Chapter 177 Resolved
There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends.

Edgar has always believed in this sentence, from the time he became the president of the Water Group to the fall of the Water Group and the rise of the behemoth named 'Super Entertainment', Edgar has always believed in this.

Superhero, want to save the world?
That kind of plot will only appear in movies, and Edgar believes that everything Roger has done so far is based on some interests that he doesn't know.

And as long as there are interests, Edgar has the confidence to negotiate.

Roger could see the confidence in Edgar's eyes. Even in the current state, even if Roger might kill them all in the next second, the confidence in Edgar's eyes never faded.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Although Roger didn't intend to cooperate with Edgar, he also wanted to hear Edgar's thoughts, and wanted to know what he was going to say to himself.

Edgar's tone was still calm, and he said in a very soft and gentle voice:
"I have observed your super entertainment, and I have also observed the so-called super alliance headed by you. Everything you do is to save more people and become the real superheroes in film and television dramas.

"Although I don't think your thoughts are so naive, but in the current situation, I assume that your thoughts are the same as those innocent girls. You want to save people and become a real... superhero."


"Since this is the case, the problem we have to face is rather simple. As superheroes, you are indeed trying to save people in this world, but everything you do is just superficial.

"Save two people, disintegrate the conspiracy of several large groups, then enjoy the worship and admiration of ordinary people, and finally wait until someone else is in trouble before you go out to solve it, and so on.

"Superman, you should be very clear that no matter how hard the superheroes try, the ones who finally control the world, decide the direction of the world, and decide the future life of ordinary people are not you, but... those in power."

Edgar paused deliberately and said.

"Politicians, entrepreneurs, philanthropists...including our lovely Mr. President, these people who often appear on TV like you are the ones who control the direction of the world. It's just acting within the rules they set."

"So?" Roger asked: "Ordinary people have the rules of ordinary people. Is there anything wrong with superheroes acting according to the rules?"

"That's the limitation of superheroes."

Edgar replied: "The first thing you have to figure out is, do you really want to be a superhero to save all ordinary people in suffering, or do you just want to enjoy the benefits of being a superhero?" Fame and adoration.

"If it's the latter, of course you're right to follow the rules, but if it's the former... To put it bluntly, you're just another dog controlled by the rules and living under the rules."

"what do you want to say in the end."

Roger asked, frowning.

Edgar laughed when he heard the words, and he continued:

"Make rules and follow the rules. This world is a game of rules. What you think is good for ordinary people is only based on perfect rules. So what if... some rules are wrong?

"If it's the rule to let ordinary people die, and if the rule that sacrifices a few can save the many is true, then what do you do as superheroes?"

Roger didn't answer, he was lost in thought.

To be honest, although Edgar's words sounded a bit sophistry, Roger knew that what Edgar said was indeed something he should think about.

There is nothing wrong with superheroes saving others, but the reason why superheroes can save others is because they themselves live under a complete rule.

Including New York in the Marvel world, Gotham and Metropolis in the DC world.

No matter how many people Iron Man and Captain America save, no matter how many criminals Batman and Superman stuff into the prison, everything is based on the correct rules.

But if one day the rules are wrong, people are less responsible for crimes, some crimes that should have been jailed are outlawed, and the world is covered by a new set of rules.

What can superheroes do?
Count on them to lead people to overturn the rules?

No, superheroes don't do that because they are superheroes.

What they can do is to save human beings and the world. When human beings encounter a crisis, they will struggle to resist, and they will find ways to resolve any disasters that occur in the world.

Doing these things with personal might is called a superhero.

When the word 'superhero' is applied to someone, that person's future actions are shaped.

People who want to overturn the rules and make the rules themselves are not superheroes.

Be a revolutionary.

"Superman, the answer is actually obvious, isn't it?" Edgar said:

"If you really want to make this world a better place, so that no one is harmed, then you should establish a set of rules based on you.

"And the Voight Group can help you. Compound No. [-], which can evolve all human beings, will be your best helper in formulating new rules. The Vote Group can also announce the content of the rules you have formulated on your behalf.

"We work together so the world becomes—"

puff! !

Before Edgar finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest, and the rest of the words turned into blood spurting out of his mouth.

