Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 172 Thor's Game Room

Chapter 172 Thor's Game Room
"Looks like you're very smart."

Roger raised his hand to touch Ryan's head, and said to him with a smile.

Ryan lowered his head and said, "Although I've never seen you before, every time Mom and Billy mentioned you, my mood would become very bad. Also, Mom's attitude..."

Ryan looked back at Becca, who bowed his head and said nothing.

Becca was silent and didn't look at Ryan, she just stared at the ground, as if there was something nice on the ground.

Ryan looked back at Roger again and asked, "So you're really my dad?"

"Well, half and half."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like this in terms of blood relationship, but in terms of consciousness, I have nothing to do with you."

"...because of what the news said?"

Ryan asked suspiciously.

The past of the people of the motherland was completely made public after Roger announced that he was from a parallel world.

His past experience, what he has done, and why he became what he is now, all those who read the news and like to gossip know all about it.

Some people even made movies and animations specifically for the people of the motherland, in which the people of the motherland are real villains, the kind that can't be washed away.

It can be said that it is a real stink for thousands of years.

Ryan often listens to classmates and friends discussing these things, so he knows more about these things, and also knows that the person who looks like a native of the motherland is actually a man from another world named Superman.

Although he has the same ability and appearance as the people of the motherland, he is not the same person.

It's just that if this is the case, it stands to reason that he should also have no blood relationship with Ryan.

Roger patiently explained:
"More than that, um... If you put it in easier-to-understand terms, it's probably a dual personality."

"Dual personality?"

"Different consciousnesses in the same person's body... so you can't understand..."

Looking at Ryan's face full of question marks, Roger knew that Ryan didn't understand what he said.

But it doesn't matter, Roger simply skipped the explanation, and said to Ryan: "Then don't mention these, you just treat me as an uncle who has something to do with you, or a godfather."

"Can't you call me Dad...?"

"Although it's not impossible, but it should be avoided. After all, your father is over there now. Why, do you hate him?"

Roger pointed to the position of the butcher and said, but seeing Ryan's lost expression, he couldn't help asking in doubt.

What did the butcher do that Lane hated?Or is it that Ryan simply doesn't like a father who is not related by blood?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. In fact, the environment in the United States doesn't value blood relationship very much. Even if there is no blood relationship, as long as they are in a family, the relationship between each other will not be that bad.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many movies chanting slogans like 'for the family' every day.

"It's not that I hate it..." Ryan whispered, "It's just that I think he's scary."


"...I just think he's scary, and the way he looks at me is different from my mother's. He doesn't like me."

Ryan said softly.

Children are very sensitive psychologically and are also very sensitive to other people's attention and changes in attitude.

The butcher is not the butcher who has experienced a lot in the original book, and also experienced the death of Becca. Now the black robe team has not encountered so many bad things, so the change of the butcher itself is not so obvious.

After being with Becca, the butcher's attitude towards Ryan was actually not as good as he had imagined. After all, the butcher himself still had some prejudices against superhumans.

It was only because he knew the child was innocent and for Becca that the butcher endured all this.

But his attitude can hide from his wife who gets along day and night, but he can't hide from Ryan who has super powers.

Roger knew this would happen, so he sighed, squatted down and looked at Ryan, and asked:

"Since he doesn't like you, and you don't like him, then... If I take you away, would you be willing?"


Boom! !

The sky turned cloudy with Thor's anger.

But in front of him, a few seventeen or eighteen-year-old children stood up to Thor's power and said without fear at all:

"So what about Thor! If you lose, you lose! Don't you still want to admit it?"

"Tsk tsk, it's still Thor, we can't even beat a few of them."

"You want to threaten someone if you can't beat them? I will report you to the British Association!"

As the opponent team in the game, this group of children are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and they don't take the furious Thor in their eyes at all.

But in fact, whether it is the people on Thor's side or these people who are Thor's opponents, they have never been afraid of Thor.

Because they knew that Thor just looked scary. In fact, Thor had pretended to be angry many times, but every time he calmed down quickly and continued to play the next game.

At first, these people were really afraid, whether Thor would strike them with a thunderbolt.

Until they finally found out that Thor would summon Thunderbolt just to dub his "anger", and didn't really mean to fight it down, so they became a lot bolder.


Seeing that his bluffing trick was no longer effective, Thor simply put down his ax and stopped scaring people. He pointed viciously at the opponent team in front of him and said:

"Just wait, next time we will definitely beat the shit out of you!"

"Come on, come on, we'll definitely punch some holes in your ass then!"

The little kids were giggling.

The game clubs on Thor's side also dispersed, and Thor himself was swinging his ax and preparing to take off.

But Thor, who was just about to fly away, suddenly saw Roger standing at a distant intersection waving at him. He was stunned for a while, stopped the movement of flying, turned around and walked towards Roger.

"When did you come back?"

"It's been a long time since I came back. I came here when you made an appointment with them before, but I didn't bother you because you were having a good time... In other words, looking at you, you won't lose to your age." Not as big as your little kid, right?"

Roger smiled teasingly.

Anyway, this is how Thor plays games. He likes to play without being very skilled.

As soon as Roger said that, Thor suddenly didn't want to get up, and muttered a bunch of obscure words such as "I lose if I lose", "I just let them" and so on. For a while, the air was full of joy. breath.

"Okay, if you lose, you lose, let's go back first."

Patting Thor on the shoulder, Roger pointed to the luxury car beside him and said.

Thor looked weird when he saw this: " came here by car?"

"if not?"

"You, Superman, came by car?"

