Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 171 Educational Issues

Chapter 171 Educational Issues
Butcher's home.

The atmosphere was quite awkward because of Roger's presence.

After Becca and Ryan came back, they sat on the sofa without saying a word, lowered their heads and did not look at Roger.

The butcher was busy in the kitchen, and Huey felt that it was inappropriate to continue to stay here in this weird atmosphere, so he also went to the kitchen to help.

Only Ryan was left to look at his mother, then at Roger, and sat beside his mother obediently without speaking.

Although he is also very surprised what is going on now.

Roger, who was sitting opposite Becca, also felt a little embarrassed. He suddenly felt that it was a wrong choice for him to come here today.

Maybe he should've just taken Thor and the Winter Soldier, maybe he shouldn't have had Ryne's idea.

But anyway, they are all sitting here, and it is impossible for Roger to leave without saying anything.

After all... it's all here...

"Hey, this is... the first time we met, right?"

After a long time, Roger asked.

Becca suddenly raised her head and looked at Roger, her eyes seemed to imply 'what are you talking about'.

For Becca, this is not the first time she has met people from her homeland.

In the past, Beijia was the manager of the Water Group in charge of the people of the motherland. Later, that kind of thing happened with the people of the motherland. It was not a matter of meeting for the first time.

Or is this person from the motherland in front of him really a person from a parallel world?
Roger simply made it clear:
"For me, this is our first meeting. Don't take me as a native of the motherland. The native of the motherland is dead."

"...Then what do you come to us for? If you are not from the motherland, Ryan is not your son..."

Becca hugged Ryan tightly and looked at Roger warily.

As a mother's instinct, she instinctively felt that Roger was here to rob her son.

Roger sighed: "Although I am not from the motherland, Ryan is indeed related to me by blood. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to admit it. I have no plans to find a son for myself."

"Then what are you..."

Becca still wanted to speak, but Roger spoke out before her:

"Ryan has an innate talent, you should know, right? This talent is dangerous. If no one pays attention to it, Ryan may become the next motherlander."

"He won't! I promise!"

Becca said quite seriously.

Roger looked at the butcher in the kitchen and asked, "You promise? What guarantee do you have? Butcher?"

"Billy has changed a lot! And Ryan also has a dedicated tutor, we can guarantee that Ryan will never be like you... like a native of the motherland!"

When Ryan was mentioned, Becca, a seemingly weak woman, burst out with an unimaginable aura.

Like a lioness protecting her cubs, she shows her fangs and claws to those who dare to covet her cubs. Although in Roger's eyes, Becca's performance is the same as that of animal cubs, but Roger admires Becca from the bottom of his heart. Jia's courage to do anything for the sake of the child.

Beijia should know that even if Roger is not from the motherland, he still has the same strength as the people from the motherland, and he also knows what will happen if he angers the people from the motherland.

But Becca still dared to meet Roger's gaze at this time.

But courage is nothing to eat, Roger looked at Ryan who was being protected by Becca, and asked:
"Are you sure?"


"Environment is very important to the change of people. Do you know why people from the motherland turned into the way you met them? The original people from the motherland, his idea was actually very simple. He just wanted to get the care of his guardians." .

"But... in the end, the people of the motherland became like this. Why do you think this is?"

Becca couldn't answer.

Roger was flipping through the memories and emotions of the people of the motherland, and said to Becca in a slow tone:
"Because no one 'educated' him, everyone just used him as a tool, as a test product, so in the end the motherland will become what you see."

In fact, at the beginning, the people of the motherland also wanted to be a real superhero, just like a child who wants to do good deeds and get praised.

But because no one taught him how to control his own power, no one taught him how to do things right, so when the hostages were killed by mistake in the first mission, the people of the motherland completely changed their nature.

Roger mentioned this at this moment, not to intercede with the people of the motherland, nor to make them feel how pitiful the people of the motherland are, in fact, the people of the motherland who have enjoyed so much are no longer worthy of pity.

He has done too many hateful things. Even if the previous experience was indeed painful, it is completely unsympathetic now.

What Roger wants to express is the importance of the environment for a person's growth.

Even if Becca and the butcher will give Ryan a suitable education, but if this education goes astray in some places and makes Ryan misunderstand certain things, then even if Ryan will not become a native of the motherland in the future, probably Will also become a 'Magic Boy'.

It wasn't that Roger was alarmist, because during his time at the butcher's house, Roger discovered that the Butchers were indeed teaching Ryan according to the education of normal children.

Let Ryan go to school like a normal child, and hire a tutor for Ryan to learn the knowledge of normal people.

But they didn't teach Ryan how to face himself.

They just treat Ryan as an ordinary person.

But Ryan is not an ordinary person. As he is growing, his abilities are revealed little by little. His strength is countless times greater than that of ordinary people. When he is emotional, his eyes will burst out with extremely lethal light.

If you don't pay attention, Ryan may cause harm to others.

Once such a thing happens, with the characters of Butcher and Becca, the probability of them comforting Ryan is less than the probability of them blaming Ryan.

The Butchers didn't teach Ryan how to use his abilities, how to face his special identity.

This is the most dangerous thing in Roger's view.

"You are just suppressing Ryan blindly, treating Ryan as an ordinary child, but... is Ryan an ordinary child?"

Roger looked up at Becca and asked.

Becca replied without hesitation: "Ryan is just an ordinary child!"

"Really? Ryan, what's your answer?" Roger turned his gaze to Ryan and asked, "Do you think you're normal? Haven't you changed physically recently?"

"Change, are you talking about..."

Becca thought that Roger was talking nonsense, and looked down at Ryan in his arms.