The confident eyes faded, and Edgar looked down at his chest in disbelief.

Roger's hand came out from his chest, and the number one and number two next to him didn't even have time to react at that moment!

"I thought what you were going to say, but it turned out to be the same old thing. You guys control the world behind your back, and we are stars on the bright side. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in the cooperation you mentioned. After all..."

Roger slowly withdrew his arm from Edgar's body, and added: "I don't trust you Walter Group."


When Roger pulled his blood-stained arm out of Edgar's body, Number Two on the side reacted belatedly.

The clone, which was very similar to Roger, but had a stronger body than Roger, punched Roger's head with a right fist with bruised veins and the sound of breaking the sound barrier and air.

But it was just a blink of an eye, before even a blink of an eye, Number Two felt his world spinning, the whole world seemed to be spinning.

It wasn't until No. [-] saw his body from his own sight that he knew that at that moment just now, in less than a tenth of a second, Roger had already chopped off his head.

With Roger's right hand.

"Too slow, fake."

Speaking to the clone that lost its head, Roger lightly slapped away the right fist that the clone hit on him.

That's about as far as the clone can go without further weakening Roger's power.

Perhaps at the very beginning of the time travel, the clone could completely abuse Roger, but it is a pity that this is not the time when Roger first time travels.

The ones who are completely abused are the clones.

With the same ability as himself, the clone that seemed very difficult to deal with was killed by Roger.

In the end, only number one was left with the ability to make people disappear.

Turning his head to look at No. [-], although No. [-] also has super physical defense ability and strength, combined with his ability to nullify other people's super powers, it can be said to be a perfect superhuman killer.

But unfortunately, these are of no use to Roger.


He stretched out his hand mercilessly and pinched No. [-]'s neck, then shook his hand as if he was just crushing a bug to death. Roger looked at the blood on his left hand, then looked up at Ai who was half kneeling on the ground and was about to lose his life. Degas, said:
"Is there anything else you want to say?"

" could..."

Edgar still didn't understand.

He will never understand the inner thoughts of a salted fish and a squatting at home.

Making the rules, being behind the scenes of the world, stuff like that, Roger didn't give a shit about it, and while Edgar's words sounded reasonable, they were just sounds.

Roger has his own ideas and will not be influenced by others.

And then again.

He has been dealing with the Water Group for so long, but he let it go as soon as he said it, and cooperated as soon as he said it. Doesn't it seem that he has no position.

"Is there anything you want to say before you die? Like making a will or something?"


Edgar, whose life is about to come to an end, now only wants to figure out this question.

Why would Roger do this.

Roger grabbed Edgar's head with one hand, pulled him up from the ground, and replied indifferently:
"There is no reason, I can do whatever I want without explaining to you."


The light in the pupils dimmed, and Edgar, who used to be the helm of a large group, just died in this unknown place.

Once the head of the Water Group dies, the Water Group should be considered a complete history.

But just as Edgar said, the Voight Group is huge, even if it collapses, it can be divided into other forces and continue to do what the Vote Group used to do.

So this matter is not over yet, Roger looked at the underground base of the Voight Group that had been buried in the sand, and scratched his head in distress.

If he had known that this would be the case, he would have acted softer just now. Now that he wants to obtain information about other forces from the underground base of the Water Group, he must first clean up the landslide and dig out all the underground things.

"Let the Tek Knight call someone."

Roger didn't really want to do this kind of physical work, so he simply called the Tek Knights to call the excavation team to dig here.

As for the others...

Because the Super League failed to react at the beginning, two members were damaged in battle, one was unlucky to join later, one was planning to make up for it, and a locomotive with a huge fan base.

The death of these two people was an accident, and Roger did not expect that the Voight Group would be able to make people lose their superpowers on a large scale.

Even until now, the super powers of Maeve and others have not recovered, and it is not known whether they will recover after leaving the town.

The sniper who was sneaking up in the distance, Roger knew through the intercom that the Winter Soldier, who had never appeared, had dealt with it, and there were no other threats nearby, and now the battle with the Voight Group has come to an end.

So after confirming that no one from the Water Group escaped, Roger protected Maeve and others and left together.

They still have a lot of work to do next.

(End of this chapter)

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