Thor repeated again.

Roger knew what he wanted to ask, and replied: "Flying around in the air is too noticeable, and now there is something... right, superhuman flying method, non-superhero superhumans can't fly in the air, Delaying air traffic or something."

"Aren't you a superhero?"

"I didn't plan to work, so that's it. I mean, can't you come up?"

Roger, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked Thor.

Thor simply didn't care about it anymore, he threw the ax on the back seat casually, and sat in the co-pilot's seat himself.

"seat belt."

Roger pointed to Thor's seat belt, reminding him to pay attention to traffic laws.

Thor's expression became even weirder, but he didn't argue with Roger in the end, and stretched out his hand to fasten his seat belt. Then Roger started the luxury car that was brought in from Tek Knight.

"What are your plans for coming back this time?"

On the way back to Super Entertainment, Thor asked Roger.

Roger replied while driving: "It's a rest. I was tired from running outside, so I came back to rest for a few days. In addition, I want to form a team and take a few people away."

"Is something wrong with other worlds?"

"It doesn't count... no, I can't say it doesn't count, I can only say that the crisis has not reached the point where it is particularly difficult to handle, but if we don't prepare as soon as possible, sooner or later there will be a crisis that affects our world Appear."

"You're quite busy, Captain World."

"World Captain? What kind of weird name is this?"

Roger looked at Thor in surprise.

Thor wore sunglasses and replied with a smile: "I often go to other worlds to be a firefighter. The title of world captain is so suitable for you."

"You got your name from Steve's 'Captain America'?"

"That's it."

"Well, although it doesn't sound very nice, Captain World is quite suitable as my second nickname."

Roger accepted Thor's title with a smile, and then he stopped joking and said seriously:
"I'm not joking, you are one of the members of the team I want to form this time, what do you think?"

"I'm not suitable anymore."

Thor looked out the window.

The current Thor is a salted fish Thor, and he doesn't want to deal with other messy things at all, he just wants to spend the rest of his life eating, drinking and having fun every day.

There are no powerful enemies in this world, and no one will disturb him. It is the most suitable place to retire, so Thor will never leave this world.

"Even if you can see Odin and the others again, you don't plan to go?"

Roger asked.

Thor's expression didn't change, he said in a slightly dull voice:
"What if I see them? I should have said before that even if they are alive in other worlds, they are not my relatives and friends."


Roger didn't expect Thor to see this very clearly.

That's right, even if Odin and Loki in other worlds are still alive, even if Thor can see them and talk to them, they are not familiar relatives of Thor.

Just strangers with familiar faces, familiar voices, familiar names.

The relatives and friends in Thor's world can never come back. This is the real reason why Thor chose to abandon himself and become a fat house.

Glancing at Thor's bulging belly, Roger was quiet for a while, then suddenly said:

"Let's go back and play a game."


"Come to a game that you are more proficient in. The outcome of the game is the bet. If you win, I don't care what you think, but if you lose, you have to join my team and follow me. "

"So casual?"

"Well, it's just so casual. Anyway, the majestic Thor shouldn't do something that breaks his promise to get fat, right?"

Roger said to Thor with a slightly provocative smile.

Thor sneered disdainfully and said, "Don't think I will lose."

"Really? A rookie who lost to a group of mortals and thinks he can win?"

"I'm just not good at shooting games! You wait, you said you have to choose the game I know. If you lose, don't cry and go back to your mother."

"I'll return this to you, game rookie."

Roger and Thor quarreled in the car, and went all the way back to Super Entertainment, and returned to the building through the back door of Super Entertainment that no one noticed.

Unlike before, after Super Entertainment took over the position of Water Group, it also became the interview target of reporters.

So every time the heroes belonging to Super Entertainment go on a mission, they have to go from other places to avoid being surrounded by reporters.

Although Roger said before that to separate super entertainment from heroes, a Justice League belonging to the world of black robes must be established to supervise all superpowers.

But the situation in each world is different, and it is impossible for Roger to completely transfer the system of one world to another world.

The current social operation of the black-robed world is currently the most in line with the operation of the black-robed world. The Tek Knights have obviously studied this aspect deeply, and Roger will have no other objections to this.

After returning to the group, they greeted the Tek Knights, and then Roger and Thor didn't even feel like greeting other people, and ran directly into Thor's game room.

And when he came to Thor's room, Roger was instantly stunned by the various game facilities in Thor's room.

The latest ps, the computer mainframe with the highest configuration, and several connected LCD screens hanging from the ceiling.

And the space game cabin in the center of the room, as well as various other game consoles and CDs...

The moment he saw the room, Roger couldn't help swallowing.

Let me state in advance that he doesn't want to give up taking Thor away, but this game room is really delicious!

Once again, he really doesn't want to give up saving the world, but... if possible, Roger also wants to do nothing in such a game room and play games every day!
"Hey, why are you still standing there? Didn't you say you want to fight me?"

Thor naturally threw his coat and ax aside, and then said to Roger.

Roger exhausted the greatest perseverance he could show in his life, resolutely withdrew his gaze, took the chair and sat next to Thor, took the handle handed by Thor, and said:
"... No wonder you don't want to leave, I don't even want to leave now."

"Then stay and play games with me? It just so happens that a two-player coordination game is going to be released recently, and no one else has time to play with me."

"Forget it! You choose the game."

Resisting the temptation from the game house Thor, Roger said carefully.

He now only hopes that he can get rid of Thor quickly, otherwise his will will definitely be shaken if he continues to stay in this room.

(End of this chapter)

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