But when she noticed the way Ryan turned his head, she immediately understood what was going on. She forced Ryan to look at herself and asked:

"Lian, you... do you really... do you really have any special abilities?"


Lane nodded.

Becca was a little hard to accept, she asked:

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you're sure to be angry."

Ryan replied quietly.


"You never let me watch movies and animations related to superheroes, and you never allowed me to mention the Super League and Superman. I know you don't like superhumans, so I never said..."

Ryan whispered.

Although Becca and Ryan were rescued from the Walter Group, and they will no longer be monitored by the Walter Group, but because of the people of the motherland, Becca also does not like superhumans.

Especially the people from the motherland, she didn't want to see anything related to the people from the motherland, and tried her best to prevent Ryan from knowing about it.

Even if Becca herself didn't admit it, she had indeed always raised Ryan as an ordinary child, and had been stifling his innate talent.

Ryan is not very old, but with the growth of age and the knowledge he learned in school, Ryan gradually understands that his mother does not want him to accept these.

Ryan is an obedient child. Before he came out of the Water Group, his mother Becca was the only one in his world.

Ryan would not do things that his mother didn't want him to hear, and things he didn't want him to do. Even if Ryan already knew that he was not an ordinary person, he was always suppressing his strength according to his mother's ideas.

Becca never knew this. She cultivated Ryan according to her own ideas, but she didn't know that her son had already become different.

"The butcher probably knows this too."

Roger looked at the butcher who was eavesdropping in the kitchen, and said so.

The butcher's face darkened, and he said, "You have to drag me into the water too?"

"I just said it casually, it seems that I guessed right."

Roger said with a smile.

The reason why the butcher injected Compound No. [-], apart from the work of the Premier League, was that he discovered Ryan's superpower.

In order to better educate Ryan, and to prevent himself and Becca from being injured, Butcher took the initiative to inject Compound No. [-] and became a superhuman.

Becca looked at her husband in disbelief.

She always thought that the butcher became a superhuman for work. After all, the butcher is now an official public official and has to deal with many superhumans every day. It is normal for him to inject Compound No. [-] to become a superhuman.

But Becca had never heard from the butcher that there was also Ryan's relationship in it.

"Becca, listen to my explanation..."

The butcher explained to his wife with an apologetic smile.

Becca hugged her child, looked at Roger again and said:
"So what! Even if Ryan has those abilities, he is still my child! I will not allow you to take him away!"

"When did I say I was going to take him away?"

Roger said helplessly:

"He is your child, and I didn't deny it, I was just talking about the importance of education to Ryan, and I want to be Ryan's teacher, and I will find many suitable teachers for him to cultivate his ability, although it is true I will take him to some places...but I will return it to you in the end, I have no intention of taking the child."

One of Roger's goals is to cultivate Ryan, to transform Ryan from a little countryman into a little superman.

Roger didn't want to take Ryan away from Becca, he really wasn't prepared to be called 'Daddy' by a kid running behind him.

Roger doesn't even have a girlfriend now.

Find a teacher for Ryan, or to put it simply, take him directly to meet real superheroes such as Superman and Batman, and cultivate his own morality. This is what Roger will do.

"Of course, before that, I have to confirm Ryan's thoughts, so if you have no objections, do you mind if I have a chat with Ryan?"

Roger asked several people again, and smiled at Ryan.

Becca's subconscious reaction was to refuse, but she was stopped by the butcher. She heard the butcher say:

"This man from the motherland is indeed not that bastard. Although I still hate him, I have to admit this. It's okay for Ryan to talk to him, and there are me and Huey."

"Yes... yes!" Huey, who was playing soy sauce for a long time, stood up and said at this time: "Becca, if Superman really wants to take Ryan away, I... I will definitely stop him with the butcher!"

Huey said this intermittently, and it was not convincing to be honest.

But under the persuasion of several people, Becca finally stopped being so hostile to Roger. She agreed with Roger to talk to Ryan, but she needed to talk in a place where she could see and hear.

Roger said there was no problem, anyway, he didn't say some shameful things.

While a few people were still preparing dinner, he took Ryan to the balcony and started the first father-son meeting of his 'cheap son'.

Ryan's performance was a little apprehensive and shy.

Ryan, who walked out of that 'prison' directly without meeting the people of his motherland, has a slightly cowardly character.

This is one of Roger's concerns.

If you show cowardice, you will be easily bullied. Once you are bullied, judging by Ryan's unstable superpower, it will be easy to hurt others.

Finally caught in a vicious circle.

Thinking of this, Roger looked back at Becca who was still staring at him vigilantly in the living room, turned to Ryan and asked with a smile:

"Lane, do you know who I am?"

"I know, you are superman! The classmates often discuss you!"

Ryan quickly replied.

Even though Becca didn't want him to come into contact with superhumans and superheroes, Ryan still inevitably knew about them in school.

Because for people in this world, superheroes have become a part of their lives.

From schools to society, from food to roadside billboards.

Everything has something to do with superheroes. If Ryan deliberately ignores these, it is tantamount to excluding himself from the small group of students.

Lane certainly didn't want to be left out, and no kid wants to be left out by their peers.

So Ryan will definitely know the news about superheroes from other people.

Naturally, he also knows Roger, the Homelander and Superman, and various major events surrounding Roger.

"Then do you know about my relationship with you?"

Roger asked again.

Ryan was stunned, and looked back at his mother, Becca, who had been paying attention to this side. He already understood something in his heart, and he asked:
"You... are you my biological father?"

Roger didn't answer Ryan's words immediately, but judging from the reactions of other people, Ryan also knew that he guessed right.

Roger...or the man from the motherland, is really his biological father who has a blood relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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