Mei Man starts with black robe pickets

Chapter 178 Looking for foreign aid

Chapter 178 Looking for foreign aid

"Is it still not possible?"

Outside the isolation room of Super Entertainment, Roger looked through the glass at the expressionless Starlight sitting inside, and asked the Tek Knight beside him with a headache:

"We don't have superheroes with psychic abilities?"

"No, and even if there is, it's useless. The thoughts in her head are chaotic. For example, it's like a robot that has been formatted. Except for the factory preset instructions, everything else has been cleared. gone."

"That means her memory has been deleted?"

"It can be understood in this way, but the memory will not be lost, it is still hidden deep in her brain, but we have no way to dig it out."

After some careful examination, Tek generally understood how the Voight Group was brainwashing other people.

The rather simple and crude method is to first format other people's minds, and then set new instructions in the formatted blank minds.

Then a killer under the control of the Voight Group was born.

And Tek also checked that the thing that brainwashed the starlight was not the superpower he thought, but a special instrument.

The Water Group has developed a device specifically for brainwashing, and they don't know how they did it.

It seems that after Roger overthrew them, their technology suddenly had no bottleneck, and various black technologies emerged one after another.

After knowing the current state of Starlight from Tek, Roger knew that Starlight could not be cured in this world, just like Tek's tumor, if he wanted to cure Starlight, he had to take her to other worlds.

But this is not difficult for Roger.

The passage between the black robe world and the Marvel world has been established. Whether Roger goes to the world of the Avengers or the world of the X-Men, he can heal Starlight.

The real question is how many hidden powers the Voight Group has now.

There are quite a few factions in the Walter Group. If every faction has such a brainwashing machine, the fight with the Walter Group may continue.

Thinking of this, Roger asked Tek:
"How is the digging of the underground base of the Water Group going?"

"Most of the information has been rescued, including the distribution of some of the Voight Group's forces, but Edgar can't put all the information in one place, and we may only know part of it."

Tek replied.

Roger was speechless when he heard the words:

"It's as disgusting as cockroaches, isn't there a way to get rid of them once and for all?"

"Not yet... maybe, you can try to ask for foreign aid?"

Tek Knight proposed.

With the technological power and strength shown by the black-robed world, it is already somewhat impossible to find out the Walter Group hidden in the dark.

But Tek thought of those people that Roger brought back, if Roger can bring back some foreign aid with other abilities, such as superpowers who can instantly know the location of people all over the world...

"Well, yes, Professor X!"


Tek expressed appropriate doubts about the name that Roger suddenly said.

Roger didn't explain, and said to Tyke: "Give me the starlight, I just took advantage of this time to invite foreign aid and hold a cross-world party by the way."

Tek's words reminded Roger that if anyone can find the location of everyone in the world in an instant, it must be Professor X.

As long as Professor X is brought into this world, and a brain wave enhancement device is simulated and built, all the personnel of the Voight Group can be caught in an instant.

Even better, because there has never been such a powerful psychic user in this world, the Voight Group will not build targeted buildings that isolate psychic power.

Putting Professor X into this world would be a random killing, and it is quite appropriate to describe it as a mechanical descendant.

Tek didn't know who Professor X was, but he also knew that Roger must have an idea in his heart.

Handing the doll-like starlight to Roger, Roger took the starlight and opened the passage to the X-Men world without hesitation.

This X-Men world is not the one devastated by Sentinel robots, but the world in which Qin Grey was born.

Before Roger sent Qin Grey back to her world in order to deal with Ultron, and now Ultron has died in Roger's hands, and he may help DC deal with the possible Darkseid in the future, so Roger I thought it was time to take the piano back.

Through the tunnel, Roger and Starlight appear in the world of the X-Men.

Not long after he appeared, Roger was discovered by people from the college, and led by the students, he came to Charles' office.

Charles, who met Roger again, greeted Roger with a smile:

"Why did you come here at this time? I thought you were going to forget Qin."

"There was an accident and I ran to another world. Let's not talk about this, I have something to ask for your help."

Roger, who had just met Charles, immediately got straight to the point.

He took out the starlight installed in the special dormancy device from the space bracelet, and said to Charles:
"This girl has been brainwashed, and now her mind is in a mess. See if you can restore her memory."

Seeing Xingguang with his own eyes, and feeling Xingguang's chaotic thoughts, Charles' expression became serious. He steered the wheelchair to Xingguang's side, put his hand on Xingguang's head, and said with a frown:

"Is it done by an ability user from your world?"

"No, it should be a special instrument invented with the prototype of a capable person."

"Technology?" After learning from Roger that this is not the masterpiece of a capable person, but a masterpiece of human beings, Charles couldn't help but sighed:
"It seems that no matter which world it is in, human beings like to abuse their own kind so much."

Roger shrugged and said nothing, but he agreed with what Charles said.

Human beings have never disappointed in this regard. No matter in the normal world or in the world with superpowers, what human beings are best at is to abuse or eliminate the same kind through various instruments.

After being silent for a while, Charles smiled and said to Roger:
"Fortunately, this girl's memory is very complete. Later, I will let her recall her identity and past in the way of sinking into a dream. It won't be long. Compared with this, you should go and see Qin first, she will wait for you For a long time."

Charles' smile was a little ambiguous.

Charles can see Qin Grey's attitude towards Roger. Although Qin Grey said that she simply regards Roger as a family member, Roger also treats Qin Grey in the same way.

Keqin's distracted behavior from time to time these days doesn't seem like she's missing her brother at home.

Although Charles is still single so far, he can still see clearly in this regard, but he doesn't know if Roger can see Qin's mind clearly.

But seeing Roger's indifferent face, Charles knew that he probably didn't know.

But Charles is not in a hurry, as long as Qin is always by Roger's side, Qin still has a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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