickly flew at low altitude in the direction where the demon-like flew away:
"Whether it's Batman or not, we'll find out after we catch up."

On the way to the demon-like side, Roger also used his super vision to confirm the situation there.

Originally, Roger wasn't sure if it was Batman and the others over there. After all, there are many human rebels at this stage, and it is not impossible for demons to rush to the rebels.

Knowing that Roger found a lightning-like figure scurrying around among the demons, Roger finally confirmed that this group of people is the team led by Batman!
Thinking of this, Roger's speed suddenly rose to a higher level, and he caught up with the demon-like army in front of him.

At this time, the army of demons has already fought against Batman and others.

The one who shuttled among the demons was indeed the Flash, and he formed a lightning circle around the periphery with extremely fast speed, preventing more demons from entering.

And those monsters that he missed were handed over to Batman and Cyborg to deal with.

Of course, Mela is also helping, but she is too far away from the sea, and Mela's ability is limited. She can only fight with her physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, and cannot use the magic of manipulating water.

Among these superheroes, Roger didn't see the clown and the death knell, and he didn't know if they didn't meet Batman, or they died somewhere halfway.

Roger is more inclined to the strong. After all, these heroes and villains in the DC universe are not so easy to die.

Except for plot kills.

"It really is them!"

Seeing the lightning circle in front of him, Oliver said loudly.

Roger grabbed Oliver tightly and said, "Let's go help! They can't be delayed here!"

After speaking, Roger went straight to the demon-like army. He used his heat vision to cut a passage behind the demon-like army, and then threw Oliver into Batman's circle.

The sudden appearance of Roger and Oliver startled Batman and others.

It wasn't that they were timid, but that Roger's thermal vision and the way he flew from the air were so superman-like, they thought for a moment that Superman had discovered them through the army of demons and rushed over.

But if they looked carefully, they found that it was not Superman, but a stranger they had never seen before.

"Who is he? Is he also a Kryptonian?"

Several people who had never seen Roger started talking to each other, and Mela asked Roger, who was staring at the sky vigilantly.

Batman pulled a monster down and pressed it under his feet, looked at Oliver who was "airdropped" by Roger, and answered Mela's question just now:

"No matter who he is, he is here to help now! Get rid of them as soon as possible, Superman is coming soon!"

After speaking, Batman went into battle again.

Oliver, who was 'airdropped', rolled on the ground to release his strength, and opened his bow without any fuss. Every arrow could accurately penetrate the head of a demon.

With the addition of Oliver and Roger, the speed of Batman and others cleaning up the demons was a little faster.

Several people retreated while fighting, and moved towards the nearby sewer. Mela was the first to enter the sewer because her combat power was greatly weakened.

Batman was the second to get in after holding back the demon for a while.

Oliver and Steel Bone planned to follow closely behind, but suddenly Steel Bone looked into the distance, and said with a trembling voice:

"he came!"

Not only Cyborg, Roger also 'saw' Superman flying rapidly from a distance.

His eyes are scarlet, and his expression is full of tyrannical and murderous intent, which is terrifying. The superman controlled by the anti-life equation does not have the benevolence and morality of the past.

The current Superman is a killing machine, Darkseid's capable man.

The appearance of Superman cast a cloud over everyone's heart.

Everyone knows that once Superman arrives, except for the Flash who can run, there is almost no possibility of anyone else escaping.

Although Batman is still calm on the surface, but his heart is no longer as calm as before. He shouted to the Flash in the distance:

"Barry! Back off!"


The fast-running Flash blocked most of the demons. Before they were eliminated, once he left, these demons would catch up to Batman and the others along the sewer.

There may be even more time wasted.


Batman certainly knows what the situation is like today, but they have no other choice. The Flash is their last resort, and it is also a force that may save the world. No matter who has an accident, the Flash can't have an accident.

So even if Superman really catches up with him at that time, the priority must be to ensure the survival of Barry the Flash.

Batman and others are ready to run, but they can know with their toes that they will definitely be caught up by Superman in the end.

Roger thought for a while in the air, and shouted to Oliver below:

"You retreat first, I will deal with Superman!"

"Just yourself?"

Oliver asked in surprise.

Roger replied:
"Except for me, no one can fight Superman, right? I also want to see how far I am from Superman now, so don't worry about me, you go first."

It has to be said that this is an extremely bold decision to stop Superman himself.

But now everyone has no other choice. Anyway, the space gem on Roger can still be used. Although it can't be done to the extent in the Marvel world, short-distance space transmission can still be done when necessary.

The premise is that the energy stored in it needs to be consumed.

With such a trump card in his hand, even if Roger can't deal with Superman, he will be able to retreat in the end and buy time for everyone to escape.

So after making a decision, Roger raised his hand and took some of Oliver's equipment from the space bracelet and threw it to him, then flew back directly to face Superman.

(End of this chapter)

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